Industrial Revolution (IR) Unit PRINTOUT WORKSHEETS!
1) Table of Contents
2) KWL
3) Study Guide (ie Vocab Words)Page 1 & Page 2
4) Crossword Puzzle Page 1 = Puzzle & Page 2 = Clues
5) IR Intro Video Notes a) Easy Person's Guide or b) Thinking Person's Guide
6) IR Guided Notes Packet Title Page , Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 & Part 6
7) Economic Process
8) Economic Choices???
9a) Economic Spectrum
9b) Capitalism & Marxism Scenarios
10) Impact of the Industrial Revolution Front Page & Back Page
11) Workers & Owners
12) Unions Pros & Cons (Page 1, Page 2, Page 3 & Page 4)
13) Sueta Plan
14) Distribution of Wealth (Page 1, Page 2, Page 3 & Page 4)
Impact of the Industrial Revolution Front Page & Back Page
a) Working Conditions & Wages
b) Child Labor
c) Changing role of Women
d) Conditions in the Coal Mines
e) Urbanization
f) Education
g) Changing class structure
h) Industrial Production
i) Modern Buildings
j) Modern Inventions
MONDAY December 11, 2006
1) Industrial Revolution Final Review
2) Distribution of Wealth Review (Assign # 14)
3) Extra Time: Review Vocabulary Game
a) Complete staple packet (assign 1-15) and have ready to turn in before tardy bell on tomorrow. Order and Stability!
b) Study for Industrial Revolution Exam (Tuesday)
TUESDAY December 12, 2006
1) Industrial Revolution Packet (Assign 1- 15) - DUE before Tardy Bell
2) Industrial Revolution Exam
3) Start Nationalism & Imperialism Unit
HW: (Help out Mr P & print out your own worksheets from Mr P’s website for the Nationalism & Imperialism Unit.)
1) Table of Contents
2) KWL
3) Vocabulary - Part A #1-6 , Part B #7-13, Part C #14-19, Part D #20-23
4) Bonds that create a Nation State
5) Proclamation of 1860
6) Nationalist Speech
7) Languages Fuel Nationalism FRONT (Map) & BACK (Questions)
8) Nationalism & Disunity
9) Cause & Effect
10) Franco-Prussian War p.238
11) Imperialism 5 W’s
12) Map of Africa
13) QW Imperial Cartoons
14) British Contact with African King / Letter from Menelik II
15) Analyzing Imperial Motives (Front side & Back side)
16) Imperial World Map
Assign # ? = Analyzing Assumptions and Biases
WEDNESDAY December 13, 2006
1) IR Exam Results
2) TOC (Assign #1)
3) KWL (Assign #2)
4) Vocab (Assign #3)
5) Bonds that create a Nation State (Assign #4)
6) Proclamation of 1860 (Assign #5)
7) Nationalist Speech (Assign #6)
8) Languages Fuel Nationalism (Assign #7)
1) Print out Nationalism & Imperialism Worksheets
2) Work on Vocab (Assign #3)
3) Take a look at Wednesday and be sure to have worksheet printouts for class
4) Complete Assignments 1-7
THURSDAY December 14, 2006
1) Proclamation of 1860 (Assign #5)
2) Nationalist Speech (Assign #6)
3) Languages Fuel Nationalism (Assign #7)
4) Nationalism & Disunity (Assign #8)
5) Cause & Effect (Assign #9)
6) Recap Nationalism
7) Crimean War (Who, What, When, Where and Why)
8) 5 W's of Imperialism (Who, What, When, Where and Why) - (Assign #11)
a) Complete Assign #1-9
b) Assign 2 = KWL - Students should continually add to the LEARNED portion of the assignment throughout the unit.
c) Assign 3 = Vocab - Students are expected to continually work on and complete all vocab words by the end of the unit. Most vocab words will be defined in class more than once. However, students will be expected to define and know all words on the Vocab list, whether some of the words are defined in class or not.
d) Read and understand: Crimean War (p. 319 - use Index in textbook if this page is wrong)
FRIDAY December 15, 2006
1) Nationalism & Disunity (Assign #8)
2) Cause & Effect (Assign #9)
3) Recap Nationalism
4) Crimean War (Who, What, When, Where and Why)
5) Review 5 W's of Imperialism (Assign #11)
6) Map of Africa (Assign #12) / African Border Dilemma
7) Interpreting Imperial Political Cartoons (Assign #13)
A) Franco-Prussian War p.238 (Assign #10)
B) READ & COMPLETE QUESTIONS: Letter from Menenik II/ British Contact with African King (Assign #14)
C) COLOR & IDENTIFY: Imperial World Map (Assign #16)
D) Possible HW Quiz on Monday: i) Imperial World Map ii) Vocab
E) Have appropriate worksheets printed out and supplies for Monday brought to class
F) Complete Assign #1-16
MONDAY December 18, 2006
1) Possible HW Quiz on: Franco Prussian War & Crimean War
2) Review 5 W's of Imperialism (Assign #11)
3) Review Map of Africa (Assign #12) / African Border Dilemma
4) Interpreting Imperial Political Cartoons (Assign #13)
5) Letter from Menenik II/ British Contact with African King (Assign #14)
6) Imperial World Map (Assign #16)
7) Work on Vocab (Assign #3)
a) Complete Assign #1-16 (all except #15)
c) COLOR & IDENTIFY: Imperial World Map (Assign #16)
d) Possible HW Quiz on Tuesday: i) Imperial World Map ii) Vocab
TUESDAY December 19, 2006
1) Analyzing Imperial Motives (Assign #15)
a) Organize & Complete (Assign #1-16)
WEDNESDAY December 20, 2006
1) Nationalism & Imperialism Review Game
a) Organize & Complete Packet
b) Study for Nationalism & Imperialism Exam Tomorrow
THURSDAY December 21, 2006
1) Nationalism & Imperialism Packet due before tardy bell
2) Nationalism & Imperialism Exam
a) None for the break
Are you doing the Final PROJECT or EXAM? Some reminders below:
b) Click here to start studying for the Semester Final Exam (End of January)
c) Work on completing your Legacy Project for your Semester Final due at end of the semester (End of January).
So to prepare for the Holiday Season and being that this is the World History section of the Website, you all have to check this one out. Apparently, the Swedes have this wacky Christmas tradition of making a giant horse or goat from like a hay material after the harvest season. The Swedish city of Gavle claims to make the biggest giant goat or horse in the world. It is suppose to be a traditional symbol of Christmas in Sweden. The funny thing about the giant horse or goat is that it is suppose to be up through Christmas and the New Year but each year the giant horse or goat never makes it. Each year some phantom Swede (or others like even a 51 yr old American in 2001) comes along and lights the giant horse on fire. Each year security is stepped up and each year the burning of the giant goat gets more elaborate. Supposedly, it is big news in Sweden. The smirking newsman will come on TV and say something like, “Well, the giant goat got it early this year” or “Although it lasted longer than usual, the giant horse has suffered the same fate once again.” I hear that most Swedes laugh about the whole thing. Yet, the security tries to take it serious by preventing a burning and have the giant goat or horse make it to Christmas. This year security has a two 24 hour web-cam monitoring things. Also, there is apparently some inflammable substance to protect the giant goat from any possible attempts to burn it down. Will the security protect the giant goat until Christmas or will the same wacky burning tradition continue? Be sure to monitor this goofy international story during the holiday season. Lycka Till Giant Goat! ?
Here is the link to the christmas goat that burns every year
Is Imperialism still taking place today?
You bet!