Sunday, January 10, 2010


Click for Study Guide for 1st Semester Final

Refer to Technical Thompson's Website to print out worksheets if they are NOT available here.

The Long standing Democracy In Action Assignment is EXTRA CREDIT. It will be due by Friday, January 22, 2010.

1) Table of Contents
2) KWL
3) Vocabulary --- (Vocab Review Game) & (Misc Imperialism Vocab Review) & (Mrs T's NI Review)
4) Bonds that create a Nation State
5) Proclamation of 1860 - Italy's Garibaldi
6) Nationalist Speech - Germany's Bismarck
7) Languages Fuel Nationalism FRONT(Map) & BACK (Questions)
8) Nationalism & Disunity (Power Point) Write notes on your own paper
9) Cause & Effect (Power Point) Write notes on your own paper
10) Nationalist Wars - Franco-Prussian War (p.231 & p. 269 – 271) & Crimean War (Power Point & Worksheet)
11) Imperialism 5 W’s (Ch 9 Section 1 p.286 - 289)(Power Point) Write notes on your own paper.
12) Imperial Motives (Front side & Back side)
13) QW - Imperial Cartoons
14) Imperial World Map (Worksheet) & (Cool Extra Map References)

Imperialism Group Work Instructions & Worksheets Assignments 15-17

15) Imperial Africa (Ch 9 Section 2 p.290 - 297) (Power point & Worksheet)
16) Imperial India (Ch 9 Section 4 p.303 - 308) (Power point & Worksheet)
17) Imperial China (Ch 9 Section 5 p.309 - 313)(Power point & (Worksheet)


Assign # ? = Analyzing Assumptions and Biases


Try this power point of worksheets, if the links to worksheets & power points do NOT work.


1) Review Game 2008
2) Vocab Review Game


MONDAY January 11, 2010

1) IR Exam Results
2) EXTRA CREDIT = Really Complete Sueta Plan portion on Monthly Bills & Total Cost
2) TOC (Assign #1)
3) KWL (Assign #2)
4) Vocab (Assign #3)
5) Bonds that create a Nation State (Assign #4)
6) Proclamation of 1860 (Assign #5)--- Underlining & Explaining Nationalism Talk
7) Nationalist Speech (Assign #6) --- Underlining & Explaining Nationalism Talk
8) Languages Fuel Nationalism (Assign #7)--- Answer questions on back of worksheet


A) Work on Vocab 1-7 (Assign #3) --- Ask Mr P tomorrow if you have vocab questions
B) Complete Assignments 5 & 6 --- Hi-lite "Nationalistic Talk" in speeches
C) Assignments 1-7 covered in class

TUESDAY January 12, 2010 -- Minimum Day

1) HW Review / Quiz?: Proclamation of 1860 (Assign #5) (10)
2) HW Review / Quiz?: Nationalist Speech (Assign #6)
3) Languages Fuel Nationalism (Assign #7) (10)
4) Nationalism & Disunity (Assign #8) (10)
5) Cause & Effect (Assign #9) (10)
6) Recap Nationalism (?)
7) INTRO - (Assign #10) Crimean War (Who, What, When, Where and Why) – p. 244, 247, 255
8) INTRO - (Assign #10) Franco Prussian War (p.231 & 269 – 271)


a) Complete Assign #1-9
b) Assign 2 = KWL - Students should continually add to the LEARNED portion of the assignment throughout the unit.
c) Assign 3 = Vocab 8-14 - Students are expected to continually work on and complete all vocab words by the end of the unit. Most vocab words will be defined in class more than once. However, students will be expected to define and know all words on the Vocab list, whether some of the words are defined in class or not.
d) Assign 10 = Read and understand: Franco Prussian War & Crimean War (p. 244, 247, 255 - use Index in textbook if this page is wrong. Also, use online sources to learn about the Crimean War)

WEDNESDAY January 13, 2010

1) Recap - Nationalism & Disunity (Assign #8)
2) Recap - Cause & Effect (Assign #9) (10)
3) Recap Nationalism (12)
4) Review Assign 10 - Franco/Prussian War & Crimean War (Who, What, When, Where Why)
5) Intro - 5 W's of Imperialism (Assign #11) (12)
6) Intro - Imperial Africa, India & China Group Work (10)
-----------Start with Africa on Friday. All powers points are available online. Do the note in advance so you can pay closer in attention in class.

SUPREME COUNCIL MEETING AT LUNCH - Led by Period 5? Is Period 5 living up to its role as noble leaders of P-ville? Is the "ship" of P-ville "sailing" in the right direction? Is it moving in any direction or just "floating" about aimlessly?

P-VILLE POINTS - Soon your "sail" thru 1st semester will end and you will be turning in your financial sheets for a grade (Friday, January 22). Be sure to get as many P-ville points as possible. P-ville Points = 1 assignment worth 50 points or 5% of your semester grade. Supreme Council Members and DOD remind your people to earn their "P" points. No citizens should blow off this easy assignment.

P-VILLE ELECTIONS - will be on Monday, January 25 (Last day of regular classes). Anyone interested in running will have to prepare a 30 second speech to be given in front of his/her class prior to election. The elected term is for 10 weeks at which time there will be the spring election and last of this school year. Get involved and participate in your class government in one way or another.


