Monday, December 05, 2011

NAPOLEONIC WEEK has come and gone. For those of you who might have been absent, get your notes done by filling in your packet by watching the online Napoleon Video.

Napoleon Makeup Exam is Wednesday after school at 3:22pm. Turn your Napoleon packet in on that day.

Click to watch Napoleon 001 to get notes for the following sections:

I) Why is Napoleon Remembered?

II) Young Napoleon

III) (cut) Napoleon & FR

IV) Napoleon's Big Break (Part 2 = Starting at 4:43 - 7:40)

V) Napoleon v Austria (Part 2 = 7:42 - 14:57) (Part 3 = 0:00 - 1:32)

Students can get the notes by clicking and watching the following link: Napoleon 002 & Napoleon 003

VI) Egypt

VII) Rule Begins

VIII) Runs French Nation (Part 4 = 0:00 -8:49)

IX) More Fighting (Part 4 = 8:50-14:56 Austerlitz) (Part 5 = 0:00 -o:21)

X) Zenith (Part 5 = 0:22 - 8:40)

3) Napoleon's Empire Collapses (Part 5= 8:40 - 15:00) (Part 6) & (Part 7)

B) Don't forget to get the Notes Completed for the Post Napoleonic Packet. Better to write the notes at home so you can listen and adjust / add to notes in class (Due Friday)

C) You & Your Group Members should be in contact, figuring out, creating and preparing to teach your Group Section of the Post Napoleonic Packet to the class. Groups will have 3-4 minutes to do so. Mr P and Class expect examples, demonstrations, solid explanations and clarity.


Due to the short length left before Winter Break, the Industrial Revolution Unit will be 2 weeks BEFORE & 1 week AFTER winter break.

Mr P will NOT assign homework over winter break. However, FAIR WARNING: The Industrial Revolution packet will be due Friday January 6th, 2012. That is the Friday upon the return from winter break. So, some students might want to do the Industrial Revolution Assignments over winter break to avoid heavy work loads with their other classes upon return from winter break. The choice is yours. Good Luck!

Anything listed as Period 7 might be done as an after school lesson for those who want to attend. Attendance is NOT mandatory. NOR is attendance extra credit, unless Mr P says otherwise.

1) Table Of Content (TOC) - How is the ORDER & STABILITY of your notebook?
2) KWL (at end of unit write what meaningful stuff you learned – 1 page)
3) Study Guide (Vocab Words) - Animated Terms - Crop Rotation, Enclosure,
4) Crossword Puzzle (omit)
5) IR Video Notes (7 minute Intro Video shown in class only. No make-up)
6) Chapter 5 & 6 Guided Reading Notes

Chapter 5
Section 1 Dawn of the Industrial Age p.170 -173
Section 2 Britain Leads the Way p.174-177
Section 3 Social Impact of IR p.178-183
Section 4 New Ways of Thinking p.184-189

Chapter 6 p.195-221
Section 1 IR Spreads p.196-202
Section 2 Rise of the Cities p.203-209
Section 3 Changing Attitudes & Values p.210-216
Section 4 Arts in the Industrial Age p.217-221

7) Economic Process (Period 7?)
8) Economic Spectrum
9) Economic Choice
10) Impact of the IR
11) Workers & Owners
12) Unions Pros & Cons (Period 7?)
13) Sueta Plan (Period 7?)
14) Distribution of Wealth (Period 7?)
15) Story of Stuff Video Notes

Bored on a Friday night? Want to watch some darn good movies and all related to the Industrial Revolution.

a) Modern Times - Check out this silent film classic with the legendary Charlie Chaplin. The first 3 or 4 minutes might be slow, but it is pretty much one laugh after another after that. This is NOT just pure comedy but Chaplin is also making some pretty awesome commentary about the modern industrial society and all its silliness. This movie should make you think about how silly people live their life today. Hmmm??? Who will make the Modern Times of today? Also, trip out on how darn amazing the music is throughout the film. It goes right along with the emotion and movement of the film. They don't make movies like this anymore.

b) On the Waterfront - This is an American movie classic. It is about the fight of dockworkers to take back their union from the corrupt and intimidating mob. Anytime a dockworker tries to testify in court against the mob, somehow that person "mysteriously dies." Father Barry is a priest who tries to continually encourage the dockworkers to take back their union from the corrupt mob. Totally one of Mr P favorites. Mr P's favorite seen is when the priest gives his stirring speech in the hole of the ship after KO Doogan gets "accidentally killed." It is one of the best movie acting scenes ever!

c) Matewan - This an underrated movie about West Virginia Coal Miners of the 1920s. The movie shows the social, economic and political dynamics of the time and place. It gets into issues like large companies, work rights, unions, scabs, racism, company police (thugs), oppression, propaganda, etc. This is a good one. It makes the viewer think. (If you can find the movie online, forward the link to Mr P.) This link is just a clip of the screenwriter John Sayles talking about the film.

