Monday, September 08, 2008

MONDAY, SEPT 8th, 2008

1) Official & New Seating Chart
2) “Stay or Go?”
3) Welcome to the class… Grape Time
4) Discipline
5) Only 2 Class Rules: A) Be on Task! B) Positive Attitude
6) Cheating Policy --- Cheating Video
7) Order and Stability - Mr P goes over class procedures

a) How to get into groups
b) Keep room clean = No Food or drinks = No trash. = No eating =
c) Don't wait to be told to do what is the right thing to do.
d) Fix what needs to be fixed. Help what needs to be helped.
e) Visigoths beware. MR. P HATES VISIGOTHS.
f) Mi Casa es Tu Casa = Take care of your home away from home.

g) Mr. P cannot do everything…
1) Daily seating Chart?
2) Doors?
3) Lights?
4) Scratch paper?
5) Stapler person?
6) Greet a visitor?
7) Change date? (Period 6)
8) Close windows? (Period 6)

h) Paper pass out challenge
i) Emergency situation? Mr Ruggs, etc.

j) Friends of P:
1) Oscar the Overhead
2) Sarah the Stick
3) Wise Owl Willie (WOW!)
4) Philosopher Kings and Queens

k) Question Shield
l) Hall of Shame (Message sent home as well)
m) After School Program for Bozos (Tardies, Detention, etc)

HW: Start Geo Packet -- Due Friday

a) Bring your textbook to class tomorrow (Tuesday)
b) Print Geo Packet out below (if possible). Mr P will be handing out a map packet in class to each student. The map packet is like the maps listed below. Each student will get 1 map packet. The purpose of having these maps online is several folds.

A) To use as a practice blank map for studying purposes.
B) To replace lost map packets.
C) Visual for parents to know what map packet handout looks like.

Print 1 & 2 on same paper
1) Instructions & Locations Page 1
2) More Locations Page 2

Print 3 & 4 on same paper
3) World Map Page 3
4) Africa Map Page 4

Print 5 & 6 on same paper
5) Asia Map Page 5
6) Europe Map Page 6

Print 7 & 8 on same paper
7) North America Map Page 7
8) South America Map Page 8

9) Australia / Oceania Page 9

GEO PRACTICE GAMES These are online websites that offer Geography Games for practice. Mr. P's Geography Exam will only feature locations listed on the map packet he hands out to students. Still, Mr. P believes it is good to review these Geography websites. Have fun!


b) Globe Game


TUESDAY Sept 9th, 2008

1) Why study Geography?
2) Explain Map Packet
3) Students work on Map Packet

HW – Study Map Packet
- Go to Sketch’s Website for location practice

NOTE: Mr P recently contacted Olivia Sketch, who is one of his Legendary Geo Hall of Fame former students. Her amazing Geography website is currently not functioning. Ms. Sketch said she will try to upload her superb Geography Website Project once again for students to use as a geography studying tool. SOMETHING TO CONSIDER: Perhaps you could create a similar Legacy Project (Final Project) to assist future students with their geography studies. Mr P is always looking for improvements to this class. For semester finals, students are given a choice of taking a Semester Final Exam or creating a Legacy Project. Any students interested in doing a Legacy Project must get approval from Mr. P. More information pertaining to Legacy Project will be discussed in the coming weeks.

- Go to Double “C” for location help – Chau & Carter’s Website It was created to help students find some of the harder Random Geography Locations on Mr. P's Geo Packet.

WEDNESDAY Sept 10th, 2008

1) Students work on Map Packet
2) Mr P Demonstrates Geo Transparency
3) Student Group Draft for Geo Transparency


a) Individual Students research cool & interesting Geo facts for their specific Geo Transparency location.
b) Map Packet (Due Friday)
c) Geo Exam (Monday)


Below are a few Legacy Projects created by Mr. P's legendary old students. Check them out:

A)Go to Sketch’s Website for location practice.

B)Go to Double “C” for location help – Chau & Carter’s Website It was created to help students find some of the harder Random Geography Locations on Mr. P's Geo Packet

THURSDAY September 11th, 2008

1) Students work / study map packet
2) Geo Transparency Group Presentations
3) Students work on map packet (with any extra time)


a) Complete map packet(Due FRIDAY at start of class)

b) Below are a few Legacy Projects created by Mr. P's legendary old students. Check them out:

I)Go to Sketch’s Website for location practice

II)Go to Double “C” for location help – Chau & Carter’s Website It was created to help students find some of the harder Random Geography Locations on Mr. P's Geo Packet

III) FOR GEOGRAPHY FREAKS & FUTURE HALL OF FAMERS: If you cannot get enough of Geography scroll down past Monday Sept 18th, 2006 for some informative and interesting Geo Links. Have Fun! This is extra stuff. Also, email Mr P any other cool Geography Links so he can add it to this list of Geo Links. Thanks!

FRIDAY September 12th, 2008

1) Turn in Geo Packet at start of class
2) Random Geography (P Production)
3) Get back your Geo Packet to study for Geo Exam on Monday


a) Study for Geo Exam on MONDAY.
b) Study Map Packet

- Go to Sketch’s Website for location practice
- Go to Double “C” for location help – Chau & Carter’s Website It was created to help students find some of the harder Random Geography Locations on Mr. P's Geo Packet.

MONDAY September 15th, 2008

1) Minor Video
2) Turn in Geo Packet
3) This is it! The GEO EXAM


a) Click here and print out handouts to the next unit.

EXTRA GEOGRAPHY STATISTICS -- These are just links to interesting Geography related websites. Enjoy. Let Mr P know what you think of some these links by emailing him, putting a note in his comment box or talking to him after class. Have fun!




b) Globe Game


GEO STATS BY TOPICS - A visual way of looking at global statistics

Indicators on youth and elderly populations

Indicators on water supply and sanitation

Most and Least livable countries

Life expectancy at birth for selected countries

The death penalty worldwide

Literacy in the Nations

Country Statistics

Percent of household owning selected appliances

Economic statistics by country (2000)

Greatest oil reserves by country

Government and Economy

Greetings Earthlings!