A) COMPLETE FOR FRIDAY (Assign #15) - Imperial Africa (Ch 9 Section 2 p.290 - 297)
--------i) Map of Africa / African Border Dilemma
--------ii)Letter from Menenik II/ British Contact with African King

B) COMPLETE FOR TUESDAY (Assign #16) - Imperial India (Ch 9 Section 4 p.303 - 308)
C) COMPLETE FOR WEDNESDAY (Assign #17) - Imperial China (Ch 9 Section 5 p.309 - 313)

THURSDAY January 14, 2010

1) Recap - Nationalism / (Nationalism Quiz?)
2) Recap - (Assign #11) 5 W's of Imperialism
3) Review (Assign #12) - Imperial Motives
4) Review (Assign #14) - Imperial World Map
5) (Assign #13) - Imperial Cartoons


A) COMPLETE FOR FRIDAY (Assign #15) - Imperial Africa (Ch 9 Section 2 p.290 - 297)
--------i) Map of Africa / African Border Dilemma
--------ii)Letter from Menenik II/ British Contact with African King

B) COMPLETE FOR TUESDAY (Assign #16) - Imperial India (Ch 9 Section 4 p.303 - 308)
C) COMPLETE FOR WEDNESDAY (Assign #17) - Imperial China (Ch 9 Section 5 p.309 - 313)

D) Legacy Projects will be due at the end of the semester.

FRIDAY January 15, 2010 (Happy B-day MLK Jr)

1) Bring your book to class!
2) REVIEW by Groups (Assign #15) - Imperial Africa (Ch 9 Section 2 p.290 - 297)
--------i) Map of Africa / African Border Dilemma
--------ii)Letter from Menenik II/ British Contact with African King

MONDAY January 18, 2010 (MLK Jr Holiday - No School)

1) Mr P listens to this speech each year on this holiday. It is his favorite Martin Luther King Jr speech. It isn't the "I had a dream..." speech, nor is it the Beyond Vietnam which was a darn good one, but it is a little speech (actually a sermon) called "But if not" from November 1967 (about a year before he was assassinated. Click here if you want to listen to it. It usually makes Mr P cry each year when he listens to it. Yet, Mr P is strange and cries at odd things like certain parts during the movie Jaws. Anyway, Happy Birthday MLK and I always remember: "But if not!"


1) Students should be working to:

a) Complete their Legacy Project or b) Study for the Final Exam

Schedule for Finals

Tuesday, January 26th = Period 2
Wednesday,January 27th = Period 3 & 4
Thursday, January 28th = Period 5 & 6

TUESDAY January 19, 2009

1) Vocab Review Game --------(10)
2) Africa Review
3) REVIEW by Groups - (Assign #16) - Imperial India (Ch 9 Section 4 p.303 - 308)


HEY! Last week to get your P-Ville Points (Due Friday January 22, 2010)

A) Assign 1-16 covered in class
B) Completing 1-16
C) Continuing Vocab (Assign #3)
D) Work on Imperial World Map (Assign #14)
E) Possible HW Quiz Wednesday on: i) Imperial World Map ii) Vocab

WEDNESDAY January 20, 2010 (Happy R.W.!)

1) HW Quiz based on Imperial World Map (Assign #16) & Vocab (Assign #3) BE READY!
2) REVIEW by Groups (Assign #17) - Imperial China (Ch 9 Section 5 p.309 - 313)
3) Jeopardy Review
4) Analyzing Assumptions and Bias (If time permits)


A) Assignments 1-17 covered in class
B) Students should be finalizing completion of Assign 1-17
C) Study Assign 1-17 for Exam on Friday
D) P-ville Points (Due Friday)

THURSDAY January 21, 2010

1) Review of any assignments (1-17) not covered thus far
2) Review Game for Exam (Friday)


A) Assignments 1-17 completed, stapled and ready to turn in tomorrow
B) Study Assignments 1-17 for Exam

FRIDAY January 22, 2010

1) Assignment 1-17 Stapled Packet DUE Friday before the tardy bell
2) P-Ville Semester 1 Financial Sheets (DUE TODAY)
3) Nationalism & Imperialism Exam
4) Post Test Survey
5) Trip out on how Ruskin Bond can say so much with so few words.


B) Work on them Legacy projects!
C) Start studying for the final exam!


Tuesday, January 26th = Period 2
Wednesday,January 27th = Period 3 & 4
Thursday, January 28th = Period 5 & 6


1) Auto vs Demo / Foundations of Democracy

2) Middle Ages - American Revolution
a) Renaissance & Reformation
b) Exploration
c) Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment & American Revolution

3) French Revolution & Napoleon & Post Napoleonic
4) Industrial Revolution
5) Nationalism & Imperialism


1) Autocracy vs Democracy / Foundations of Democracy

2) Middle Ages - American Revolution
a) Renaissance & Reformation
b) Exploration
c) Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment & American Revolution

3) French Revolution & Napoleon & Post Napoleonic

4) Industrial Revolution

5) Nationalism & Imperialism Imperialism #2

Click here for more Semester 1 Review Power Points courtesy of Technical Thompson's website.

Alan Parson's Project - Eye in the Sky

Alan Parson's Project - Eye Robot