Sunday, January 29, 2006

MONDAY January 30, 2006

1) Final Results / Geo School Competition
2) Start of 2nd Semester
3) Mr. P introduces class to some old friends

HW: None

TUESDAY January 31, 2006


a) Original Geo Packet - Students should study these locations
B) Middle East & Central Asia - (Test next Friday) - Click for special hints
C) Geo Stats - ?

2) Propaganda Notes (Front Page & Back Page)


a) Listen to State of the Union Speech at 6pm or go to

b) Write a personal commentary on Propaganda & Nationalistic Speeches. Demonstrate to Mr. P that you are alive and thinking. Below are just a few topical ideas for students to write on. Students are NOT required to type up their Personal Commentary of Propaganda & Nationalistic speeches using the below topical ideas. The below topics was just provided to help with your personal commentary.

1) Talk about what you learned regarding propaganda & nationalistic speeches.
2) Explain if or how you are more mentally equipped to detect propaganda or nationalistic speeches.
3) What else could you do to increase your personal defense against propaganda?
4) What advice would you have for someone who knows little or nothing about propaganda?

c) Geo Packet - Due next Friday

WEDNESDAY February 1, 2006

1) WWI Impacts the ordinary man

a) Gallipoli
b) Johnny Got His Gun


a) TBA

THURSDAY February 2, 2006

1) WWI Video Notes - The Killing Fields (Front Page & Back Page)


a) TBA

FRIDAY February 3, 2006

1) WWI Video Notes - The Killing Fields (Front Page & Back Page)
2) Geo Unit begins


a) Work on Geo Map Packet

It is important to know the Map of the Middle East

Sunday, January 15, 2006

MONDAY January 16, 2006

1)MLK Jr Holiday - No School

Click here to listen to Mr. P's favorite MLK Jr talk entitled: But If Not

TUESDAY January 17, 2006


1) Table of Contents
2) Entangled Alliances
3) Map of Europe (p.365 & 368)
4) Powderkeg & Dominoes
5) Weapons of WWI
6) War Affects the World
7) Flawed Peace

Tuesday's Classwork:

1) Nationalism & Imperialism Test Results
2) Review Entangled Alliances (Assign #2)
3) Review Map of Europe (p.365 & 368) (Assign #3)
4) Start Powderkeg & Dominoes (Assign #4)


a) Complete Powderkeg & Dominoes (Assign #4)

WEDNESDAY January 18, 2006

1) SSR WWI Comic Book Review (A Legacy Project by A-Yeung Hyun)
2) Finish Review of Powderkeg & Dominoes (Assign #4)
3) Weapons of WWI (Assign #5)
4) Start War Affects the World (Assign #6)


a) Complete War Affects the World (Assign #6)
b) HW Quiz on Thursday - Mr. P might let students use their HW during the quiz. Wow! What a nice guy, eh?

THURSDAY January 19, 2006

1) HW Quiz
2) Review War Affects the World (Assign #6)
3) Start A Flawed Peace (Assign #7)


a) Complete A Flawed Peace (Assign #7)

FRIDAY January 20, 2006

1) HW Quiz?
2) Review A Flawed Peace (Assign #7)


A) Last weekend to work on those Legacy Projects
B) iii) Click here for more Multiple Choice Practice Quizzes

MONDAY January 23, 2006

Semester Final Review Game


A) Last few days to work on those Legacy Projects
B) iii) Click here for more Multiple Choice Practice Quizzes

TUESDAY January 24, 2006

Semester Final Review Game


A) Last day to work on those Legacy Projects
B) iii) Click here for more Multiple Choice Practice Quizzes

WEDNESDAY January 25, 2006

Finals (Period 5 & 6)

THURSDAY January 26, 2006

Finals (Period 1 & 2)

FRIDAY January 27, 2006

Finals (Period 3 & 4)

Scroll down get more info on Semester Finals


OK People of Pesusich-ville. This is the final stretch to the first semester. The big thing coming up is the semester final. The semester final will count for 20% of your final grade. Be sure to put in appropriate time and effort to assure you do well.


There are 2 options for the semester final. As previously determined earlier in the semester, you are either going to:

a) take the Multiple Choice Exam


b) present and turn in your Legacy Project


1) January 25th Wednesday = Period 5 & 6
2) January 26th Thursday = Period 1 & 2
3) January 27th Friday = Period 3 & 4


1) Multiple Choice Exam - 20% of Semester Grade

A) Review your unit packets from this semester.
B) Review unit information from the semseter in your textbook.
C) Review and practice online quizzes and info.

i) Click here to Janet, Jina, Natalie's Legacy Project - Multiple Choice Practice Quizzes

ii) Click here to Chau and Carter's Legacy Project - Hints & Help on:

a) Autocracy vs Democracy
b) French Revolution
c) Nationalism & Imperialism

iii) Click here for more Multiple Choice Practice Quizzes

2) Legacy Project - 20% of Semester Grade

1) Students doing a Legacy Project should be working on final touches to their project at this point in the semester if they expect to put a quality project together.

