Saturday, March 08, 2014


Greetings and welcome to 2013-2014 school year.

There are a multitude of purposes for this website.

1) Students can check homework (HW)
2) Parents can check homework
3) Students (especially absent) can find out about what happened in class.
4) Parents can get a sense of what is going on in class.
5) Students and parents can find out about upcoming exams, quizzes, projects, etc.

While this information can be helpful, parents and students should NOT ONLY rely on this portion of the website for information pertaining to World History. Students should:

a) Attend class and pay attention to instruction
b) Exchange phone numbers and emails with more than one trustworthy student
c) Start a class blog to communicate about class matters (students have been doing this for the past few years now)
d) Check out Technical Thompson's Website (P-Alumni Student Class Website)

WELCOME TO HOME OF P-VILLE by Haseeb Vaid - Check out this website by a 2012 Period 2 Student. Haseeb's plan was to have a more frequently (daily) updated site (unlike this one which is weekly at best). So if info at this site is outdated then check out Haseeb's Home of of P-Ville website. Perhaps a student this year can pick up where Haseeb started and keep the student website going.

Due to various restrictions like lack of time, no budget for secretaries and website masters, as well as a need to attend to personal matters, Mr. P does NOT always have this portion of the website updated. He tries his best. Yes, not very far back in history there were no such thing as websites and whatnot. Mankind has survived for thousands of years without the internet and other technological 'wonders' and I suppose we can continue to do so. Think of this website as an 'extra' and not a necessity. Regardless, I hope that you still find this portion of the website helpful this year.


20th Century Revolutions

Technical Thompson's Website website was the 1st student driven P-ville website. It was updated daily and was used by all P-villians. The website has been passed down from generation to generation of P-ville students. 

a) Ch 7 Section 5 - p.246-251 = Pre RR
b) Ch 11 Section 5 - p.375-381 = RR & Lenin
c) Ch 13 Section 4 - p.440-447 = Stalin

Assignments 1-8

1) Table of Contents (TOC) 
2) Pretest / Russian Timeline of Leaders
3) Vocabulary (1-19) (20-39) & here is some Vocab Jeopardy (Word Doc)
4) Revolution in Russia Worksheet & (Power Pt) (Word Doc)
5) Russian Revolution Video Notes
6) Vladimir Lenin (worksheet & questions)
7) Stalin Video Notes  (Click to watch video: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5)
7b) Stalin Discussion Notes
8) Patterns of Change: Stalin's Totalitarianism & Documents 1-13

8) Totalitarian Methods

The following weekly agenda is a guide to what is intended to take place in class this week. However, due to many circumstances, the agenda can get changed. Usually, the agenda is pushed back a day. Thus, what is due on Friday might be pushed back to Monday. Thank you and I hope you appreciate this weekly guide.

MONDAY March 10, 2014
1) P-Announcements - Reminder: 5% of Total Semester Grade
2) WWI Review - Semester Points
3) Russian Revolution Pretest (Assign #2)
4) Russian Revolution Intro (TOC - Assign #1)
4) RR Vocab & Timeline of Leaders (Assign #3)
5) Revolution in Russia Worksheet (Assign #4)

A) Read about Russian Revolution -- Ch 7 Section 5 - p.246-251 = Pre RR
B) Revolution in Russia Worksheet (Assign #4)C) Start RR Vocab (Assign #3)

TUESDAY March 11, 2014
1) HW Quiz --- Based on RR Worksheet (Assign #4)
2) RR Video Notes & Flow Chart (Assign #5)
3) RR Vocab (Assign #3)

A) Vocab (Assign #3)

WEDNESDAY March 12, 2014
1) RR Video Notes & Flow Chart (Assign #5)
2) RR Vocab (Assign #3)

A) RR Vocab (Assign #3)

THURSDAY March 13, 2014

1) RR Video Notes & Flow Chart (Assign #5)
2) RR Vocab (Assign #3)

A) Vocab (Assign #3)

FRIDAY March 14, 2014
1) Lenin Worksheet (Assign 6)
2) RR Video Notes & Flow Chart (Assign #5)
3) RR Vocab (Assign #3)

A) Work on Russian Revolution vocab.

MONDAY March 17th, 2014
1) Review: What are the Causes of RR & Effects of RR
2) Review: RR Flowchart (Assign #5)
3) Review: Vocab (Assign #3) Words 1-6 & 20-26
4) Stalin Video (Notes (Assign #7)

A) Patterns of Change: Totalitarianism Worksheet (Assign # 8 - Due Tuesday)

TUESDAY March 18th, 2014
1) HW Check & Possible Quiz: Patterns of Change: Totalitarianism Worksheet (Assign #8)
2) Complete: Stalin Video Notes (Assign #7)

1) Man of Steel Drawing Contest
For P-Ville Points only (not required)
DUE –Monday, March 24


2) Freestyle Paper
All students must do (required)
DUE – Tuesday, March 18

Students will type a 1 page paper on the following topics:
a) Should 15 yr olds know about Stalin?
Explain & justify your opinion using vocab words.
b) Is Totalitarianism alive today or a thing of the past? Provide evidence to back your claim
c) What should a 15 year old in 2011 know & understand about Revolutions (Russian)? Write as if you are writing a warning essay to 15 yr olds in the future.
d) What is the ideal society?
e) Why do people revolt?
f) How do revolutionary ideals change over time? Explain.

g) Any suggestions for other possible student essay topics? Email Mr P with your essay topic idea.
1st place = 1000 P-ville Points 2nd place = 500 P-ville Points
Mr. P’s essay rules apply. Purpose Evidence Development


A) Vocab (Assign #3) Complete: 1-14 & 20-28
B) Organize, Staple & Review Packet Assign 1-8 (RR Quiz Thursday)

WEDNESDAY March 19th, 2014
1) Possible Vocab Quiz? / Pretest (Assign #2)
2) RR Origins Document Analysis Review
3) Stalin VN Review & Stalin Group Discussion Notes (Assign #7b)

A) Copy down Totalitarian Notes (Assign #8a) before Mr P lectures on it
A) Organize, Staple & Review Packet Assign 1-8 (RR Quiz Thursday)
B) Complete & Study Vocab 1-14 & 20-28 & 36-39
C) Study for RR Quiz Friday

THURSDAY March 20th, 2014
1) Group Present Stalin Totalitarianism Worksheet (Assign #8)

A) Review & Study Packet Assign 1-8 (RR Mini Exam Friday)

FRIDAY March 21th, 2014
1) Totalitarian Methods (Assign #8a)
2) Totalitarian Books & Film (Vocab #36-39)
3) Obsolete Man

A) Review & Study Packet Assign 1-8 (RR Mini Exam Thursday)

MONDAY  March 24, 2014
1) RR Quiz / Obsolete Man
2) Start Chinese Revolution
