Greetings and welcome to 2006-2007 school year.
There are a multitude of purposes for this portion of the website.
1) Students can check homework (HW)
2) Parents can check homework
3) Students (especially absent) can find out about what happened in class.
4) Parents can get a sense of what is going on in class.
5) Students and parents can find out about upcoming exams, quizzes, projects, etc.
While this information can be helpful, parents and students should NOT ONLY rely on this portion of the website for information pertaining to World History. Students should:
a) Attend class and pay attention to instruction
b) Exchange phone numbers and emails with more than one trustworthy student
c) Start a class blog to communicate about class matters (students have been doing this for the past few years now)
Due to various restrictions like lack of time, no budget for secretaries and website masters, as well as a need to attend to personal matters, Mr. P does NOT always have this portion of the website updated. He tries his best. Yes, not very far back in history there were no such thing as websites and whatnot. Mankind has survived for thousands of years without the internet and other technological 'wonders' and I suppose we can continue to do so. Think of this website as an 'extra' and not a necessity. Regardless, I hope that you still find this portion of the website helpful this year.
THURSDAY September 7th, 2006
1. Intro
2. 5x8 Cards
3. Classroom Basics (Video)
4. Walk Thru P’s Website
5. Majestic Video Clip
6. Ice Breaker Questions
HW: a) Parent Signature Sheet
Visit Mr. P's Website (Wait! You're already here, right?)
A)Print out a copy of Mr. P's class syllabus
B)Review the syllabus with your parents
C)Have the syllabus appropriately signed
D)Turn in the entire printed out syllabus with signatures tomorrow at the start of class.
FRIDAY Sept 8th, 2006
1) Collect signed syllabus print outs
2) Why Study History?
A) 3 Rounds & Discussion
B) What do you believe?
C) What do you know (really know)?
D) Information is power
A) Stay or Go Letter --- Write a letter to Mr P explaining if you want to stay or be another World History class. Make sure to explain your decision. Have this letter on your desk before the bell rings on Monday.
Plato's Allegory of the Cave will open up your mind
OK folks! The final stretch is here. Most of you have opted to take the final exam. Below are links to practice multiple choice exams. The questions for the final will cover unit content from 2nd semester. These units include:
a) 20th Century Revolutions and Nationalism - Russian, Chinese, India & Algeria
b) Global Depression / Pre WWII / Between the Wars
c) WWII (Europe & Pacific)
d) Holocaust & Genocide
e) Cold War
f) Modern Issues
Mr P suggests checking out the following units to prepare for the final exam:
7b) Russian Revolution
8b) Chinese Communist Revolution
8c) Colonial Independence / Collapse of Imperialism
7c) Between The Wars
8a) Cold War
8f) Collapse of Communism
AP WORLD HISTORY MC REVIEW QUESTIONS This is suppose to be more "advanced" questions. Yet, Mr P believes students of P-ville should be able to handle most of these questions. Heck, some of these questions should be an insult to your intelligence. You guys are smart and this information is somewhere up in your head, if you attended class regularly and paid attention.
The Beginning of the Twentieth Century Crisis: War and Revolution
Europe Between the Wars, 1919-1939
The Deepening of the European Crisis: World War II
The Cold War and a New Europe, 1945-1970
Please email Mr P if you discover any other quality online MC questions. Thanks!
1) Table of Contents
2) CW Vocabulary Europe Map
3)CW Overview: Page 1 Page 2
4)Contrasting CW Terms (Front) & (Back)
5)CW Terms (8 of Them)
6)2 Superpowers Face Off (Front = Worksheet) (Back = Europe Reference Map)
7)CW Map & Timeline (Front = Map) (Back = Timeline) (Event Cards) (1-3) (4-6) (7-9)(10-12)
10)Communists In China (Front) (Back)
11)Third World Questions
12)Korean War
13)Vietnam Timeline
14)Quickwrite (Space Race)
15)Latin America Background Notes
16)Cuban Missile Crisis Video Notes
17)Berlin Wall Video Notes
18)CW Thaws
19)Middle East
20)Gorbachev, Reagan & The CW Conclusion