Tuesday, April 21, 2009

WWII EUROPE ASSIGNMENTS are listed at Technical Thompson's Website. At this student website, students can find assignment word documents, some power points and other supplementary information on the WWII unit.

MONDAY April 20, 2009

1) Class & ID Pictures
2) P-ville Election Results
3) Aggression Begins (Assign #7)


A) T-Day Packet Groupwork (Assign #8)

minimum = do your part assigned to your group.
maximum = complete packet if you have the time, will and interest by using your book, power point found on Technical Thompson's Website and online sources. The advantage is you then can sit and class and listen to answers as they are reviewed in class instead of frantically jotting down the answers. It is up to you. Either way, this assignment is due on the day with the rest of your WWII assignments (1-9) on Friday.

B) V-E Day & Aftermath (Assign #9) p. 488 - 490 - Due Wednesday for HW review.
C) WWII Europe Exam - FRIDAY
D) WWII Europe Packet (Assign 1-9) - Due FRIDAY

TUESDAY April 21, 2009

1) Finish Aggression Begins - (Assign #7)
2) Start T-Day Packet - Assign #8)


A) Complete Assign #1 - 9
B) WWII Europe Exam Friday
C) WWII Europe Packet (Assign 1-9) Due Friday

WEDNESDAY April 22, 2009

1) T-Day Packet - WWII European Battles - (Assign #8)
2) V-E Day - (Assign #9)
3) Video Review


A) Complete Assign #1 - 9
B) WWII Europe Exam Friday
C) WWII Europe Packet (Assign 1-9) Due Friday

THURSDAY April 23, 2009

1) Continue Reviewing Assignments 8 & 9
2) Review for WWII Exam - Friday
3) Review WWII Europe Packet (Assign 1-9) - Due Friday

* Interested in learning more history? Come After School to P Cinema -
WWII Documentary: How Hitler Lost the War
If you are a fan of WWII history, come by to check out this documentary - 70 mins. Followed by short post video discussion. Video will start at 3:22pm.
Talk to your DOD or Supreme Council Member to obtain an advanced ticket to this P Cinema event.

NOTE: P-ville Citizens who attend P Cinema events will receive 25 P-ville points. Remember P-ville points will equate to one P-ville semester assignment worth 50 semester points (about 3-5% of your semester grade). P Cinema is just one of many many many ways to earn P-ville points. If you are interested in earning P-ville points in other ways, talk to your class DOD (President) or to your elected Supreme Council member (your class representative).


A) Complete Assign #1-9
B) WWII Europe Exam Friday
C) WWII Europe Packet Due Friday

FRIDAY April 24, 2009

1) Turn in WWII Europe Packet (Assign 1-9)
2) WWII Europe EXAM

Interested in learning more history? Come After School to P Cinema -
WWII Documentary: Goebbel's Experiment
If you are a fan of WWII history, come by to check out this documentary - 107 mins. Followed by short post video discussion. Video will start shortly after school. Talk to your DOD or Supreme Council Member to obtain an advanced ticket to this P Cinema event.

NOTE: P-ville Citizens who attend P Cinema events will receive 25 P-ville points. Remember P-ville points will equate to one P-ville semester assignment worth 50 semester points (about 3-5% of your semester grade). P Cinema is just one of many many many ways to earn P-ville points. If you are interested in earning P-ville points in other ways, talk to your class DOD (President) or to your elected Supreme Council member (your class representative).


1) NO Homework due on Monday

2) Students doing Legacy Projects instead of the Final Exam. Mr P would expects to get a Project update by next Friday May 1, 2009 in order to measure your project progress. Students can:

a) Stop by after school to show their project progress thus far and ask questions
b) Email Mr P and attach project progress information to your email

Do you know about WWII Codes?

Do you know about the Enigma?

Ask WWII to talk about the Enigma and other WWII code breaking stories.

Look under ghoti