Monday, September 18, 2006

MONDAY Sept 18, 2006

1) Geo Review Game


a) Study for Geo Exam (Tomorrow)
b) Sketch's Website to assist in studying for Geo Exam.
c) Go to Double “C” for location help – Chau & Carter’s Website It was created to help students find some of the harder Random Geography Locations on Mr. P's Geo Packet.

TUESDAY Sept 19, 2006

1) Geo Exam


a) Click here and print out handouts to the next unit.

WEDNESDAY Sept 20, 2006

1) Nader's Island (Assign #2)
2) Intro to Auto & Demo


Autocracy vs Democracy is the next unit. Students will spend about 2 weeks on this unit. There will be a total of 7 assignments. At the conclusion of the unit, students will turn in their unit packet (assignments 1-7) for points. Each assignment should be completed as they are assigned during the unit. Below is the order of the assignments 1-7 so that students can keep their unit work organized.

1) Table of Contents (TOC)
2) Nader's Deserted Island
3) Scenarios
4) Terms - Terms #1-7: Front Page & Terms #8-16: Back Page
5) Timeline
6) Historical Figures Front Page includes John Locke & Back Page includes King Louis XIV
7) QuickWrite: Which historical figure's ideas do you like the most? Why are those ideas better than others? (2/3 Page)

b) Having trouble printing the 3 worksheets above? Well, try printing the worksheets this way. Click here and print out handouts to the next unit.

c) How can worksheets fit on to a page?

i) Click above on specific link to a worksheet
ii) Once a new window appears with the worksheet, scroll over the worksheet with mouse, right click and then copy worksheet.
iii) Paste copied worksheet onto new document using microsoft word or powerpoint.
iv) Next, use mouse to stretch worksheet to fit on the entire page.

a) Click here and print out handouts to the next unit. Start to work on Autocracy vs Democracy Terms

b) Sketch's wonderful website reviews the terms for Autocracy & Democracy. However, Sketch was a tricky one sometimes. She might have purposely placed wrong information in some of her definitions for the Autocracy & Democracy terms. In addition, avoid being an academic robot and be sure to write the terms using your own words. Students cannot and should not want to compete with copy machines. Hence, do not just copy definitons onto your worksheet. In short, be a human, think, look up definitions from various sources (Sketch's website and your book are only two sources) and then write the definitions for each term in your own words. This is pretty basic stuff. Good luck and have fun thinking!

c) Bring an egg to class tomorrow and ask Mr P to demonstrate Eggs in the Balance.

THURSDAY Sept 21, 2006

1) Autocracy vs Democracy Scenarios (Assign #3)
2) Autocracy vs Democracy Timeline (Assign #5)


a) Autocracy vs Democracy Terms (Assign #4)

FRIDAY Sept 22, 2006

1) Term Wall Spectrum
2) Start Timeline - Athens & Romans (Assign #5)
3) Vocab Game Video / Cheating Video


a) Complete Terms and know them (Assign #4)

b) Read Plato's Allegory of the Cave ... if you want. Just some extra reading. This is not required work.

MONDAY, Sept 25, 2006

1) Bill & Ed Show
2) Finish Timeline - Romans, Visogoths & the Rest (Assign #5)
3) Historical Figures (Assign # 6)
4) Group Work: Read & Answer Questions on Group's Hist. Figure (Due at end of period)


All group members should be prepared to discuss their Historical Figure in class on Tuesday.

Group Members are expected to point out & explain to class:

1) Where are they from? (use class map)
2) Give at least 1 interesting / cool fact about the person?
3) Where do they fit on the Autocracy vs Democracy Spectrum? (use class wall)
4) What idea(s) have they given to Autocracy and Democracy?
5) According to your historical figure, what is the ideal form of government? Explain
6) Does your group agree or disgree with the historical figure? Explain.

Need to print a copy of the Historical Figures worksheet?

Hey! Still struggling with your Timeline (Assign #5)? C & C Legacy Project have posted a little help for you online. However, beware of errors they might of purposely posted to make sure you are alive and thinking out there. Make sure to verify what they posted. Writing and not thinking is what academic zombies do. Be a smart human and always check information with several sources. Your book, C & C Legacy project and Wikipedia are just 3 of many many sources available. Also, whatever your source of information make sure to write down your answers in your own words. Do NOT copy word for word from another source. Good Luck!

