Tuesday, November 25, 2003

WH Blogger Agenda – NOVEMBER 24 , 2003

MONDAY, November 24, 2003

1. French Revolution Multiple Choice Test
2. Study for Vocabulary Game Quiz
3. Turn in Napoleon Essay
4. Class Vocabulary Game Quiz

HW: Study for Napoleon Vocabulary Game Quiz

TUESDAY, November 25, 2003 (MINIMUM DAY)

1. Introduction to Industrial Revolution
A) TOC (assign #1)
B) KWL (assign #2)
C) Vocabulary & Short Answer (assign #3)
D) Crossword Puzzle (assign #4)

2. Napoleon Vocabulary Game Quiz

3. Turn in French Revolution & Napoleon Notebook

HW: Industrial Revolution assignment packet will be due on the day of the test. Yet, Mr. P can specify the completion of certain assignments for the following day of class. Each assignment deadline is specified as they are assigned in class. The Industrial Revolution Test is currently scheduled for Wednesday, December 10th, 2003. Students are expected to complete assignments C-D by next Wednesday, December 3rd, 2003. Assignments A & B are ongoing and to be completed by the end of the unit (December10th, 2003).

Bowen 747 & Mr. Lee’s Industrial Revolution Quiz

The purpose of this Legacy project is to provide future students with online practice on the Industrial Revolution. These two foreign-born students decided to create online quizzes for the often-dreaded Industrial Revolution unit. They used their history textbook and an online test making program to create the project. There are a few spelling and grammatical errors. Nonetheless, these two guys have left behind a quality practice tool for future students.


WEDNESDAY, November 26, 2003

1) Industrial Revolution Intro Video Notes (assignment 5)
2) Industrial Process (assignment 6)

THURSDAY, November 27, 2003

Thanksgiving Holiday


Jimi Hendrix
Mr P’s Brother
Johnny Grieco

FRIDAY, November 28, 2003

Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend.

Friday following Turkey Day is the usually the biggest shopping day of the year.
During the month of December, retails sales reach 1 billion dollars at Del Amo Shopping Mall. Del Amo’s retail sales are among the highest, if not the highest, for shopping malls in the month of December in all of the United States. Wow! Pretty interesting, eh?

MONDAY, December 1, 2003

1) Industrial Revolution Guided Notes Packet (Assignment #7)

FAIR WARNING: Be sure to bring book to class! Participation point deductions will be especially enforced on this day.

TUESDAY, December 2, 2003

Industrial Revolution

1) Economic Stages of Industry
2) Economic Spectrum

WEDNESDAY, December 3, 2003

Industrial Revolution

1) Economic Spectrum
2) Capitalism & Marxism
3) Workers & Owners

THURSDAY, December 4, 2003

Industrial Revolution

1) Workers & Owners
2) Unions Pros & Cons
3) Impact of the Industrial Revolution

FRIDAY, December 5, 2003

Industrial Revolution

1) Impact of the Industrial Revolution
2) Negative Aspects - Child Labor & Positive Aspects – Progress?

MONDAY, December 8, 2003

Industrial Revolution

1) Completing Assignments from previous week.

TUESDAY, December 9, 2003

Industrial Revolution Review for Exam

Bowen 747 & Mr. Lee’s Industrial Revolution Quiz

The purpose of this Legacy project is to provide future students with online practice on the Industrial Revolution. These two foreign-born students decided to create online quizzes for the often-dreaded Industrial Revolution unit. They used their history textbook and an online test making program to create the project. There are a few spelling and grammatical errors. Nonetheless, these two guys have left behind a quality practice tool for future students.


WEDNESDAY, December 10, 2003

1) Turn in Industrial Revolution Packet before tardy bell.
2) Industrial Revolution Exam