D) Oliver Twist - This movie is based on the old Charles Dickens novel. It gives a good visual sense of what social and cultural misery the Industrial Revolution brought on to people of Britain. The story follows the rough adventures of an orphan boy with many of the problems and hardships of the Industrial Revolution shown throughout.


MONDAY December 5, 2011

Post Napoleonic Review
1) P-ville Announcements (2-3 minutes)
2) Post Napoleonic Group Prep (7 minutes)
3) Post Napoleonic Packet Group Review (40 minutes)
4) At end of class, turn in: (1 minute)

a) Napoleon Packet


a) Bring covered textbook to class everyday
b) Post Napoleonic Quiz (Wednesday?)

TUESDAY December 6, 2011

Post Napoleonic Review
1) P-ville Announcements (2-3 minutes)
2) Post Napoleonic Packet Group Review (40 minutes)
3) Post Napoleonic Quiz?

4) Time Permitting: Mr P explains Industrial Revolution Homework (2-3 minutes)


a) Bring covered textbook to class everyday

If Mr P explains and assigns:
b) Do Ch 5 Section 1 & 2 Guided Reading Notes
c) Be ready to teach class your group part of Ch 5 Section 1 & 2 Guided Reading Notes
d) Study for Quick Quiz on Section 1 & 2 (Wednesday)

WEDNESDAY December 7, 2011

1) If NOT on Tuesday, Post Napoleonic Quiz (8 mins)
2) Turn in Post Napoleonic Packet

1) TOC (Simply write down IR assignments & keep all organized. ORDER & STABILITY!) (3 mins)
2) KWL (Should have 50 items total & include at least 22 for the "L"earned section) (3 mins)
3) Study Guide (Vocab Words - due at end of the unit on January 6, 2011)
4) Crossword Puzzle (Omit)
5) IR Video Notes (7 Minute Intro Video shown in class only. No make up)
6) Groups Review: Guided Reading Notes - Chapter 5 Sections 1 & 2 Worksheet (25 mins)
Ch 5 Section 1 - Dawn of the Industrial Age
Ch 5 Section 2 - Britain Leads the Way
7) P gives instructions for HW - Ch 5 Section 3 & 4 (2 minutes)


a) Bring covered textbook to class everyday (Be ready for Book Check)
b) Ch 5 Section 2 Guided Reading Notes (Be ready for HW Check)
c) Study for Quick Quiz on Section 1 & 2 (Tuesday)

THURSDAY December 8, 2011

1) Quick Quiz – Ch 5 Sections 1 & 2 - Students can use HW (Assign 6) (10 mins)
2) During Quiz, TA HW check Ch 5 Sections 1 & 2 (Assign #6)
3) Student Questions on Ch 5 Sections 1 & 2 (10-15 mins)
3) Group Review of Ch 5 Section 3 - Social Impact of IR (15 - 25 mins)
4) Economic Process (Omit)
5) Economic Cartoon (Omit)


a) Bring covered textbook to class everyday
b) Ch 5 Section 3 & 4 Guided Reading Notes
c) Study for Quick Quiz on Ch 5 Section 3 & 4 (Friday)
d) Assign 1-7 covered in class

FRIDAY December 9, 2011

1) Quick Quiz – Ch 5 Sections 3 & 4 (10 mins)
2) During Quiz, TA HW Check Ch 5 Sections 3 & 4 (Assign #6)
3) Capitalism & Marxism Scenarios (10 mins)
4) Economic Spectrum (Assign 8) (15-25 mins)
5) Economic Choice (Assign 9)


a) Bring covered textbook to class everyday
b) Ch 6 Section 1 Guided Reading Notes
c) Study for Quick Quiz on Section 1 (Monday?)
d) Assign 1-9 covered in class