TUESDAY, Sept 26, 2006

1) a) Study Unit Vocab b) organize packet c) Group Prep
2) Groups present Historical Figures. Class takes notes for Hist Figures (Assign #6)


a) QW: Whose ideas do you like the best? Why? (at least 2/3 page) (Assign #7)
b) Review Assigns to prepare for Auto vs Demo Quiz (Friday)

WEDNESDAY, Sept 27, 2006

1) Groups present Historical Figures. Class takes notes for Hist Figures (Assign #6)

2) Still struggling with your Historical Figures (Assignment #6)? Well, you can thank C&C Legacy Projects once again. Yet, beware of errors they might of purposely posted to make sure you are alive and thinking out there. Make sure to verify what they posted. Writing and not thinking is what academic zombies do. Be a smart human and always check information with several sources. Your book, C & C Legacy project and Wikipedia are just 3 of many many sources available. Also, whatever your source of information make sure to write down your answers in your own words. Do NOT copy word for word from another source. Good Luck!


a) QW: Whose ideas do you like the best? Why? (at least 2/3 page) (Assign #7)
b) Review Assigns to prepare for Auto vs Demo Quiz (Friday)
c) Auto & Demo Packet Due Monday before the tardy bell

THURSDAY, Sept 28, 2006

1) Essay Prompt:
Assess the validity of this statement: Autocracy is the best form of government.

2)Essay Bunch - Students take Video Notes to assist them with their essay assignment


a) Autocracy vs Democracy 5 paragraph TYPED essay
ii) On student desk when tardy bell rings.
iii) Put Student ID #, not student name
iv) Attach student outline (with NO name)

FRIDAY, Sept 29, 2006

1) Autocracy & Democracy Quick Quiz
2) Autocracy & Democracy Vocab Game


a) Final Draft Typed Essay & Unit Packet (Assigns #1 - 7) due before tardy bell on front table on Monday

1) Table of Contents (TOC)
2) Nader's Deserted Island
3) Scenarios
4) Terms - Terms #1-7: Front Page & Terms #8-16: Back Page
5) Timeline
6) Historical Figures Front Page includes John Locke & Back Page includes King Louis XIV
7) QuickWrite: Which historical figure's ideas do you like the most? Why are those ideas better than others? (2/3 Page)

MONDAY, Oct 2, 2006

1) Final Draft Typed Essay & Unit Packet (Assigns #1 - 7) due before tardy bell on front table on Monday

2) Peer Edit


a) None!

TUESDAY Oct 3, 2006

1) Autocracy & Democracy in P-ville -- making practical and real world use of what students have learned from the past unit. Make sure to participate in this in-class activity.
2) The Aristotle: Connects P-ville's past with the present.
2) Mr. P TV --- Top 5 things
3) Nominating, Assigning, Electing, Appointing and Demanding Roles in P-ville.


a) Just think about how you have already learned this year.

"Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains."

-- Jean Jacques Rousseau

Aloha is a quality band

Sunday, September 17, 2006

MONDAY Sept 18, 2006

1) Geo Review Game


a) Study for Geo Exam (Tomorrow)
b) Sketch's Website to assist in studying for Geo Exam.
c) Go to Double “C” for location help – Chau & Carter’s Website It was created to help students find some of the harder Random Geography Locations on Mr. P's Geo Packet.

TUESDAY Sept 19, 2006

1) Geo Exam


a) Click here and print out handouts to the next unit.

WEDNESDAY Sept 20, 2006

1) Nader's Island (Assign #2)
2) Intro to Auto & Demo


Autocracy vs Democracy is the next unit. Students will spend about 2 weeks on this unit. There will be a total of 7 assignments. At the conclusion of the unit, students will turn in their unit packet (assignments 1-7) for points. Each assignment should be completed as they are assigned during the unit. Below is the order of the assignments 1-7 so that students can keep their unit work organized.

