Monday, December 16, 2002




1. Nationalist Speech (Assign #6)
2. Group Term Presentations


Check HW: (students should have printed #1 & 2 for HW)

1) Nationalism & Imperialism Terms (Assign #3)
2) Legacy Project Description

1. Nationalism Introduction
2. Terms Assigns # 3
3. Garibaldi Speech Assign # 4
4. Language Fuels Nationalism Assign # 5

HW: 3 specific ideas for your Legacy Project (Due Wednesday)

Record & bring in:

WHEN: December 20th or 27th

Saturday, December 14, 2002

12/16 Monday
Right click, then click save-as. (Yes they are Virus-Free)
Legacy Description
Nat Im Vocab

Monday, November 11, 2002

11/29 Friday
Holiday -- Gets lots of sleep
Stay away from shopping malls if you don't like large crowds

11/28 Thursday
Holiday -- Happy Turkey Day!
-- Leftover turkey sandwiches at around 9pm are damn good!

11/27 Wednesday
Industrial Revolution Unit

Today's Birthdays
Mr P's Big Brother (Left-handed)
Johnny Grieco (Left-handed)
Jimmy Hendrix (Left-handed)

11/26 Tuesday
Industrial Revolution Unit

Begin Industrial Revolution Unit (2 weeks)
John Ruskin -- 1880s British Art, Social and Architecture Critic (Ask Mr P to talk about this gentleman and his views as they relate to the Industrial Revolution) -- source Anna Banana

11/25 Monday
French Revolution Storybooks are due at start of class

Tentatively Scheduled: Discussion Day

Tentative Discussion Topics:
A) French Revolution, Napoleon and the connection to today --- (students can discuss how the historical topics relate to students, Torrance, California and the USA.)

B) Current World News (stuents are encouraged to bring in articles, magazines and other sources that they have recently been enlightened by and would like to share with fellow classmates)

C) Education Issues -- (students can discuss problems or successful aspects of current school system, pose questions about college, propose suggestions for improving education, etc.)

D) Student Topics --- Students can make suggestions for other discussion topics by putting proposals in the suggestion box for Mr P to review.

11/22 Friday
French Revolution / Napoleon TV Quiz Game -- Students should come to class and be familiar with French Rev / Napoleon Vocabulary words to play TV quiz game. Students will work in groups and attempt to guess as many vocabulary terms on the TV as possible in 1 minute. Students will have to get at least 7 vocabulary words in 1 minute to get full credit. Prizes will go out to TV Quiz game class MVP and the group that sets the class record.

Stapled French Revolution / Napoleon Notebooks are due before the bell on the front table
Stapled Napoleon Essays are due before the bell on the front table
Peer Editing

11/21 Thursday

Work on Napoleon Essay and Notebook Packet

French Revolution/ Napoleon Notebook

1.Table of Content (Order & Stability)
2. K.W.L (Make sure to fill out the LEARNED section!)
3. French Revolution Vocabulary
4. Estates Pie Chart
5. Revolution Threatens the French King
6. Marie Antoinette
7. Marie Antoinette Video Questions
8. Louis XVI Execution Worksheet
9. Flow Chart
10. Guided Notes - Section 2
11. Napoleon Packet
12. Congress of Vienna Handout

11/20 Wednesday
Students work on Napoleon Essay (Writing, editing, etc)

11/19 Tuesday
Complete any left over Napoleon Information
Congress of Vienna / Balance of Power
Students watch ESSAY VIDEO (A 'how to write a 5 paragragh essay' instructional video)
Brainstorm / Outline for Essay on Napoleon

Students work on Napoleon Essay (Writing, editing, etc)

11/18 Monday
NAPOLEON VIDEO LECTURE (Part 3) (Do not miss class!)
Napoleon's Downfall --- Napoleon's Legacy
HW Congress of Vienna Handout

11/15 Friday
Napoleon Video Lecture (Part 2) (Do not miss class!)
Pyramids --- Continental Blockade

11/14 Thursday
Napoleon Video Lecture (Part 1) (Do not miss class!)
Why is Napoleon Remembered ---- Battle of the Pyramids?

