Monday, October 21, 2002

11/1 Friday
Pretest French Revolution
Essay Grading Rubric

10/31 Thursday
Halloween (Substitute)

10/30 Wednesday
Middle Ages - American Revolution Exam
Essay #2 is due today

10/29 Tuesday
Middle Ages - American Revolution Review
Essay #2 is due tomorrow

10/28 Monday
American Revolution Cartoons
American Revolution Outline Handout (Assign # 3)
Essay #2 (Due Wednesday)

(Assign #3) Should have completed personal outlines for:
A) Middle Ages
B) Renaissance
C) North Renaissance
D) Exploration
E) Reformation
F) Scientific Revolution
H) Enlightenment
G) American Revolution

10/25 Friday
Enlightenment Handout (Assign # 10)
Enlightenment Video
American Revolution

10/24 Thursday
QW: East Board? (Assign # 8)
Scientific Revolution (Assign # 9)

(Assign #3) Should have completed personal outlines for:
A) Middle Ages
B) Renaissance
C) North Renaissance
D) Exploration
E) Reformation
F) Scientific Revolution
2 Complete (Assign # 8 & 9)

10/23 Wednesday
Exploration 8 Minute Video
Exploration Short Lecture (Assign # 3)
Reformation Handout (Assign # 7)

1 (Assign #3) Should have completed personal outlines for:
A) Middle Ages
B) Renaissance
C) North Renaissance
D) Exploration
E) Reformation

2 Read 162 - 170 Scientific Revolution
3 Complete Assign # 7

10/22 Tuesday

Middle Age Cloze Passage
Renaissance 6 Minute Video (Assign # 3)
Renaissance Figures Continued (Assign # 5)
Renaissance A-D Group Questions (Not a NB assignment)
North Renaissance (Assign # 6)

1 Should have completed personal outlines for:
A) Middle Ages
B) Renaissance
C) North Renaissance
2 Complete Assign # 6

Friday, October 18, 2002

UNIT 3 Notebook Assignments
Middle Ages – American Revolution

1. Table of Contents
2. Spectrum of Time
3. Outlines #1-8 (Personal Outline for each theme) 10/18/02
a) Middle Age Outline = Daily life handout
b) Renaissance Outline = p. 36-42, class info, video, self-searching
c) Northern Renaissance Outline = 43-47, class info, self-searching
d) Exploration Outline = p. 80 – 122, class info, video, self searching
e) Reformation Outline = p. 48 – 59, class info, self searching
f) Scientific Revolution Outline = p. 62 – 70, class info, self searching
g) Enlightenment Outline = p. 171 – 182, class video, self searching
h) American Revolution Outline = p. 183 – 189, class video, self searching
4. Middle Age Life (1-8 & ½ page QW = Use Middle Age Daily Life Handout)
5. Renaissance Figures Chart (p36-42, Internet, Mr P, Library) 10/21/02
6. Renaissance Group Questions (p.38-39, post in class or online?) 10/21/02
7. Reformation Handout 10/23/02
8. QuickWrite 10/24/02
9. Scientific Revolution Handout 10/24/02
10. Enlightenment Handout 10/25/02

Monday, October 14, 2002

10/21 Monday
Renaissance Outline Notes (assign #3)
HW Renaissance Figures (assign #5)

10/18 Friday
Middles Age Life
Questions For Daily Life In The Middle Ages (Assign #4)
1. Why did peasants have to pay a lord?

2. List at least 3 typical duties a serf owed to a lord.

3. What percentage of sacks of grain did each serf get to keep that he or she produced?

4. What were two skilled jobs in a village during the middle ages?

5. What was the main coarse for a peasant’s meal?

6. How often would a peasant eat meat during a meal?

7. Besides starvation, what other life threatening situation did a peasant have to deal with during the Middle Ages? Describe how a peasant might have dealt with this situation.

8. Compare at least 10 differences in living conditions.
Peasant Conditions vs. My Condition
A) Spends most of the day farming in a field A) Spend a good portion of the day at school

HW: Write a ½ page on your feelings and thoughts working in today’s Feudal Classroom.

10/17 Thursday
Middle Ages - American Revolution Unit (about 2 weeks)
Spectrum Pretest (assign #2)
Most Radical Nerds...
Outline Structure for each Section (assign #3)


10/16 Wednesday
5 paragraph essay is due.
Grading Rubric Review

10/15 Tuesday
How to write a 5 paragraph essay (cont)
1st Body paragraph
HW a) Typed Essay due on Wednesday 10/16
b) Bring in 2 copies (1 with student name & 1 with Student ID number only)
c) Bring various colored hi-liter markers

10/14 Monday
Auto vs Demo Quiz
How to write a 5 paragraph essay

Sunday, October 06, 2002

10/11 Friday
Autocracy vs Democracy Quiz
How to write a 5 paragraph essay
Autocracy vs Democracy Typed Essay (Due on 10/15 Tuesday)

10/10 Thursday
Mr P TV: Historical Figures Debate Autocracy vs Democracy

10/9 Wednesday
Historical Figure Mini-Presentation (by groups)
Assign #5 Historical Figure Info Chart
Extra Class Time: Vocabulary Drilling for Auto vs Demo Quiz on Friday

10/8 Tuesday
Group Prep for Historical Figure Mini-Presentation (groups will use - Power Point, Transparency, Frontpage, etc.)
Extra Class Time: Vocabulary Drilling for Auto vs Demo Quiz on Friday

10/7 Monday
Historical Figures (Group Work) Questions 1-9
Extra Class Time: Vocabulary Drilling for Auto vs Demo Quiz on Friday (use Assign #4 to study at home)

Wednesday, October 02, 2002

[9/23/2002 10:40:56 AM | Mr. P]
10/4 Friday
Discussion Day Topics:
How to get info? How to read the newspaper? Internet World News? Current World and Domestic Events?

10/3 Thursday
HW: A) Complete Assignments 1-4 (Due Friday)
B) Talk to your parents or any adult about back to school night, class, world and/or life. Write at least
1/2 page about your conversation.

10/2 Wednesday
Minimum Day -- Back to School Night: TELL YOUR PARENTS TO ATTEND!
Unit #1 Autocracy vs Democracy
Assign #1 Table of Content
Assign #2 Auto vs Demo Situations
Assign #3 Auto vs Demo Timeline
Assign #4 Auto vs Demo Terms

10/1 Tuesday
Minimum Day
Unit #1 Autocracy vs Democracy
Assign #1 Table of Content
Assign #2 Auto vs Demo Situations
Assign #3 Auto vs Demo Timeline
Assign #4 Auto vs Demo Terms