1) Table of Contents (TOC)
2) Nader's Deserted Island
3) Scenarios
4) Terms - Terms #1-7: Front Page & Terms #8-16: Back Page
5) Timeline
6) Historical Figures Front Page includes John Locke & Back Page includes King Louis XIV
7) QuickWrite: Which historical figure's ideas do you like the most? Why are those ideas better than others? (2/3 Page)

b) Having trouble printing the 3 worksheets above? Well, try printing the worksheets this way. Click here and print out handouts to the next unit.

c) How can worksheets fit on to a page?

i) Click above on specific link to a worksheet
ii) Once a new window appears with the worksheet, scroll over the worksheet with mouse, right click and then copy worksheet.
iii) Paste copied worksheet onto new document using microsoft word or powerpoint.
iv) Next, use mouse to stretch worksheet to fit on the entire page.

a) Click here and print out handouts to the next unit. Start to work on Autocracy vs Democracy Terms

b) Sketch's wonderful website reviews the terms for Autocracy & Democracy. However, Sketch was a tricky one sometimes. She might have purposely placed wrong information in some of her definitions for the Autocracy & Democracy terms. In addition, avoid being an academic robot and be sure to write the terms using your own words. Students cannot and should not want to compete with copy machines. Hence, do not just copy definitons onto your worksheet. In short, be a human, think, look up definitions from various sources (Sketch's website and your book are only two sources) and then write the definitions for each term in your own words. This is pretty basic stuff. Good luck and have fun thinking!

c) Bring an egg to class tomorrow and ask Mr P to demonstrate Eggs in the Balance.

THURSDAY Sept 21, 2006

1) Autocracy vs Democracy Scenarios (Assign #3)
2) Autocracy vs Democracy Timeline (Assign #5)


a) Autocracy vs Democracy Terms (Assign #4)

FRIDAY Sept 22, 2006

1) Term Wall Spectrum
2) Start Timeline - Athens & Romans (Assign #5)
3) Vocab Game Video / Cheating Video


a) Complete Terms and know them (Assign #4)

b) Read Plato's Allegory of the Cave ... if you want. Just some extra reading. This is not required work.

MONDAY, Sept 25, 2006

1) Bill & Ed Show
2) Finish Timeline - Romans, Visogoths & the Rest (Assign #5)
3) Historical Figures (Assign # 6)
4) Group Work: Read & Answer Questions on Group's Hist. Figure (Due at end of period)


All group members should be prepared to discuss their Historical Figure in class on Tuesday.

Group Members are expected to point out & explain to class:

1) Where are they from? (use class map)
2) Give at least 1 interesting / cool fact about the person?
3) Where do they fit on the Autocracy vs Democracy Spectrum? (use class wall)
4) What idea(s) have they given to Autocracy and Democracy?
5) According to your historical figure, what is the ideal form of government? Explain
6) Does your group agree or disgree with the historical figure? Explain.

Need to print a copy of the Historical Figures worksheet?

Hey! Still struggling with your Timeline (Assign #5)? C & C Legacy Project have posted a little help for you online. However, beware of errors they might of purposely posted to make sure you alive and thinking out there. Make sure to verify what they posted. Writing and not thinking is what academic zombies do. Be a good human always check information with several sources. Your book, C & C Legacy project and Wikipedia are just 3 of many many sources available. Also, whatever your source of informatio make sure to write down your answers in your own words. Do NOT copy word for word from another source. Good Luck!

TUESDAY, Sept 26, 2006

1) a) Study Unit Vocab b) organize packet c) Group Prep
2) Groups present Historical Figures. Class takes notes for Hist Figures (Assign #6)


a) QW: Whose ideas do you like the best? Why? (at least 2/3 page) (Assign #7)
b) Review Assigns to prepare for Auto vs Demo Quiz (Friday)

WEDNESDAY, Sept 27, 2006

1) Groups present Historical Figures. Class takes notes for Hist Figures (Assign #6)


a) QW: Whose ideas do you like the best? Why? (at least 2/3 page) (Assign #7)
b) Review Assigns to prepare for Auto vs Demo Quiz (Friday)
c) Auto & Demo Packet Due Monday before the tardy bell

THURSDAY, Sept 28, 2006

1) Essay Prompt:
Assess the validity of this statement: Autocracy is the best form of government.

