Monday, February 22, 2016

UNIT 9 - WWI - P-VILLE 2016
Notice to all P-Ville Citizens! Need Info on P-Ville (Click Here)
Also check out the new Flying Daily Stock Update by Bird

Also, a round of applause for the innovative new P-ville Supreme Council Forum created by Bird of P3. Check it out and see if it is functional, If not, report needed changes to Bird. If all is good, start using it to speed up administrative actions of P-ville.

Princess Issa of P5 has also constructed an online web blog for P-villians. Please enroll and post thoughts so the site can be modified so P-ville can get the best use of it.

1) Table of Contents (This powerpoint includes worksheets for assignments 1-10)
2) Entangled Alliances / BBQ Notes
3) Map of Europe (p.353 & 359)
4) Powderkeg & Dominoes
5) Weapons of WWI (See Powerpoint for Assign #1)
5b) Quiz Prep Worksheet
6) War Affects the World
7) Flawed Peace & Flawed Peace - WWI Play (Power Pt) & (Word Doc)
8) RePlay Questions 1-11 Basics & Thinkers
9) Propaganda Notes (Get notes done before class discussion)
10 Vocabulary & Study Guide

Write a solid response for the BEFORE and once the unit is over an AFTER response for the following question: (Be sure to leave a page blank for your 27 year old response)

A) Why does war happen?

B) How did governments attempt to influence the attitudes and behaviors of their citizens during WWI?

C) How can mankind's cycle of nonsense be stopped?

Battle of the Somme DBQ -


The Almost Complete Vocab Jeopardy to help you study for the Vocab Game - Something is better than nothing. Posted by Mr P at 4:19am


1) Wacky John Green's WWI Video (Who started WWI?)
2) Wacky John Green's WWI Video (How WWI started?) 
3) Wacky John Green's WWI Video (Archdukes & Basics on WWI) 
4) Wacky John Green's WWI Video (America and WWI) 

WWI PROPAGANDA BOOKS - Links to entire online books below
1) How We Advertised America - By George Creel 
2) Public Opinion - By Walter Lippmann
3) Propaganda - Edward Bernay

4) VIDEO: Century of the Self - Adam Curtis Documentary that connects War Propaganda with modern advertisement, consumerism, psychology, sociology, how the masses are controlled and you.

1) Cool BBC Animated WWI Maps 
2) Cool NPR Segment - WWI Germany Unleashed Terror Cells in US
3) How do you fix a face that has been blown off by shrapnel? - Excellent BBC work on the horrors of war. Dark and all too often overlooked side to war and its hell-ish aftermath.

1) Gustav Holst's - The Planets 1914 - Complete performance by Perm Philoharmonic
2) Igor Stravinsky's - Rite of Spring 1913 - Complete performance by LA Philharmonic
3) Igor Stravinsky's - Rite of Spring - Story behind the Premiere in Paris 1913. from once of Mr P's favorite science programs. Listen! Listen! Listen! Lots of cool stuff on their website.

This video gives a general idea of some of the organizational planning needed for the P Olympics. King P can envision an even more thorough, detailed and upbeat video than this one. Hmmmm...? Perhaps there are some qualified and inspired citizens out there who would want to undertake such a project? Did someone say Project? As in: Legacy Project? Hint! Hint!

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

WELCOME TO THE 2nd SEMESTER - UNIT 8- Nationalism & Imperialism 2016

MONDAY January 1, 2016
1) 1st Semester Results
2) Welcome to the 2nd Semester
3) What do you see? Still in the cave?

A) After 1 semester in Mr P's class. Reflect upon class thus far and what you might expect 2nd semester. Write a letter to the 27 year old you. This is a letter To You... From You. IF you are lost and uncertain what do you, answer or ponder the following questions in your next BBQ Response:

1) What has been happening in your life since September (start of school year?)
2) Did you achieve your semester goal for class? Why or why not?
3) What are some of the most important things you learned thus far in Mr P's class?
4) What do you think you'll remember when you are 27?
5) What do you think you will learn this semester?
6) What would you like to learn in World History for the 2nd Semester?


Refer to Technical Thompson's Website to print out worksheets if they are NOT available here.