MONDAY December 12, 2011

1) Quick Quiz Ch 6 Section 1 (10 mins)?
2) Review Student Questions on Ch 5 Sections 1-4 (10-15 mins)
2) Effects of the IR (Assign 10) (10 mins)
3) Labor Notes - Workers & Owners (Assign 11) (10-15 mins)
4) Economic Choice Discussion (Assign 9) (3-5 mins)


a) Complete Effects of IR (Assign #10)
b) Bring covered textbook to class everyday after winter break
c) Ch 6 Section 1 & 2 Guided Reading Notes
e) Assign 1-11 covered in class

Do you need to finish Assign 10? Here are links below...


Click here to get power pt version

Impact of the Industrial Revolution Front Page & Back Page

Thanks to Saja in P5 and a few others. Mr P has re-linked the links below. They should work. If not, email Mr P and let him know at

Also, try Technical Thompson's links

a) Working Conditions & Wages
b) Child Labor
c) Changing role of Women
d) Conditions in the Coal Mines
e) Urbanization
f) Education
g) Changing class structure
h) Industrial Production
i) Modern Buildings
j) Modern Inventions

TUESDAY December 13, 2011

1) Quick Quiz Ch 6 Section 1 & 2 (10 mins)?
2) TA HW Check: Effects of IR (Assign #10)
3) Review Student Questions on Ch 6 Sections 1-2 (10-15 mins)
3) Labor Notes - Workers & Owners (Assign 11) (15 -20 mins)
4) Economic Choice Discussion (Assign 9) (3-5 mins)


a) Bring covered textbook to class everyday after winter break
b) Complete Ch 6 Section 3 Guided Reading Notes
c) Assign 1-11 covered in class - Have organized and ready to show for TA HW check

WEDNESDAY December 14, 2011

1) Quick Quiz Ch 6 Section 3 (10 mins)?
2) TA HW Check: Ch 6 Section 3 & (Assign 1-11 in order)
3) Review Student Questions on Ch 6 Sections 1-3 (20-25 mins)
4) Read & Create SOLID Notes for Ch 6 Section 4 (10-15 mins)


a) Bring covered textbook to class everyday after winter break
b) Ch 6 Section 4 - Read & Create SOLID Notes for Ch 6 Section

THURSDAY December 15, 2011

1) Quick Quiz Ch 6 Section 3 & 4 (10 mins)?
2) TA HW Check: Ch 6 Section 4 (Student create SOLID personal notes)
3) Review Student Questions on Ch 6 Sections 1-3 (20-25 mins)
4) Read & Create SOLID Notes for Ch 6 Section 4 (10-15 mins)
5) Sueta Plan (Assign 13)? - If not today, in class after break.


a) NO NEED TO Bring covered textbook to class ON FRIDAY
b) Study for Ch 5 & Ch 6 Quiz

FRIDAY December 16, 2011

1) IR Quiz Ch 5 & Ch 6
2) TA HW Check: Check Packet is organized (Assign 1-11)
3) Review Student Questions for Ch 5 & Ch 6


Then alternative Agenda TBA (No textbook needed)



a) STAY AHEAD - If you are bored over the break, feel free to work on your Industrial Revolution Packets and get ahead of the game. Packets are due and the IR Exam will be the Friday returning from the break (Friday January 6, 2012)

B) LEGACY PROJECTS - Certainly you all want to enjoy Winter Break, but those of you doing Legacy Projects should be sure to get some major work done on your projects during the break. There are only 4 weeks left in the semester after winter break. Legacy Projects are due on:

Period 2 - Tuesday January 31, 2012

Period 3 - Wednesday February 1, 2012

Period 4 - Wednesday February 1, 2012

Period 5 - Thursday February 2, 2012

Period 6 - Thursday February 2, 2012

MONDAY January 2, 2012
(No School)

Due to the holiday, this agenda will be condensed with Tuesday's agenda)

1) Story of Stuff (Assign 15)
2) Chapter 6 Section 1 & 2

Section 1 - IR Spreads
Section 2 - Rise of the Cities

3) Unions Pros & Cons (Period 7?)
4) Sueta Plan (Period 7?)


a) Assignments 1-12 Reviewed in class
b) Complete Chapter 6 Section 1 & 2
c) Study for Ch 6 Section 1 & 2 Quiz (Tues)

