Tuesday, November 16, 2004

MONDAY November 15, 2004

French Revolution Test Results
Napoleon (Day 1)

HW: Work on Napoleon Vocab

TUESDAY November 16, 2004

Napoleon (Day 2)

HW:Work on Napoleon Vocab

WEDNESDAY November 17, 2004

Napoleon (Day 3)

HW: Work on Napoleon Vocab

NOTE: Semester Finals will be at the end of January. Students are scheduled to take a Semester Final Exam or do a Semester Final Project (Legacy Project). All students were given a choice of taking the Semester Exam or applying to do a Legacy Project for a final. Any student that was seeking to do a Legacy Project had to obtain approval to do so from Mr. P by the (extended) deadlin of November 5th, 2004.

Semester Final Exam

a) Multiple Choice 150 - 200 Questions
b) Cumulative Exam
c) Mr P suggests students keep all their Unit Packet work so they can use their packets to study for the Final Exam which will be at the end of January. Dates for the Final Exam = TBA

Most students will take a Semester Final Exam. It will be multiple choice and consist of questions from all the subject matter covered during the semester. Thus, it will be a cumulative Multiple Choice Exam.

Legact Project Semester Final

a) Students had to obtain approval to do a Legacy Project by November 5th, 2004
b) Students are expected to provide Mr. P with Legacy Project Progress Reports.
C) FAIR WARNING: Legacy Projects are NOT done the night before they are due. Students should expect to put in some quality time researching, creating and producing their legacy project.

Students approved to do a Legacy Project as their semester final need to give Mr. P a Legacy Project Progress Report by Tuesday, November 23, 2004. Students can:
A) type a response and leave it in Mr. P's comment box
B) they can email Mr. P an update of their Project Progress or lack of progress.

Students should:

1) What work have they honestly gotten done since getting approval to do a Legacy Project? Explain

2) Demonstrate or show proof of progress on project.

3) Explain what you plan to have completed for the legacy project by December 15th, 2004. So type up some sort of working schedule. Be realistic and honest. No point in just making up anything. Make a schedule and stick to it. Mr. P will expect another Legacy Project progress report by December 15, 2004.

4) Grade yourself on your progress so far. A? B-? D+? etc. Justify the grade you gave yourself. Explain how you plan to improve the grade you gave yourself. Legacy Projects should be Legendary.

a) Are you putting the time, effort and applying quality innovative skills to produce an excellent final project?
b) Is Mr P going to use your Legacy Project with future classes?
c) Will your project stand the test of time or will someone do a better job in the next few years?

THURSDAY November 18, 2004

1) Napoleon (Day #4)
2) Napoleon Review

HW Make sure Napoleon Packet is complete.

FRIDAY November 19, 2004

1) Napoleon Review
2) Napoleon Quiz

MONDAY November 22, 2004

1) Start Inustrial Revolution

TUESDAY November 23, 2004

1) Industrial Revolution = TBA

WEDNESDAY November 24, 2004