BBQ 16 - Nationalism & Imperialism

1) Table of Contents (Get your worksheets here)
2) KWL
3) Vocabulary (worksheet) (Vocab Power Pt) --- (Vocab Review Game) & (Misc Imperialism Vocab Review) & (Mrs T's NI Review)
4) Bonds that create a Nation State
5) Proclamation of 1860 - Italy's Garibaldi
6) Nationalist Speech - Germany's Bismarck
7) Languages Fuel Nationalism FRONT(Map) & BACK (Questions)
8) Nationalism & Disunity (Power Point) Write notes on your own paper
9) Cause & Effect (Power Point) Write notes on your own paper
10) Nationalist Wars - Franco-Prussian War (p.231 & p. 269 – 271) & Crimean War (Power Point & Worksheet)
11) Imperialism 5 W’s (Ch 9 Section 1 p.286 - 289)(Power Point) Write notes on your own paper.
12) Imperial Motives (Front side & Back side) (Power Point)
13) QW - Imperial Cartoons
14) Imperial World Map (Worksheet) & (Cool Extra Map References)

Imperialism Group Work Instructions & Worksheets Assignments 15-17

15) Imperial Africa (Ch 9 Section 2 p.290 - 297) (Power point & Worksheet)
16) Imperial India (Ch 9 Section 4 p.303 - 308) (Power point & Worksheet)
17) Imperial China (Ch 9 Section 5 p.309 - 313)(Power point & (Worksheet) (QUICK & EASY NOTES) 


Assign # ? = Analyzing Assumptions and Biases


Try this power point of worksheets, if the links to worksheets & power points do NOT work.


1) Review Game 2008
2) Vocab Review Game


1) Nationalism - Crash Course - John Green's hyper fast-paced silly but basic and informative review of the subject of Nationalism. (13 minutes)

2) Nationalism - Yale Lecture - Here is a basic college lecture on the subject of Nationalism. If you cannot understand or stay focused for at least 11 minutes of this, then you should think twice about going to college. (50 minutes)

3) Nationalistic Speeches - Short video clips to get students to practice listening and identifying nationalistic speech techniques.
a) Young Obama 2004 
b) Obama Acceptance 2008
c) Obama Race Speech  2007
d) Bush "No new taxes" 1988
e) Goldwater 1964

4) War Room - Behind the scenes of the people who run political campaigns.

1) Imperialism - Crash Course - Yet another John Green's hyper fast-paced silly but basic and informative review of the subject of Imperialism. If a student misses several days of school, they should be sure to watch these videos along with reading the textbook. (13 minutes)

1) Chimamanda Adichie: The danger of a single story
Have your mind stretched and blown away by this Nigerian Woman who will not only stretch your understanding of Nigerians but of all humans. Brilliant speaker! Brilliant topic! Watch and in about 20 minutes your perception of the world will dissolve and become something newer and better. 

2) Jarreth Merz: Filming democracy in Ghana - a Swiss-Ghanaian filmmaker, came to Ghana in 2008 to film the national elections. What he saw there taught him new lessons about democracy -- and about himself.

3) BBC African Business Report - This is why BBC is good. A viewer actually gets some depth about a topic and learns about stuff that is all too often ignored in the American Media Cave. 

4) Dambisa Moyo (Zambian Economist) When Mr P hears about economic stuff happening in Africa, Dambisa Moyo is one person he likes to check in with. This Zambian Economist spits out all sort of interesting current stats about Africa and she usually shares some interesting viewpoints to economic ideas happening on the continent.  

Another Dambisa Moyo interesting short interview

5) Dambisa Moyo (Dead Aid) - Why financial aid has been a disaster for Africa? Bill Gates says she is wrong and evil? Wow! Who is right? You wont get the answer by merely watching these 2 short videos, but by watching, studying and considering this topic much much more.

1) Shashi Tharoor: Why nations should pursue "soft" power
Great overview of where India is, where it might be headed or where it should go.

2) Sugata Mitra's new experiments in self-teaching - You have to hand it to this guy with regards to trying to get creative with education and making learning magical. 


1) Eric X Li: A Tale of Two Political SystemsIt's a standard assumption in the West: As a society progresses, it eventually becomes a capitalist, multi-party democracy. Right? Eric X. Li, a Chinese investor and political scientist, begs to differ. In this provocative, boundary-pushing talk, he asks his audience to consider that there's more than one way to run a successful modern nation.