11/13 Wednesday
Students work on French Revolution Storybooks all period (DAY 2)
Students should bring supplies (scissors, glue, colored pencils, etc.)
Mr P will supply construction paper

11/12 Tuesday
Students work on French Revolution Storybooks all period (DAY 1)
Students should bring supplies (scissors, glue, colored pencils, etc.)
Mr P will supply construction paper

Monday, October 21, 2002

11/1 Friday
Pretest French Revolution
Essay Grading Rubric

10/31 Thursday
Halloween (Substitute)

10/30 Wednesday
Middle Ages - American Revolution Exam
Essay #2 is due today

10/29 Tuesday
Middle Ages - American Revolution Review
Essay #2 is due tomorrow

10/28 Monday
American Revolution Cartoons
American Revolution Outline Handout (Assign # 3)
Essay #2 (Due Wednesday)

(Assign #3) Should have completed personal outlines for:
A) Middle Ages
B) Renaissance
C) North Renaissance
D) Exploration
E) Reformation
F) Scientific Revolution
H) Enlightenment
G) American Revolution

10/25 Friday
Enlightenment Handout (Assign # 10)
Enlightenment Video
American Revolution

10/24 Thursday
QW: East Board? (Assign # 8)
Scientific Revolution (Assign # 9)

(Assign #3) Should have completed personal outlines for:
A) Middle Ages
B) Renaissance
C) North Renaissance
D) Exploration
E) Reformation
F) Scientific Revolution
2 Complete (Assign # 8 & 9)

10/23 Wednesday
Exploration 8 Minute Video
Exploration Short Lecture (Assign # 3)
Reformation Handout (Assign # 7)

1 (Assign #3) Should have completed personal outlines for:
A) Middle Ages
B) Renaissance
C) North Renaissance
D) Exploration
E) Reformation

2 Read 162 - 170 Scientific Revolution
3 Complete Assign # 7

10/22 Tuesday

Middle Age Cloze Passage
Renaissance 6 Minute Video (Assign # 3)
Renaissance Figures Continued (Assign # 5)
Renaissance A-D Group Questions (Not a NB assignment)
North Renaissance (Assign # 6)

1 Should have completed personal outlines for:
A) Middle Ages
B) Renaissance
C) North Renaissance
2 Complete Assign # 6

Friday, October 18, 2002

UNIT 3 Notebook Assignments
Middle Ages – American Revolution

1. Table of Contents
2. Spectrum of Time
3. Outlines #1-8 (Personal Outline for each theme) 10/18/02
a) Middle Age Outline = Daily life handout
b) Renaissance Outline = p. 36-42, class info, video, self-searching
c) Northern Renaissance Outline = 43-47, class info, self-searching
d) Exploration Outline = p. 80 – 122, class info, video, self searching
e) Reformation Outline = p. 48 – 59, class info, self searching
f) Scientific Revolution Outline = p. 62 – 70, class info, self searching
g) Enlightenment Outline = p. 171 – 182, class video, self searching
h) American Revolution Outline = p. 183 – 189, class video, self searching
4. Middle Age Life (1-8 & ½ page QW = Use Middle Age Daily Life Handout)
5. Renaissance Figures Chart (p36-42, Internet, Mr P, Library) 10/21/02
6. Renaissance Group Questions (p.38-39, post in class or online?) 10/21/02
7. Reformation Handout 10/23/02
8. QuickWrite 10/24/02
9. Scientific Revolution Handout 10/24/02
10. Enlightenment Handout 10/25/02

Monday, October 14, 2002

10/21 Monday
Renaissance Outline Notes (assign #3)
HW Renaissance Figures (assign #5)

10/18 Friday
Middles Age Life
Questions For Daily Life In The Middle Ages (Assign #4)
1. Why did peasants have to pay a lord?

2. List at least 3 typical duties a serf owed to a lord.

3. What percentage of sacks of grain did each serf get to keep that he or she produced?

4. What were two skilled jobs in a village during the middle ages?

5. What was the main coarse for a peasant’s meal?

6. How often would a peasant eat meat during a meal?

7. Besides starvation, what other life threatening situation did a peasant have to deal with during the Middle Ages? Describe how a peasant might have dealt with this situation.

8. Compare at least 10 differences in living conditions.
Peasant Conditions vs. My Condition
A) Spends most of the day farming in a field A) Spend a good portion of the day at school

HW: Write a ½ page on your feelings and thoughts working in today’s Feudal Classroom.