TUESDAY January 3, 2012

1) Story of Stuff Preview (Extra Credit)
2) Sueta Plan Discussion (Assign 13)
3) Students ask for: Vocab Review
4) Students ask for: Ch5 & Ch6 Review
5) IR Jeopardy


1) Complete Sueta Plan - Ask Parents about Expenses
2) Complete, Organize and Staple Assignment 1-15
3) Study for IR Exam Friday

WEDNESDAY January 4, 2012

1) Post - Sueta Plan Discussion (Assign 13)
2) Discuss Distribution of Wealth (Assign 14)
3) 100 pennies
4) Man out on Hawthorne
5) Discuss Budget - What are the big 4?


1) Complete, Organize and Staple Assignment 1-15
2) Study for IR Exam Friday

THURSDAY January 5, 2012

1) Vocab Game?
2) IR Review

Questions for the Exam will come from the assignments in the IR packet (1-15)

Here is a ROUGH estimate of where the test questions will LIKELY come from:

1) Table Of Content (TOC) - (0 Questions)
2) KWL - (0 Questions)
3) Study Guide (Vocab Words) - Solid completed definitions and studying of vocab will help massively on the exam
4) Crossword Puzzle (omit)
5) IR Video Notes (1 to 3 Questions)
6) Chapter 5 & 6 Guided Reading Notes

Chapter 5
p.170-189 (5 per section or 20 from Chapter 5)
Section 1 Dawn of the Industrial Age p.170 -173
Section 2 Britain Leads the Way p.174-177
Section 3 Social Impact of IR p.178-183
Section 4 New Ways of Thinking p.184-189

Chapter 6 p.195-221 (5 per section or 20 from Chapter 6)
Section 1 IR Spreads p.196-202
Section 2 Rise of the Cities p.203-209
Section 3 Changing Attitudes & Values p.210-216
Section 4 Arts in the Industrial Age p.217-221

7) Economic Process
8) Economic Spectrum (7-10 questions)
9) Economic Choice (Possible Essay question)
10) Impact of the IR (3-5 questions)
11) Workers & Owners (3 questions)
12) Unions Pros & Cons
13) Sueta Plan (1 or 2 questions)
14) Distribution of Wealth (3 questions)
15) Story of Stuff Video Notes (1 or 2 questions)

The Industrial Revolution Exam will be somewhere around 50 Multiple Choice questions

The makeup IR Exam will be in essay form. Try NOT to miss the regular exam Friday.


1) Organize and Staple Packet at home
2) Study for Exam

FRIDAY January 6, 2012

1) Industrial Revolution Packet Due (Assign 1-15)
2) Industrial Revolution Exam
3) Post Test Survey
4) Start Nationalism & Imperialism Unit

HW: None


So to prepare for the Holiday Season and being that this is the World History section of the Website, you all have to check this one out. Well, King P wants the Directors of Randomness to report daily on this wacky holiday matter. Apparently, the Swedes have this wacky Christmas tradition of making a giant goat from like a hay material after the harvest season. The Swedish city of Gavle claims to make the biggest giant goat in the world. It is suppose to be a traditional symbol of Christmas in Sweden. The funny thing about the giant goat is that it is suppose to be up through Christmas and the New Year but each year the giant goat usually does NOT makes it. Each year some phantom Swede (or others like even a 51 yr old American in 2001) comes along and lights the giant goat on fire. Each year security is stepped up and each year the burning of the giant goat gets more elaborate. Supposedly, it is big news in Sweden. The smirking newsman will come on TV and say something like, “Well, the giant goat got it early this year” or “Although it lasted longer than usual, the giant horse has suffered the same fate once again.” I hear that most Swedes laugh about the whole thing. Yet, the security tries to take it serious by preventing a burning and have the giant goat make it to Christmas. This year security has two 24 hour web-cam monitoring things. Also, there is apparently some nonflammable substance to protect the giant goat from any possible attempts to burn it down. Will the security protect the giant goat until Christmas or will the same wacky burning tradition continue? Be sure to monitor this goofy international story during the holiday season. Lycka Till, Giant Goat!

Here is the link to the webcam of the Crazy Swedish Christmas Goat that burns almost every year

Here is a little Wikipedia Basics on the Swedish Christmas Goat

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