2)Essay Bunch - Students take Video Notes to assist them with their essay assignment


a) Autocracy vs Democracy 5 paragraph TYPED essay
ii) On student desk when tardy bell rings.
iii) Put Student ID #, not student name
iv) Attach student outline (with NO name)

FRIDAY, Sept 29, 2006

1) Autocracy & Democracy Quick Quiz
2) Autocracy & Democracy Vocab Game


a) Final Draft Typed Essay & Unit Packet (Assigns #1 - 7) due before tardy bell on front table on Monday

1) Table of Contents (TOC)
2) Nader's Deserted Island
3) Scenarios
4) Terms - Terms #1-7: Front Page & Terms #8-16: Back Page
5) Timeline
6) Historical Figures Front Page includes John Locke & Back Page includes King Louis XIV
7) QuickWrite: Which historical figure's ideas do you like the most? Why are those ideas better than others? (2/3 Page)

MONDAY, Oct 2, 2006

1) Final Draft Typed Essay & Unit Packet (Assigns #1 - 7) due before tardy bell on front table on Monday

2) Peer Edit


a) None!

TUESDAY Oct 3, 2006

1) Autocracy & Democracy in P-ville -- making practical and real world use of what students have learned from the past unit. Make sure to participate in this in-class activity.
2) The Aristotle: Connects P-ville's past with the present.
2) Mr. P TV --- Top 5 things
3) Nominating, Assigning, Electing, Appointing and Demanding Roles in P-ville.


a) Just think about how you have already learned this year.

"Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains."

-- Jean Jacques Rousseau

Aloha is a quality band
MONDAY Sept 18, 2006

1) Geo Review Game


a) Study for Geo Exam (Tomorrow)
b) Sketch's Website to assist in studying for Geo Exam.
c) Go to Double “C” for location help – Chau & Carter’s Website It was created to help students find some of the harder Random Geography Locations on Mr. P's Geo Packet.

TUESDAY Sept 19, 2006

1) Geo Exam


a) Click below for the 3 worksheets for the next unit: Autocracy & Democracy

i) Autocracy & Democracy Terms - Terms #1-7: Front Page & Terms #8-16: Back Page
ii) Autocracy & Democracy Timeline
iii) Autocracy & Democracy Historical Figures Front Page includes John Locke & Back Page includes King Louis XIV

b) Having trouble printing the 3 worksheets above? Well, try printing the worksheets this way. Click here and print out handouts to the next unit.

c) How can worksheets fit on to a page?

i) Click above on specific link to a worksheet
ii) Once a new window appears with the worksheet, scroll over the worksheet with mouse, right click and then copy worksheet.
iii) Paste copied worksheet onto new document using microsoft word or powerpoint.
iv) Next, use mouse to stretch worksheet to fit on the entire page.

d) Still, having problems? Try your best. If you cannot manage, call someone in class and politely ask if they could print out extra copies for you. On the flipside, if you can print out the worksheets without a problem it would be generous of you to print out an extra set or two of worksheets for those who have problems printing the worksheets out. Those who are in need of worksheets would be MORE than willing to return the favor to those who bring an extra set or two of worksheets.

e) Finally, if your are reading this and still cannot figure out how to print out the worksheets do NOT stress out. Simply come to class and ask Mr. P (when he is free) or some of his tech assistants to demonstrate how to print out worksheets so that you can do it in the future.

WEDNESDAY Sept 20, 2006

1) Nader's Island
2) Intro to Auto & Demo


a) Click here and print out handouts to the next unit. Start to work on Autocracy vs Democracy Terms

b) Sketch's wonderful website reviews the terms for Autocracy & Democracy. However, Sketch was a tricky one sometimes. She might have purposely placed wrong information in some of her definitions for the Autocracy & Democracy terms. In addition, avoid being an academic robot and be sure to write the terms using your own words. Students cannot and should not want to compete with copy machines. Hence, do not just copy definitons onto your worksheet. In short, be a human, think, look up definitions from various sources (Sketch's website and your book are only two sources) and then write the definitions for each term in your own words. This is pretty basic stuff. Good luck and have fun thinking!

c) Bring an egg to class tomorrow and ask Mr P to demonstrate Eggs in the Balance.