2) Martin Jacques: Understanding the Rise of ChinaSpeaking at a TED Salon in London, economist Martin Jacques asks: How do we in the West make sense of China and its phenomenal rise? The author of "When China Rules the World," he examines why the West often puzzles over the growing power of the Chinese economy, and offers three building blocks for understanding what China is and will become.

3) Dambisa Moyo: Is China the new idol for emerging economies? - The developed world holds up the ideals of capitalism, democracy and political rights for all. Those in emerging markets often don't have that luxury. In this powerful talk, economist Dambisa Moyo makes the case that the west can't afford to rest on its laurels and imagine others will blindly follow. Instead, a different model, embodied by China, is increasingly appealing. A call for open-minded political and economic cooperation in the name of transforming the world.

TUESDAY February 2, 2016
P-Ville Announcements
30 Second Speeches
Geo Competition

1) TOC (Assign #1)
2) KWL (Assign #2)
3) Vocab (Assign #3)

3) Vocab 1-7
5) Proclamation of 1860 (Assign #5)--- Underlining & Explaining Nationalism Talk
6) Nationalist Speech (Assign #6) --- Underlining & Explaining Nationalism Talk (Omit?)

WEDNESDAY February 3, 2016
P-Ville Announcements
30 Second Speeches
Geo Competition

3) Vocab (Assign #3) -- Review 1-7
4) Bonds that create a Nation State (Assign #4)
5) Proclamation of 1860 (Assign #5) --- Underlining & Explaining Nationalism Talk

A) Vocab 8-16
B) HW Review / Quiz?: Proclamation of 1860 (Assign #5) (10)

3) Languages Fuel Nationalism (Assign #7) (10)

4) Nationalism & Disunity (Assign #8) (10)
5) Cause & Effect (Assign #9) (10)
6) Recap Nationalism (?)
7) INTRO - (Assign #10) Crimean War (Who, What, When, Where and Why) – p. 244, 247, 255
8) INTRO - (Assign #10) Franco Prussian War (p.231 & 269 – 271)

THURSDAY February 4, 2016
A) P-Ville Announcements
B) 30 Second Speeches
C) Geo Competition

3) Vocab (Assign #3) -- Review 1-16
4) Bonds that create a Nation State (Assign #4)
5) Proclamation of 1860 (Assign #5) --- Underlining & Explaining Nationalism Talk

Period 4-6 (Sub) -- CC Training for P
Story of Stuff Video Notes 

a) Complete Assign 1-7
b) Complete Vocab 1-16

FRIDAY February 5, 2016
A) P-ville Winter Election (Friday)
1) Vocab (Assign #3) 8-16
2) HW Review / Quiz?: Proclamation of 1860 (Assign #5) (10)
3) Languages Fuel Nationalism (Assign #7) (10)


a) Complete Assign #1-7
b) Assign 2 = KWL - Students should continually add to the LEARNED portion of the assignment throughout the unit.
c) Assign 3 = Vocab 1-16 - Students are expected to continually work on and complete all vocab words by the end of the unit. Most vocab words will be defined in class more than once. However, students will be expected to define and know all words on the Vocab list, whether some of the words are defined in class or not.
d) Assign 10 = Read and understand: Franco Prussian War & Crimean War (p. 244, 247, 255 - use Index in textbook if this page is wrong. Also, use online sources to learn about the Crimean War)

MONDAY February 8, 2016  -Celebrating Lincoln's Birthday - No School

TUESDAY February 9, 2016 (Minimum Day - Late Start -- P1, P3 & P5)
WEDNESDAY February 10, 2016 (Minimum Day - Late Start -- P2, P4 & P6)
1) Recap - Nationalism & Disunity (Assign #8)
2) Recap - Cause & Effect (Assign #9) (10)
3) Recap Nationalism (12) - Nationalism & Images
4) Review Assign 10 - Franco/Prussian War & Crimean War (Who, What, When, Where Why)
5) Intro - 5 W's of Imperialism (Assign #11) (12)
6) Intro - Imperial Africa, India & China Group Work (10)
-----------Start with Africa on Monday. All powers points are available online. Do the notes in advance so you can pay closer attention in class.

