Sunday, October 16, 2005

MONDAY October 17, 2005

1) Supreme Council Elections
2) Recap the Renaissance & Renaissance People (Assign #7)
3) North Renaissance 4 Questions (Assign #8)
4) Update Unit Outlines (Assign #3a - 3i)

Assign 3 = Middle Ages - American Revolution Outlines

Assign 3a = Middle Ages - completed
Assign 3b = Renaissance - complete by 10/17
Assign 3c = North Renaissance - complete by 10/17

Assign 3d = Exploration - ask and Mr P will give it to class :)
Assign 3e = Reformation - complete after Reformation day in class
Assign 3f = Scientific Revolution - complete after this theme day in class
Assign 3g = Enlightenment - complete after this theme day in class
Assign 3h = Spread of Enlightenment - complete after this theme day in class
Assign 3i = American Revolution - complete after this theme day in class


a) Complete Assigns 1 - 8
b) Typed Legacy Project Proposals (Due Thursday 10/20)


PRINTABLE STUFF -- Copy all links and paste to Word or Power Point. Stretch the pasted document to fit the whole page. If you need help, ask for assistance from your class Director of Technology. Good Luck!

1) Table of Contents (TOC)
2) Spectrum of Time / One Thing leads to Another
3) Historical Theme Outlines (3a - 3i)
4) Daily Life of the Middle Ages 8 Questions (Just do 8 Questions) -- See Mr P after class if you were out of class and need the Middle Ages Reading Handout
5) To Be Announced (TBA)
6) Italian Renaissance Outline p37 -42
7) Renaissance Historical Figures (Front Side) & (Back Side)
8) North Renaissance 4 Questions p.43 - 47
9) Exploration Video Notes
10) Reformation Worksheet - Click on Front page & click on Back page
11) Scientific Revolution Worksheet Click on Front Page & Click on Back Page
12) Enlightenment Qns 1-5 (Front Page) & More Enlightenment Qns 1-3 (Back Page)
13)Enlightenment People & Ideas (Front Side) & (Back Side)
14)American Revolution & Constitution Page 1, Page 2 & Page 3


a) Assign # 3 asks students to do Basic Outlines for each of the 9 Themes of the unit. Be sure to do outlines for each of the unit themes. Go to Brandee's Legacy Projectfor help with your theme outlines. Each theme should contain the following:


NOTE: Key Terms
CONNECT each theme with the priovious and next theme.

ALERT: Some of Brandee's info may be wrong! So double and triple check your sources. This is pretty easy to do. Just make sure you write these simple outlines for each theme. The Theme Outlines all combine to form Assignment #3. Do a good job with the outline. Mr. P might let you use them on the unit exam. Students should complete each theme outline for homework based on whatever the most current theme covered in class. Hence, all outlines will be due at the end of the unit.

The Themes are:

1) Middle Ages
2) Renaissance
3) North Renaissance
4) Exploration
5) Reformation
6) Scientific Revolution
7) Enlightenment
8) Spread of Enlightenment
9) American Revolution

b) Click here for Practice Quizzes by the Legendary Janet, Jina & Natalie from 2004

c) Click here for help with your outlines and some Practice Quizzes by the Legendary Historical Dancer Amy from 2005

d) Click here for Vocabulary Game help by the Legendary Scott and Jordan from 2005

e) Let Mr P know if you find any other useful websites.

f) Also, think about creating a new project or improving an old project that will be useful for future students or Mr P. The deadline for the Legacy Project is before Halloween. All students must have legacy project approved by Mr P before Halloween. All students not approved of doing a Legacy Project by Halloween will take the Semester Final Exam instead of doing the Semester Final Project. Fair Warning to all Test-Hating Students: Do NOT wait until the last second to get approved or run the risk of NOT getting approved at all for legacy project. It is best to have many ideas typed up and turned into Mr. P as soon as possible (ASAP).

TUESDAY October 18, 2005

1) Supreme Council Election Results
2) Spectrum of Time Drill
3) North Renaissance Review
4) Exploration Outline Notes (Assign #3d)
5) Exploration Video Notes (Assign #9)


a) Reformation Questions (Assign #10)
b) Study for possible Reformation Quiz tomorrow. Be sure to do your Assign 10 HW because Mr P might let you use your HW while taking the Reformation Quiz.
b) Completed & organized: Assign #1-10
c) Completed & organized: Assign 3a - 3d

Assign 3 = Historical Theme Outlines

3a = Middle Ages - completed in class
3b = Renaissance - completed 10/18
3c = North Renaissance - completed 10/18
3d = Exploration - completed in class 10/18

3e = Reformation - not required yet
3f = Scientific Revolution - not required yet
3g = Enlightenment - not required yet
3h = Spread of Enlightenment - not required yet
3i = American Revolution - not required yet

WEDNESDAY October 19, 2005

1) Reformation HW Quiz?
2) Update: One Thing Leads to Another (Assign #2)
3) Reformation Review
4) Scientific Revolution (Assign #11)


a) Typed Legacy Proposals Due Tomorrow Mr P expects some solid detailed proposals!
b) Complete Scientific Revolution (Assign #11)
c) Completed Assigns (1 - 11)
d) Completed Historical Theme Outlines (Assign 3a - 3e)

Assign 3 = Historical Theme Outlines

3a = Middle Ages - completed in class
3b = Renaissance - completed 10/18
3c = North Renaissance - completed 10/18
3d = Exploration - completed in class 10/18
3e = Reformation - completed 10/19

3f = Scientific Revolution - not required yet
3g = Enlightenment - not required yet
3h = Spread of Enlightenment - not required yet
3i = American Revolution - not required yet

THURSDAY October 20, 2005

1) Scientific Revolution QuickWrite (Assign ?)
2) Lesson of Life
3) Scientific Revolution Review (Assign # 11)
4) Enlightenment Questions (Assign ?)



a) Enlightenment Questions (Assign ?)
b) Complete Assign 1 - 13?
c) Complete Outline Assign 3a - 3f

Assign 3 = Historical Theme Outlines

3a = Middle Ages - completed in class
3b = Renaissance - completed 10/18
3c = North Renaissance - completed 10/18
3d = Exploration - completed in class 10/18
3e = Reformation - completed 10/19
3f = Scientific Revolution - completed 10/20

3g = Enlightenment - not required yet
3h = Spread of Enlightenment - not required yet
3i = American Revolution - not required yet

FRIDAY October 21, 2005

1) Spectrum of Time / One Thing Leads to Another Drill (Assign #2)
2) Enlightenment Review


a) Bored this weekend? Take some practice Multiple Choice Quizzes to prep for the Middle Ages thru American Revolution Exam next week (Next Friday?)

Click here for Practice Quizzes by the Legendary Janet, Jina & Natalie from 2004

b) Complete Assign 1-13?

c) Complete Historical Theme Outlines (Assign 3a - 3h) - by Tuesday 10/25

Assign 3 = Historical Theme Outlines

3a = Middle Ages - completed in class
3b = Renaissance - completed 10/18
3c = North Renaissance - completed 10/18
3d = Exploration - completed in class 10/18
3e = Reformation - completed 10/19
3f = Scientific Revolution - completed 10/20
3g = Enlightenment - completed 10/25
3h = Spread of Enlightenment - completed 10/25

3i = American Revolution - not required yet

One thing Leads to Another

was a good 80s song by the Fixx