Monday, October 26, 2009

Autocracy vs Democracy is the next unit. Students will spend about 2 weeks on this unit. There will be a total of 7 assignments. At the conclusion of the unit, students will turn in their unit packet (assignments 1-7) for points. Each assignment should be completed as they are assigned during the unit. Below is the order of the assignments 1-7 so that students can keep their unit work organized.

Go to Technical Thompson's Website for more info and if links do not work here.


1) Table of Contents (TOC)
2) Nader's Deserted Island (Omit)
3) Scenarios / Spectrum (Spectrum & Vocab Power Pt)
4) Vocabulary Worksheet
Sketch's 2002 Online Vocab Email Sketch and tell her thanks for helping you out.
.....b) Milie's 2008 Power Pt Vocab Game Email Milie and tell her thanks for helping you out
.....c) Vocab List and Vocab Game Point System
5) Timeline
6) Historical Figures - Front Page includes John Locke & Back Page includes King Louis XIV
.....a) Historical Figure Group Prep & Instructions
7) QuickWrite: Which historical figure's ideas do you like the most? Why are those ideas better than others? (2/3 Page)
7a) Discussion Notes Worksheet (Worksheet) & (Power Point)

MONDAY October 26, 2009

1) Intro to Auto & Demo / TOC (Assign #1)
2) Scenarios / Spectrum (Assign #3)
3) Vocab 1-33 (Assign #4) – Complete by end of unit. Have in class each day as Mr P will demonstrate vocab words each day. Or refer to student legacy projects for help. Write your definitions in PENCIL in case you need to change them. Always, put your vocab in your own words. Do NOT copy a definition directly. That is plagiarism and also CHEATING.
4) Start - Timeline (Assign #5)


a) Vocab
b) Read Plato’s - Allegory of the Cave… if you want. Just some extra reading. This is not required work.
c) Don't like reading? Watch an animated version of Allegory of the Cave.

NOTE – Geo Retake Exam Wednesday after school – 3:22 pm

TUESDAY October 27, 2009

1) Timeline – Greeks and Romans
2) Vocab - work


a) Work on and Study Vocab (Assign #4) – Sketch’s Site & Milie's 2008 Power Pt Vocab Game
b) Complete Timeline (Assign #5) – Due Thursday

NOTE – Geo Retake Exam Wednesday after school – 3:22pm

Geo Help
a) Sketch's Geo Review Website - Email and thank her at
b) Technical Thompson's Website - Email and thank her at

WEDNESDAY October 28, 2009

1) Vocab Game Video
2) Vocab Review (Millie’s Power Pt)
3) Groups work on Historical Figures (Assign #6)


a) Complete Assignments 1-5
b) Research and gather cool info on your historical figure

NOTE – Geo Retake Exam today after school – 3:22pm

THURSDAY October 29, 2009

1) Groups presentation prep for historical figures
2) Vocab Review
3) Jeopardy Review


a) Study for Vocab Game
b) Be ready to present on Friday

FRIDAY October 30, 2009

1) TBA (Sub)

MONDAY November 2, 2009

1) Post Halloween Chat
2) Bill & Ed Show - Auto & Demo Historical Figures
3) Group Prep for Historical Figures Presentations
4) Vocab Review - Ask to go over unfamiliar Vocab words


a) Complete 1-6
b) Be ready for Historical Figures Group Presentation (Tues)
c) Study for Vocab Game (Wed)
d) Did you form a Vocab Game group of 4 yet?

TUESDAY November 3, 2009

Waste No Time! Let's Get Started Right Away!
1) 150 seconds of Group Prep = 2 1/2 minutes
2) Group Present Historical Figures (Assign #6) - 9 groups x 5 minutes = 45 minutes
3) Debriefing & Vocab Review = 6 minutes... rest of class


a) Study for Vocab Game
b)Organize Packet Assign 1-6
c) If you want to do Thursday HW early, Essay Outline WS in pencil (Assign #7)(Worksheet) & (Power Point)

WEDNESDAY November 4, 2009

1) Vocab Game (Scoring System)
2) Auto vs Demo Outline Worksheet (Assign #7)(Worksheet) & (Power Point)


a) Detailed Completion of Discussion Notes (Assign 7)(Worksheet) & (Power Point)
b) Use your Discussion Notes (Assign 7) to prepare your thoughts for the Auto vs Demo vote with your feet Class Debate on Thursday

THURSDAY November 5, 2009

1) Auto vs Demo vote with your feet Debate

a) Students participate in the Auto vs Demo class discussion
b) Demonstrate they prepared at home for class debate
c) Use unit vocab words to explain their opinion
d) Show a mature and higher level of understanding of the subject matter.

At the conclusion of the in-class debate, Mr P will announce the name of students who qualified and will get credit for the class discussion.

All students NOT called at the end of the period, did NOT participate in the discussion well enough to qualify. The unqualified students will have to type a 5 paragraph essay to demonstrate their higher level understanding of the unit.


a) 5 paragraph essay (Due Monday, November 9)
b) The 5 paragraph essay prompt is:

Assess the validity of this statement: Autocracy is the best form of government.

Need help with writing your 5 paragraph essay watch the Essay Bunch & Essay Video Notes to help out while you watch. Follow the essay notes & video and your 5 paragraph essay should be splendid.

FRIDAY November 6 2009

1) Welcome to P-ville
2) Most Radical Nerds… Talk
3) …Enlightenment & American Revolution

Mr. P MIGHT be hosting the Geography Re-take Exam #3 Thursday at 3:22pm. All students interested in trying to ace the Exam in order to change their original score are invited to attend. Mr. P will likely hold Geo Re-take Exams once a week. If a student can't make the Re-take this week, students are welcome to show for a future Geo Re-take. Yet, do note that Mr. P does the Geo Re-take Exams out of the kindness of his heart and love for Geography. There is NO guarantee that Mr. P will give the Retake Exam after school, especially if Mr. P has personal or other matter to attend to. Once Mr. P’s wife and twins return to California he will likely NOT have the time to offer such opportunity. He’ll be busy changing diapers and doing such stuff. So take advantage now of the Geo Retake offerings while they last.

1) Assignment Info
2) Example (Geddy Lee)
3) Geo Maps & Location Info