MONDAY, December 8, 2003
1) Labor Video
2) Workers & Owners
3) Pros and Cons of Unions – Video Notes (Assign #11)
4) Extra Time: Vocabulary Game Quiz
HW: Complete Worker & Owners Notes (Assign #10)
TUESDAY, December 9, 2003
1) Doing the math for work, wages and future living conditions. (Assign #12)
2) Impact of big biz / corporations at home and around the world
3) Students will tell Mr. P what topic they plan to further investigate for homework.
HW: Go online and print out an interesting article pertaining to unions, strikes, corporations, budget problems or other related topics discussed in class. Perhaps you could print the article twice. There will most likely be blockheads who do not bring an article to class. Use a newspaper or magazine if you do NOT have a computer.
2) Read and mark the article with your comments and questions you may have pertaining to any part of the article.
WEDNESDAY, December 10, 2003
1) SSR fellow student’s article.
2) Impact of the Industrial Revolution (Assign # 13)
3) Extra Time Vocabulary Game Quiz
HW: Study for Friday’s Exam
THURSDAY, December 11, 2003
1) IR Review
Cause & Effect of IR
Pros & Cons of IR
2) Extra Time: Vocabulary Game Quiz
HW: a) Organize and staple your IR packet before you come to class on Friday
b) Study for IR Exam
FRIDAY, December 12, 2003
1) IR Exam
2) Vocabulary Game Quiz
3) Turn in IR packet
MONDAY, December 15, 2003
1) Nationalism & Imperialism Unit
2) TOC (Assign #1)
3) KWL (Assign #2)
4) Vocabulary (Assign #3)
TUESDAY, December 16, 2003
Nationalism & Imperialism Unit
WEDNESDAY, December 17, 2003
Nationalism & Imperialism Unit
Students are expected to keep their unit work organize over the break. Upon return from winter break, students will continue the Imperialism & Nationalism unit.
THURSDAY, December 18, 2003
FRIDAY, December 19, 2003
Winter Break Begins