A) COMPLETE FOR TUESDAY (Assign #15) - Imperial Africa (Ch 9 Section 2 p.290 - 297)
--------i) Map of Africa / African Border Dilemma
--------ii)Letter from Menenik II/ British Contact with African King

B) COMPLETE FOR TUESDAY (Assign #16) - Imperial India (Ch 9 Section 4 p.303 - 308)
C) COMPLETE FOR WEDNESDAY (Assign #17) - Imperial China (Ch 9 Section 5 p.309 - 313)

D) Bring your book to class!

THURSDAY February 11, 2016
1) Recap - Nationalist Wars (Assign #10) / (Nationalism Quiz?)
2) Recap - (Assign #11) 5 W's of Imperialism
3) Review (Assign #12) - Imperial Motives
4) Review (Assign #14) - Imperial World Map
5) (Assign #13) - Imperial Cartoons

A) Assignments 1-14 covered in class
B) Students should be finalizing completion of Assign 1-17
C) Study Assign 1-17 for Exam on ???

FRIDAY February 12, 2016
1) Recap - Nationalist Wars (Assign #10) / (Nationalism Quiz?)
2) Recap - (Assign #11) 5 W's of Imperialism
3) Review (Assign #12) - Imperial Motives
4) Review (Assign #14) - Imperial World Map
5) (Assign #13) - Imperial Cartoons

A) Assignments 1-14 covered in class
B) Students should be finalizing completion of Assign 1-17
C) Study Assign 1-17 for Exam on ???

MONDAY February 15, 2016   -- President's Day - Holiday - No School!

TUESDAY February 16, 2016 
1) Vocab Review Game --------(10)
2) Africa Review
3) Bring your book to class!
4) REVIEW by Groups (Assign #15) - Imperial Africa (Ch 9 Section 2 p.290 - 297)
--------i) Map of Africa / African Border Dilemma
--------ii)Letter from Menenik II/ British Contact with African King

A) Assign 1-16 covered in class
B) Completing 1-16
C) Continuing Vocab (Assign #3)
D) Work on Imperial World Map (Assign #14)
E) Possible HW Quiz Tuesday on: i) Imperial World Map ii) Vocab

WEDNESDAY February 17, 2016
Same as Tuesday above

THURSDAY February 18, 2016
1) HW Quiz based on Imperial World Map (Assign #14) & Vocab (Assign #3) BE READY!
2) REVIEW by Groups - (Assign #16) - Imperial India (Ch 9 Section 4 p.303 - 308)

A) Assignments 1-17 covered in class
B) Students should be finalizing completion of Assign 1-17

C) Study Assign 1-17 for Exam on ???

1) Finish AFTER for BBQ 16

FRIDAY February 19, 2016

Cultural Awareness Assembly
1) Check in and out with Mr P in Pavilion

2) P Finance Sheets
a) Citizens turn in P Finance Sheets to Supreme Council
b) Supreme Council give their finance sheets to DOD
c) DOD gives class P Finance sheets to DOE (Director of Economy)
d) DOE uses P Finance Sheets to do State of the Kingdom Report (Due Monday)

MONDAY February 22, 2016

TUESDAY February 23, 2016
1) REVIEW by Groups - (Assign #17) - Imperial China (Ch 9)
2) Discussion of AFTER for BBQ 16 - Nationalism & Imperialism

WEDNESDAY February 24, 2016
NI BBQ 16 DISCUSSION DAY Scroll down to BBQ 16 for further instructions
1) Get in BBQ Group
2) Discuss & Take Notes for BBQ with Group
3) Group Members divide responses for BEFORE(A-C) & AFTER (A-F)
4) Class Facilitator leads Class Discussion of BBQs BEFORE (A-C) & AFTER (A-F)
5) Group Members who present findings of BEFORE (A-C) & AFTER (A-F) = EXTRA CREDIT

A) Type up BBQ Response (DUE Tomorrow) ---- PLEASE EMAIL MR P your response if you have it done Wednesday Night so he could print it out and take to his meeting Thursday. Otherwise it is due on Thursday (Exam Day)
B) NI Packet is complete and stapled
C) NI Exam tomorrow

THURSDAY February 25, 2016
1) Turn in Nationalism Imperialism Packets before Tardy Bell
2) Turn in BBQ 16 - Nationalism & Imperialism
3) Nationalism & Imperialism Exam
4) Post Test Survey
5) Silently Read WWI Comic
6) Write Down WWI TOC