Sunday, October 03, 2004

MONDAY, Oct 4, 2004

1) Final Draft Typed Essay & Unit Packet (Assigns #1 - 7) due before tardy bell on front table on Monday

2) Peer Edit

3) What the results might mean?


a) None!

TUESDAY Oct 5, 2004

1) Autocracy & Democracy in P-ville -- making practical and real world use of what students have learned from the past unit. Make sure to participate in this in-class activity.

2) Mr. P TV --- Top 5 things
3) Nominating, Assigning, Electing, Appointing and Demanding Roles in P-ville.


a) None!

Wednesday Oct 6, 2004

1) Most Radical Nerds... Video

2) Spectrum of Time --- Velcro Wall (Assign #2)

3) Middle Ages to American Revolution Terms (Assign #3)


a) Check Out Brandee's Legacy Project Bring a copy of the site's main page to class tomorrow.

b) Also check out Jina, Janet and Natalie's Legacy Project Bring a copy of the site's main page to class tomorrow.

b) Start to work on Terms (Assign #3)

THURSDAY Oct 7, 2004

1) Middle Ages


a) TBA

FRIDAY Oct 8, 2004

1) Auto & Demo Final Draft Typed Essay (Due before the bell)
2) Renaissance


a) TBA