THURSDAY Sept 21, 2006

1) Autocracy vs Democracy Scenarios
2) Democracy Timeline


a) Autocracy vs Democracy Terms

FRIDAY Sept 22, 2006

1) Term Wall Spectrum
2) Read Historical Figures (Bill & Ed Show)


a) Complete Terms and know them

Geography Rules!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

MONDAY, SEPT 11th, 2006

1) Official & New Seating Chart
2) “Stay or Go?”
3) Welcome to the class… Grape Time
4) Discipline
5) Only 2 Class Rules: A) Be on Task! B) Positive Attitude
6) Cheating Policy --- Cheating Video
7) Order and Stability
a) How to get into groups
b) Keep room clean = No Food or drinks = No trash. = No eating = Fix things Brandon/Bulletin. Visogoths beware. MR. P HATES VISOGOTHS.
c) Mi Casa es Tu Casa = Bring your supplies Book for Geo Tomorrow
d) Mr. P cannot do everything… Change date? Train blind people…
e) Oscar the overhead = Steve the stick = Scratch paper person
f) Seating Chart by Radio put on podium

HW: Start Geo Packet -- Due Friday

Print Geo Packet out below:

Print 1 & 2 on same paper
1) Instructions & Locations Page 1
2) More Locations Page 2

Print 3 & 4 on same paper
3) World Map Page 3
4) Africa Map Page 4

Print 5 & 6 on same paper
5) Asia Map Page 5
6) Europe Map Page 6

Print 7 & 8 on same paper
7) North America Map Page 7
8) South America Map Page 8

9) Australia / Oceania Page 9

TUESDAY Sept 12th, 2006

1) Why study Geography?
2) Explain Map Packet
3) Students work on Map Packet

HW – Study Map Packet
- Go to Sketch’s Website for location practice
- Go to Double “C” for location help – Chau & Carter’s Website It was created to help students find some of the harder Random Geography Locations on Mr. P's Geo Packet.

WEDNESDAY Sept 13th, 2006

1) Students work on Map Packet
2) Mr P Demonstrates Geo Transparency
3) Student Group Draft for Geo Transparency


a) Individual Students research cool & interesting Geo facts for their specific Geo Transparency location.
b) Map Packet (Due Friday)
c) Geo Exam (Monday)


Below are a few Legacy Projects created by Mr. P's legendary old students. Check them out:

A)Go to Sketch’s Website for location practice

B)Go to Double “C” for location help – Chau & Carter’s Website It was created to help students find some of the harder Random Geography Locations on Mr. P's Geo Packet

THURSDAY September 14th, 2006

1) Students work / study map packet
2) Geo Transparency Group Presentations
3) Students work on map packet (with any extra time)


a) Complete map packet(Due FRIDAY at start of class)

b) Below are a few Legacy Projects created by Mr. P's legendary old students. Check them out:

I)Go to Sketch’s Website for location practice

II)Go to Double “C” for location help – Chau & Carter’s Website It was created to help students find some of the harder Random Geography Locations on Mr. P's Geo Packet

III) FOR GEOGRAPHY FREAKS & FUTURE HALL OF FAMERS: If you cannot get enough of Geography scroll down past Monday Sept 18th, 2006 for some informative and interesting Geo Links. Have Fun! This is extra stuff. Also, email Mr P any other cool Geography Links so he can add it to this list of Geo Links. Thanks!

FRIDAY September 15th, 2006

1) Turn in Geo Packet at start of class
2) Random Geography (P Production)
3) Get back your Geo Packet to study for Geo Exam on Monday


a) Study for Geo Exam on MONDAY.
b) Study Map Packet

- Go to Sketch’s Website for location practice
- Go to Double “C” for location help – Chau & Carter’s Website It was created to help students find some of the harder Random Geography Locations on Mr. P's Geo Packet.

MONDAY September 18th, 2006

1) Minor Video
2) Turn in Geo Packet
3) This is it! The GEO EXAM


a) Click here and print out handouts to the next unit.

EXTRA GEOGRAPHY STATISTICS -- These are just links to interesting Geography related websites. Enjoy. Let Mr P know what you think of some these links by emailing him, putting a note in his comment box or talking to him after class. Have fun!






GEO STATS BY TOPICS - A visual way of looking at global statistics

Indicators on youth and elderly populations

Indicators on water supply and sanitation

Most and Least livable countries

Life expectancy at birth for selected countries

The death penalty worldwide

Literacy in the Nations

Country Statistics

Percent of household owning selected appliances

Economic statistics by country (2000)

Greatest oil reserves by country

Government and Economy

Greetings Earthlings!


