1) Table of Contents (This powerpoint includes worksheets for assignments 1-10)
2) Entangled Alliances
3) Map of Europe (p.353 & 359)
4) Powderkeg & Dominoes
5) Weapons of WWI (See Powerpoint for Assign #1)
5b) Quiz Prep Worksheet
6) War Affects the World
7) Flawed Peace & Flawed Peace - WWI Play (Power Pt) & (Word Doc)
8) Killing Fields (WWI Video Notes) (THIS IS CLASS WORK)
9) Propaganda Notes (THIS IS CLASS WORK)
10 Vocabulary & Study Guide
Battle of the Somme DBQ -
The Almost Complete Vocab Jeopardy to help you study for the Vocab Game - Something is better than nothing. Posted by Mr P at 4:19am
WWI PROPAGANDA BOOKS - Links to entire online books below
1) How We Advertised America - By George Creel
2) Public Opinion - By Walter Lippmann
3) Propaganda - Edward Bernay
4) VIDEO: Century of the Self - Adam Curtis Documentary that connects War Propaganda with modern advertisement, consumerism, psychology, sociology, how the masses are controlled and you.
1) Cool BBC Animated WWI Maps
2) Cool NPR Segment - WWI Germany Unleashed Terror Cells in US
This video gives a general idea of some of the organizational planning needed for the P Olympics. King P can envision an even more thorough, detailed and upbeat video than this one. Hmmmm...? Perhaps there are some qualified and inspired citizens out there who would want to undertake such a project? Did someone say Project? As in: Legacy Project? Hint! Hint!
A) Legacy Project approval deadline is Spring Equinox (March 21th, 2014)
B) Semester Final is either the Final Exam or a Legacy Project. All students wishing to do a Legacy Project must get approval from Mr. P prior to Spring Equinox (March 21th, 2014).
C) All students not doing a Legacy Project will take a semester Final Exam. The Final Exam is multiple choice. Questions for the multiple choice exam will be cumulative. Thus, any content covered during the first semester can appear on the Semester Final Exam.
D) The Semester Final will be at the end of semester. Students taking the Final Exam will take it at the end of the school year. Students doing a legacy project will turn it in the day the students (not doing a legacy project) take the Semester Final Exam.
1) Blank Proposal Application & Sample of filled out Application
2) Contract
3) Update Form & Calendar
4) Legacy Project Ideas - if you can't come up with ideas of your own
5) Sample WWI Vocab - Gives ideas on how to do Legacy Vocab.
6) Sample - WWI Play - Gives ideas on how to do Legacy Play.
7) Sample - Video Proposal - If you can't provide a sample of your video skills like this, don't even bother with a Video Project
a) Gehr Video Proposal
b) Grace Video Proposal
c) Katrin's Cartoon sample
Each semester students will have a choice of taking either the Final Exam or doing a Legacy Project as their ‘semester’ final. The semester final (exam or project) will equate to 20% - 25 % of the student’s semester grade. There is an application and qualification process that involves doing a legacy project. All students who do not apply or qualify to do a Legacy Project will partake in Final Exam process as a means of fulfilling their semester final obligation for the course. Written below are the specifics for both the Legacy Project and Final Exam.
There are several purposes for students to apply to do a legacy project.
1) Students want to create a project to assist & inspire future students’ learning.
2) Students actually want to make a difference and contribute to the betterment of Mr. P’s class.
3) Students prefer to create a project versus taking an Exam for a final.
All student interested in doing a Legacy Project for their semester final must apply and qualify to do a legacy project. To apply and qualify for the Legacy Project, students must submit at least 3 typed proposals to Mr. P. In addition, students are required to schedule a brief meeting with Mr P after school to explain their legacy project proposals. Basically, students are to ‘sell’ their legacy project idea to Mr. P. Students will “qualify” to do a legacy project, if students convince Mr. P of the usefulness of their Legacy Proposal(s). Students should bring their 3 typed legacy proposals and explain them to Mr. P. At the after school meeting, students MUST do the following:
A) Be prepared, articulate and brief (Mr. P is a busy guy and doesn’t like to waste time)
B) Quickly & clearly explain to Mr. P your Legacy ideas (Mr. P has to be able to understand what it is)
C) Explain how it will be beneficial to future students, Mr. P, etc.
D) A typed working schedule that explains how you will be completing the project
E) Samples that demonstrate your ability to do certain kinds of work (i.e. your artwork, video equipment, computer skills or previous projects your done).
The deadline to apply and qualify for doing a Legacy Project as a student’s “Final” for the Fall semester will be October 31st (Halloween) and for the Spring semester March 21st (Equinox). If a student does not apply and qualify by this date, the student will then, by way of default, partake in the Final Exam process at the end of the semester. If a student qualifies and agrees to do a Legacy Project, then he/she is committed to doing a Legacy Project. They will not be allowed to change from doing a Legacy Project to taking the “Final Exam.”