2) Do NOT come and ask Mr. P for help in the closing weeks to the semester. He has been available to help students throughout the semester. He will be busy with his own work after school. He will only be available to quickly examine projects (under 4 minutes) to offer suggestions so students might adjust and improve their projects before the due date.

3) Good luck! Lycka Till! Buena Suerte! May the force be with you! Do your best and be sure to turn in a quality final project that will be a useful tool for future students of world history. Remember: "All things on Earth are soon forgotten except the memory left behind in the minds of men." Be sure to leave your legacy behind at West.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Greetings and Happy New Year!


1) Table of Contents
2) KWL
3) Vocabulary - Part A #1-6 , Part B #7-13, Part C #14-19, Part D #20-23
4) Bonds that create a Nation State
5) Proclamation of 1860
6) Nationalist Speech
7) Languages Fuel Nationalism FRONT (Map) & BACK (Questions)
8) Nationalism & Disunity
9) Cause & Effect
10) Franco-Prussian War p.238
11) Imperialism 5 W’s
12) Map of Africa
13) QW Imperial Cartoons
14) British Contact with African King / Letter from Menelik II
15) Analyzing Imperial Motives (Front side & Back side)
16) Imperial World Map


Assign # ? = Analyzing Assumptions and Biases

MONDAY January 2, 2006

1) Holiday - No School

TUESDAY January 3, 2006

1) How was the break? Top 10
2) TOC (Assign #1)
3) KWL (Assign #2)
4) Vocab (Assign #3)
5) Bonds that create a Nation State (Assign #4)


1) Print out Nationalism & Imperialism Worksheets
2) Work on Vocab (Assign #3)
3) Take a look at Wednesday and be sure to have worksheet printouts for class

WEDNESDAY January 4, 2006

1) Proclamation of 1860 (Assign #5)
2) Nationalist Speech (Assign #6)
3) Languages Fuel Nationalism (Assign #7)


a) Complete Assign #1-7
b) Assign 2 = KWL - Students should continually add to the LEARNED portion of the assignment throughout the unit.
c) Assign 3 = Vocab - Students are expected to continually work on and complete all vocab words by the end of the unit. Most vocab words will be defined in class more than once. However, students will be expected to define and know all words on the Vocab list, whether some of the words are defined in class or not.

THURSDAY January 5, 2006

1) Nationalism & Disunity (Assign #8)
2) Cause & Effect (Assign #9)
3) Recap Nationalism
4) Crimean War (Who, What, When, Where and Why)
5) 5 W's of Imperialism (Who, What, When, Where and Why) - (Assign #11)


A) Franco-Prussian War p.238 (Assign #10)
B) Read and understand: Crimean War (p. 319 - use Index in textbook if this page is wrong)
C) Have appropriate worksheets printed out and supplies for Friday brought to class

FRIDAY January 6, 2006

1) Possible HW Quiz on: Franco Prussian War & Crimean War
2) Review 5 W's of Imperialism (Assign #11)
3) Map of Africa (Assign #12) / African Border Dilemma
4) Interpretating Imperial Political Cartoons (Assign #13)


a) Complete Assign #1-13
b) READ & COMPLETE QUESTIONS: Letter from Menenik II/ British Contact with African King (Assign #14)
c) COLOR & IDENTIFY: Imperial World Map (Assign #16)
d) Possible HW Quiz on Monday: i) Imperial World Map ii) Vocab

MONDAY January 9, 2006

1) Vision and Hearing Test in Library
2) 5 W's of Imperialism (Assign #11)
3) Map of Africa (Assign #12)
4) Imperial World Map (Assign #16)
5) Work on Vocab (Assign #3)


a) Read and Answer Questions of African Letters (Assign #14)

TUESDAY January 10, 2006

1) Minimum Day
2) Crimean War (p. 318)
3) Map of Africa (Assign #12) / African Border Dilemma
4) Vocab Review (Assign #3)


WEDNESDAY January 11, 2006

1) Analyzing Imperial Motives (Assign #15)


a) Organize & Complete (Assign #1-16)

THURSDAY January 12, 2006

1) Nationalism & Imperialism Review Game


a) Organize & Complete Packet
b) Study for Nationalism & Imperialism Exam Tomorrow

FRIDAY January 13, 2006

1) Nationalism & Imperialism Packet due before tardy bell
2) Nationalism & Imperialism Exam


a) None for Monday

Are you doing the Final PROJECT or EXAM? Some reminders below:

b) Click here to start studying for the Semester Final Exam
c) Work on completing your Legacy Project for your Semester Final due at end of Month

MONDAY January 16, 2006

TUESDAY January 17, 2006

WEDNESDAY January 18, 2006

THURSDAY January 19, 2006

FRIDAY January 20, 2006

MONDAY January 23, 2006

TUESDAY January 24, 2006

WEDNESDAY January 25, 2006

THURSDAY January 26, 2006

FRIDAY January 27, 2006

Does Imperialism still exist today?

You bet.