Monday, October 05, 2009

Greetings and welcome to 2009-2010 school year.

There are a multitude of purposes for this portion of the website.

1) Students can check homework (HW)
2) Parents can check homework
3) Students (especially absent) can find out about what happened in class.
4) Parents can get a sense of what is going on in class.
5) Students and parents can find out about upcoming exams, quizzes, projects, etc.

While this information can be helpful, parents and students should NOT ONLY rely on this portion of the website for information pertaining to World History. Students should:

a) Attend class and pay attention to instruction
b) Exchange phone numbers and emails with more than one trustworthy student
c) Start a class blog to communicate about class matters (students have been doing this for the past few years now)
d) Check out Technical Thompson's Website (P-Alumni Student Class Website)

Due to various restrictions like lack of time, no budget for secretaries and website masters, as well as a need to attend to personal matters, Mr. P does NOT always have this portion of the website updated. He tries his best. Yes, not very far back in history there were no such thing as websites and whatnot. Mankind has survived for thousands of years without the internet and other technological 'wonders' and I suppose we can continue to do so. Think of this website as an 'extra' and not a necessity. Regardless, I hope that you still find this portion of the website helpful this year.


MONDAY October 5, 2009

1) Read Roman Republic & Empire (p.20-27)
2) Do Part 1 of Worksheet as a class
3) Groups work on their Power Pt Part


a) Link for Roman Power Pt.
i) Groups should download this power pt
ii) Enhance their section with images
iii)Save their image enhanced section to a USB and bring to class by Wednesday

b)Work to complete Roman Worksheet Parts 1-10 by Wednesday
c)FYI - Instructions for Group Presentations

TUESDAY October 6, 2009

1) Work individually on Roman Worksheet Parts 1-10 by Wednesday
2) Groups discuss and prep for mini-group presentation starting Wednesday
3) Extra time work to complete Roman Worksheet or read Judaism - Section 3 p.28-32


a) Link for Roman Power Pt.
i) Groups should download this power pt
ii) Enhance their section with images
iii)Save their image enhanced section to a USB and bring to class by Wednesday

b)Work to complete Roman Worksheet Parts 1-10 by Wednesday

WEDNESDAY October 7, 2009

1) Final Group Prep time / HW check
2) Roman Republic and Empire Group Mini-Presentations Begin Parts 1-4
3) Back to School Night!


Visit Mr. P's Website (Wait! You're already here, right?)

A)Print out a copy of Mr. P's class syllabus
B)Review the syllabus with your parents, if you didn't have the time to appropriately do so at the start of the school year.
C) Study for Roman Republic and Empire Mini-Exam on Friday

THURSDAY October 8, 2009

1) Roman Republic and Empire Group Mini-Presentations Begin Parts 5-8
2) Roman Jeopardy Review Game to assist with Roman Mini Exam this Friday


A) Study for Roman Republic and Empire Mini-Exam on Friday

FRIDAY October 9, 2009

1) Roman Republic and Empire Group Mini-Presentations Begin Parts 9-10
2) Turn in Roman Worksheet
3) Roman Republic and Empire Mini Exam


A) Did you bomb the Geo Exam? Study for the Geo Retake to be offered after school in the coming weeks. Remember "ace" the retake and your score will be changed to a perfect score. What a deal! Check out the Geo online studying assistance made by former students of Mr P. These former students did this to help you. So now take responsibility and help yourself "ace" the Geo Retake and improve your grade.

1) Ultimate Geo - download this power point! It will take a few minutes to download as it is a big file. It is a great help!
2) Sketch's Website - great website to help drill Geo locations into your head.