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Greetings and welcome to 2006-2007 school year.

There are a multitude of purposes for this portion of the website.

1) Students can check homework (HW)
2) Parents can check homework
3) Students (especially absent) can find out about what happened in class.
4) Parents can get a sense of what is going on in class.
5) Students and parents can find out about upcoming exams, quizzes, projects, etc.

While this information can be helpful, parents and students should NOT ONLY rely on this portion of the website for information pertaining to World History. Students should:

a) Attend class and pay attention to instruction
b) Exchange phone numbers and emails with more than one trustworthy student
c) Start a class blog to communicate about class matters (students have been doing this for the past few years now)

Due to various restrictions like lack of time, no budget for secretaries and website masters, as well as a need to attend to personal matters, Mr. P does NOT always have this portion of the website updated. He tries his best. Yes, not very far back in history there were no such thing as websites and whatnot. Mankind has survived for thousands of years without the internet and other technological 'wonders' and I suppose we can continue to do so. Think of this website as an 'extra' and not a necessity. Regardless, I hope that you still find this portion of the website helpful this year.


THURSDAY September 7th, 2006

1. Intro
2. 5x8 Cards
3. Classroom Basics (Video)
4. Walk Thru P’s Website
5. Majestic Video Clip
6. Ice Breaker Questions

HW: a) Parent Signature Sheet


Visit Mr. P's Website (Wait! You're already here, right?)

A)Print out a copy of Mr. P's class syllabus
B)Review the syllabus with your parents
C)Have the syllabus appropriately signed
D)Turn in the entire printed out syllabus with signatures tomorrow at the start of class.

FRIDAY Sept 8th, 2006

1) Collect signed syllabus print outs
2) Why Study History?
A) 3 Rounds & Discussion
B) What do you believe?
C) What do you know (really know)?
D) Information is power


A) Stay or Go Letter --- Write a letter to Mr P explaining if you want to stay or be another World History class. Make sure to explain your decision. Have this letter on your desk before the bell rings on Monday.

Plato's Allegory of the Cave will open up your mind

Monday, September 04, 2006

Greetings and welcome to 2006-2007 school year.

There are a multitude of purposes for this portion of the website.

1) Students can check homework (HW)
2) Parents can check homework
3) Students (especially absent) can find out about what happened in class.
4) Parents can get a sense of what is going on in class.
5) Students and parents can find out about upcoming exams, quizzes, projects, etc.

While this information can be helpful, parents and students should NOT ONLY rely on this portion of the website for information pertaining to World History. Students should:

a) Attend class and pay attention to instruction
b) Exchange phone numbers and emails with more than one trustworthy student
c) Start a class blog to communicate about class matters (students have been doing this for the past few years now)

Due to various restrictions like lack of time, no budget for secretaries and website masters, as well as a need to attend to personal matters, Mr. P does NOT always have this portion of the website updated. He tries his best. Yes, not very far back in history there were no such thing as websites and whatnot. Mankind has survived for thousands of years without the internet and other technological 'wonders' and I suppose we can continue to do so. Think of this website as an 'extra' and not a necessity. Regardless, I hope that you still find this portion of the website helpful this year.


THURSDAY September 7th, 2006

1. Intro
2. 5x8 Cards
3. Classroom Basics (Video)
4. Walk Thru P’s Website
5. Majestic Video Clip
6. Ice Breaker Questions

HW: a) Parent Signature Sheet


Visit Mr. P's Website (Wait! You're already here, right?)

A)Print out a copy of Mr. P's class syllabus
B)Review the syllabus with your parents
C)Have the syllabus appropriately signed
D)Turn in the entire printed out syllabus with signatures tomorrow at the start of class.

FRIDAY Sept 8th, 2006

1) Collect signed syllabus print outs
2) Why Study History?
A) 3 Rounds & Discussion
B) What do you believe?
C) What do you know (really know)?
D) Information is power


A) Stay or Go Letter --- Write a letter to Mr P explaining if you want to stay or be another World History class. Make sure to explain your decision. Have this letter on your desk before the bell rings on Monday.

Plato's Allegory of the Cave will open up your mind