GROUP or SOLO WORK: Mr. P highly recommends that students work solo on their legacy project. Once again, he advises students do NOT work with other students. However, students might be allowed to work with others if they can justify the need to have more than one person do the project. Yet, the group work limit is 3 students. Students may also work with students in Mr. P’s other World History classes. Most importantly, if students qualify to work in a group it is entirely their choice and responsibility to do so. Mr. P will NOT, once again, will NOT hear any grievances or feel any sympathy pertaining to group work problems. Group work is a choice of the students. Again, Mr. P suggests students do NOT work in groups. Yet, students are old enough to make their own decision on such matter.
A Grade:
Most likely any legacy project that will be or is actually used in Mr. P’s class achieves an “A” grade. If Mr. P will not use it in the future, it probably is NOT going to get an “A” grade. Legacy projects rarely take 1 day or 1 weekend to complete. Students with a desire to achieve an “A” should put in a fair amount of time and effort to complete their legacy project. However, time and effort does NOT necessarily equate to an “A” grade. Students can work very hard and still not achieve an “A” grade. The project should be of the utmost quality. It should also be ready for classroom use. Usually any needed adjustments that Mr. P has to do will deduct from the grade of the Legacy Project. All students witness how Mr. P runs the class on a daily basis. Students should become aware of what is “needed” and what “works” with regards to legacy projects. Also, “A” legacy projects are well labeled, packaged, easily stored or accessed. Presentation of the Legacy Project is memorable. It is NOT just another boring final presentation. Fellow students believe the project is useful and of quality.
B Grade:
Usually a good legacy project but does not do all the requirements listed for an “A” grade. Most likely, a “B” grade results because Mr. P will have to “adjust” the project so that it can be used in class. “B” rate Legacy Projects lack the originality, usefulness and quality in comparison to “A” rate Legacy Projects. Presentation of the project is above average and is somewhat memorable.
C Grade:
Results when the Legacy Project will NOT be used in the classroom. It does NOT fulfill the general standards of a “B” grade. Presentation of the project is average and is NOT memorable.
D Grade:
“D” stands for Disappointment. This project is obviously substandard to what is expected of Legacy Projects. It appears to be done quickly and with substandard care. It will NOT be used in the classroom. Presentation is unprepared, robotic and/or boring.
F Grade:
Produces an overall gross Legacy Project. There is a sense of making a mockery out of doing the Legacy Project. Unorganized and poor presentation. If anything, this project serves as a sample of what NOT to do for a Legacy Project.
The Final Exam will take place the day of the scheduled final in late January for the fall semester and in June for the spring semester. The Final Exam will consist of approximately 100 multiple choice questions. The questions will be related to the unit topics covered during the semester. Students are welcome to pick the Final Exam as their semester final.
180 – 200 correct; 90% - 100% = A
160 – 179 correct; 80% - 89% = B
140 – 159 correct; 70% - 79% = C
120 – 139 correct; 60% - 69% = D
0 – 119 correct; 0 - 59% = F
This video gives a general idea of some of the organizational planning needed for the P Olympics. King P can envision an even more thorough, detailed and upbeat video than this one. Hmmmm...? Perhaps there are some qualified and inspired citizens out there who would want to undertake such a project? Did someone say Project? As in: Legacy Project? Hint! Hint!
Become enlightened about P-ville from Elders of the Past. Use the path the elders have drawn out for you or pave your own route for P-ville. Whatever the case, be sure to do something! Be sure to make P-ville a better place by the time you leave in June than what it was when you first arrived in September to P-ville.
1) P-ville Intro
2) Daily Announcements by Mac & Nina
3) Director of Integrity (DoI)
4) Director of MVP (DoMVP)
5) Director of Economy (DoE)
6) Director of Technology (DoTECH)
7) Director of Maintenance (DoM)
8) Director of Chief of Police (DoP)
9) Director of Stocks (DoS)
10) Director of Beautification (DoB)
11) What other Director of... videos are needed?
a) Director of Directors (DoD)
b) Supreme Council (including a video viewing
c) Director of Quotes (DoQ)
d) Director of Randomness (DoR)
e) Director of SWEN (DoSWEN)
f) Director of Foreign Affairs (DoFA)
g) Director of Special Events (DoSE)
h) Director of Treasury (DoT)
On Christmas Eve 1914 something very strange and memorable
happened. Here is a re-enactment of what happened. Ask King P to show
the entire film during Period 7.
Joyeux Noel Trailer
Cool NPR Segment - WWI Germany Unleashed Terror Cells in US
2012, disturbing things are happening that should wake up students and
get them off their rear and out to make change. Otherwise, this woman
will break down why students of today are more likely to have a dim
future instead of a bright one.