Greetings and welcome to 2008-2009 school year.
There are a multitude of purposes for this portion of the website.
1) Students can check homework (HW)
2) Parents can check homework
3) Students (especially absent) can find out about what happened in class.
4) Parents can get a sense of what is going on in class.
5) Students and parents can find out about upcoming exams, quizzes, projects, etc.
While this information can be helpful, parents and students should NOT ONLY rely on this portion of the website for information pertaining to World History. Students should:
a) Attend class and pay attention to instruction
b) Exchange phone numbers and emails with more than one trustworthy student
c) Start a class blog to communicate about class matters (students have been doing this for the past few years now)
Due to various restrictions like lack of time, no budget for secretaries and website masters, as well as a need to attend to personal matters, Mr. P does NOT always have this portion of the website updated. He tries his best. Yes, not very far back in history there were no such thing as websites and whatnot. Mankind has survived for thousands of years without the internet and other technological 'wonders' and I suppose we can continue to do so. Think of this website as an 'extra' and not a necessity. Regardless, I hope that you still find this portion of the website helpful this year.
1) Table of Contents (TOC)
2) Nader's Deserted Island
3) Autocracy & Democracy Scenarios
4) Terms - Terms #1-7: Front Page & Terms #8-16: Back Page
5) Timeline
6) Historical Figures Front Page includes John Locke & Back Page includes King Louis XIV
7) QuickWrite: Which historical figure's ideas do you like the most? Why are those ideas better than others? (2/3 Page)
WOW! Here is some super assistance from Lauren Stoudt's 2005 Legacy Project . Gee, isn't it great that old former students are helping current students like you? Hmmm...? One day you will be an old former student. What help will you leave behind for future students? Lauren left this great power point review for you. Once again, what will you do to help future students? That is something worth thinking about. That is something worth doing!
Here is Nesma's cool Autocracy & Democracy jeopardy review game created by a P Alumni in 2004. Back when Nesma was in Mr P's class, she lost her Autocracy and Democracy Unit packet. She put this useful power point together, to not only make up for her lost work, but also to help future students. Well, the future is now here and you get to enjoy this little fun review game. What fun review games are you going to create for future students?
MONDAY September 29th, 2008
1) Vocab Game List
2) Autocracy - Democracy Timeline (Assign #5): Rome - American Revolution
3) Timeline Power Point
A) Study Vocab List for Thursday
B) Complete Assign #1-5
C) Click if parents want to review Class Syllabus
TUESDAY September 30th, 2008
1) Top 5
2) Mr P TV
3) Historical Figures (Assign #6) - Group Work
4) Misc Review = Timeline & Terms
A) Completed Assign # 1-5
B) Study Vocab List(Thursday)
C) Prep & Research your group Historical Figure
WEDNESDAY October 1st, 2008 (Back to School Night - Minimum Day)
1) Bill & Ed Show - Historical Figures
2) Finish Group Prep of Historical Figures
3) Plot Historical Figures on Auto - Demo Spectrum
A) Study Vocab List (Thursday)
B) Ready to Present Historical Figure (Thursday)
THURSDAY October 2, 2008
1) Groups present Historical Figures (Assign #6)
2) Misc Time = Vocab Game
a) Complete Assign #1-6
b) Study Vocab List
FRIDAY October 3, 2008
1) Mr P's Challenge = Vocab Game
2) Misc Time: Discussion & Essay Question
a) Consider working on Autocracy & Democracy Essay
Essay Prompt = Assess the validity of this statement: Autocracy is the best form of government
b) Help from Lauren Stoudt's 2005 Legacy Project
MONDAY October 6, 2008 - Student Free Day / Mr P Not So Free Day
TUESDAY October 7, 2008
1) Autocracy Democracy Vote with your Feet & Discuss
Essay Prompt = Assess the validity of this statement: Autocracy is the best form of government
2) Outlining for Essay
3) Discussion & Outline Notes (Assign #7)
a) start to work on Auto vs Demo Essay
WEDNESDAY October 8, 2008
1) Essay Bunch
2) Work on Essay in class
Essay Prompt = Assess the validity of this statement: Autocracy is the best form of government
a) Complete a rough draft of Essay
b) Print rough draft & bring to class
c) Need Essay Help? Click on Lauren Stoudt's 2005 Legacy Project
d) Donut Essay Sample and the Color Coded Essay
e) 10 Essay Tips
f) Essay Rubric
THURSDAY October 9, 2008
1) Essay Due at start of class (have Essay stapled)
2) Most Radical Nerds...?
FRIDAY October 10, 2008
1) It is coming... it is coming back.
2) Most Radical Nerds...?
This Post was a massive break through in P-ville Educational History. Mr P's great Korean friend Mike C helped Mr. P learn and figure out how to post worksheets, powerpoints and videos on to his website. Mr. P firmly believes the school district or tax payers should pay people like Mike C to help teachers like Mr P with technological stuff (like websites). Work that is darn useful and meaningful should be paid for.
It is 1:54am and Mr P is now going to go to sleep. It has been a long night of computer work, which Mr P hopes will benefit his students by maximizing their learning experience while in his class. Hmmm...? Yet, do they care? Will they care? Does anyone care? I wonder... Sometimes I think about what life might be like if I left school everyday at 3:30pm and went to bed before midnight.
All this makes me think of the old quote by Gandhi "What you will do is insignificant, but it is important that you do it."
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.