10/17 Thursday
Middle Ages - American Revolution Unit (about 2 weeks)
Spectrum Pretest (assign #2)
Most Radical Nerds...
Outline Structure for each Section (assign #3)


10/16 Wednesday
5 paragraph essay is due.
Grading Rubric Review

10/15 Tuesday
How to write a 5 paragraph essay (cont)
1st Body paragraph
HW a) Typed Essay due on Wednesday 10/16
b) Bring in 2 copies (1 with student name & 1 with Student ID number only)
c) Bring various colored hi-liter markers

10/14 Monday
Auto vs Demo Quiz
How to write a 5 paragraph essay

Sunday, October 06, 2002

10/11 Friday
Autocracy vs Democracy Quiz
How to write a 5 paragraph essay
Autocracy vs Democracy Typed Essay (Due on 10/15 Tuesday)

10/10 Thursday
Mr P TV: Historical Figures Debate Autocracy vs Democracy

10/9 Wednesday
Historical Figure Mini-Presentation (by groups)
Assign #5 Historical Figure Info Chart
Extra Class Time: Vocabulary Drilling for Auto vs Demo Quiz on Friday

10/8 Tuesday
Group Prep for Historical Figure Mini-Presentation (groups will use - Power Point, Transparency, Frontpage, etc.)
Extra Class Time: Vocabulary Drilling for Auto vs Demo Quiz on Friday

10/7 Monday
Historical Figures (Group Work) Questions 1-9
Extra Class Time: Vocabulary Drilling for Auto vs Demo Quiz on Friday (use Assign #4 to study at home)

Wednesday, October 02, 2002

[9/23/2002 10:40:56 AM | Mr. P]
10/4 Friday
Discussion Day Topics:
How to get info? How to read the newspaper? Internet World News? Current World and Domestic Events?

10/3 Thursday
HW: A) Complete Assignments 1-4 (Due Friday)
B) Talk to your parents or any adult about back to school night, class, world and/or life. Write at least
1/2 page about your conversation.

10/2 Wednesday
Minimum Day -- Back to School Night: TELL YOUR PARENTS TO ATTEND!
Unit #1 Autocracy vs Democracy
Assign #1 Table of Content
Assign #2 Auto vs Demo Situations
Assign #3 Auto vs Demo Timeline
Assign #4 Auto vs Demo Terms

10/1 Tuesday
Minimum Day
Unit #1 Autocracy vs Democracy
Assign #1 Table of Content
Assign #2 Auto vs Demo Situations
Assign #3 Auto vs Demo Timeline
Assign #4 Auto vs Demo Terms

Monday, September 23, 2002

10/4 Friday
Discussion Day Topics:
How to get info? How to read the newspaper? Internet World News? Current World and Domestic Events?

10/3 Thursday
HW: A) Complete Assignments 1-4 (Due Friday)
B) Talk to your parents or any adult about back to school night, class, world and/or life. Write at least
1/2 page about your conversation.

10/2 Wednesday
Minimum Day -- Back to School Night: TELL YOUR PARENTS TO ATTEND!
Unit #1 Autocracy vs Democracy
Assign #1 Table of Content
Assign #2 Auto vs Demo Situations
Assign #3 Auto vs Demo Timeline
Assign #4 Auto vs Demo Terms

10/1 Tuesday
Minimum Day
Unit #1 Autocracy vs Democracy
Assign #1 Table of Content
Assign #2 Auto vs Demo Situations
Assign #3 Auto vs Demo Timeline
Assign #4 Auto vs Demo Terms

9/30 Monday
Begin new unit: Autocracy vs Democracy

9/27 Friday
Discussion Day Topic: Lessons about life and the world based on Nader's Deserted Island classroom lesson (See Thursday)
Results from Geography Exam

9/26 Thursday
Nader's Deserted Island Questions #1-3
1) How did you feel during the activity? Why? (1/2 Page)
2) Can people be trusted to govern themselves? Support your opinion with examples from the classroom activity (1/2 Page)
3) What was the purpose of this lesson? Was this an effective lesson? Why or why not?

9/25 Wednesday
Geography Exam
Turn in Map Packet

9/24 Tuesday
Random Geography Video Part II Locations 16-30 (In-class Group Work)
Silent Studying of Map Packet for Prep of Geo Exam (Wed 9/25)

9/23 Monday
Random Geography Video Part I Locations 1-15 (In-class Group Work)
Silent Studying of Map Packet for Prep of Geo Exam (Wed 9/25)

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

9/10 Go to this site for the homework.

Sunday, September 08, 2002

9/9 Go download, print, and sign the parent info. Right click and click save as here.