Monday, January 21, 2019


NATIONALISM BONDS CONTEST --- P2   P3    P4    P5     P6

BBQ 16 - Nationalism & Imperialism

1) Table of Contents (Get your worksheets here)
2) KWL
3) Vocab Worksheet (Vocab Power Pt)
4) Bonds that create a Nation State
5) Proclamation of 1860 - Italy's Garibaldi
6) Nationalist Speech - Germany's Bismarck
7) Languages Fuel Nationalism FRONT(Map) & BACK (Questions)
8) Nationalism & Disunity (Power Point) Write notes on your own paper
9) Cause & Effect (Power Point) Write notes on your own paper
10) Nationalist Wars - Franco-Prussian War & Crimean War (Power Point) (VIDEO LECTURE)
11) Imperialism 5 W’s (Ch 9 Section 1 p.286 - 289)(Power Point) Write notes on your own paper.
12) Imperial Motives (Front side & Back side) (Power Point)
13) QW - Imperial Cartoons
14) Imperial World Map  & Cool Extra Map References

Imperialism Group Work Instructions & Worksheets Assignments 15-17

15) Imperial Africa (Ch 9 Section 2 p.290 - 297) (Power point & Worksheet)
16) Imperial India (Ch 9 Section 4 p.303 - 308) (Power point & Worksheet)
17) Imperial China (Ch 9 Section 5 p.309 - 313)(Power point & (Worksheet) (QUICK & EASY NOTES)  (VIDEO LECTURE Part 1 & Part 2)


Assign # ? = Analyzing Assumptions and Biases

MONDAY January 21, 2019 --- (MLK Jr. Holiday - No School)
1) Mr P listens to this speech each year on this holiday. It is his favorite Martin Luther King Jr speech. It isn't the "I had a dream..." speech, nor is it the Beyond Vietnam which was a darn good one, but it is a little speech (actually a sermon) called "But if not" from November 1967 (about a year before he was assassinated. Click here if you want to listen to it. It usually makes Mr P cry each year when he listens to it. Yet, Mr P is strange and cries at odd things like certain parts during the movie Jaws. Anyway, Happy Birthday MLK and I always remember: "But if not!"

1) Students should be working to:
Study for the Final Exam

TUESDAY January 22, 2019
1) Recap - (Assign #11) 5 W's of Imperialism
2) Review (Assign #12) - Imperial Motives
3) Review (Assign #14) - Imperial World Map
4) (Assign #13) - Imperial Cartoons

a) Nationalist Wars (Assign #10) (Video Lecture)
b) Assignments 1-14 covered in class
c) Students should be finalizing completion of Assign 1-17
d) Study Assign 1-17 for Exam

WEDNESDAY January 23, 2019
1) Review (Assign #14) - Imperial World Map
2) (Assign #13) - Imperial Cartoons
3) Vocab Review
4) Africa Review
5) Bring your book to class!
6) REVIEW by Groups (Assign #15) - Imperial Africa (Ch 9 Section 2 p.290 - 297)
--------i) Map of Africa / African Border Dilemma
--------ii)Letter from Menenik II/ British Contact with African King

A) Assign 1-15 covered in class
B) Completing 1-16
C) Continuing Vocab (Assign #3)
D) Work on Imperial World Map (Assign #14)

THURSDAY January 24, 2019
1) Recap Imperial Africa
 2) Possible HW Quiz based on Imperial World Map (Assign #14) & Vocab (Assign #3) BE READY!
3) REVIEW Assign #16) - Imperial India (Ch 9 Section 4 p.303 - 308)

A) Assignments 1-16 covered in class
B) Students should be finalizing completion of Assign 1-17
C) Study Assign 1-17 for Exam

FRIDAY January 25, 2019
1) Possible HW Quiz on Imperial India (Ch 9 Section 4 p.303-308)2) Recap Imperial India
3) Review Imperial China

A) Assignments 1-17 covered in class
B) Students should be finalizing completion of Assign 1-17
C) Study Assign 1-17 for Exam

MONDAY January 28, 2019
1) REVIEW (Assign #17) - Imperial China (Ch 9)
2) Discussion of AFTER for BBQ 16 - Nationalism & Imperialism

A) Assignments 1-17 covered in class
B) Students should be finalizing completion of Assign 1-17
C) Study Assign 1-17 for Exam

TUESDAY January 29, 2019
1) Recap Nationalism & Imperialism Unit
2) Review for Final Exam
3) Nationalism Images (If time)

WEDNESDAY January 30, 2019
Period 1 & 2 FINAL EXAM

THURSDAY January 31, 2019
Period 3 & 4 FINAL EXAM

FRIDAY February 1st, 2019
Period 5 & 6 FINAL EXAM


1) Nationalism - Crash Course - John Green's hyper fast-paced silly but basic and informative review of the subject of Nationalism. (13 minutes)

2) Nationalism - Yale Lecture - Here is a basic college lecture on the subject of Nationalism. If you cannot understand or stay focused for at least 11 minutes of this, then you should think twice about going to college. (50 minutes)

3) Nationalistic Speeches - Short video clips to get students to practice listening and identifying nationalistic speech techniques.
a) Young Obama 2004
b) Obama Acceptance 2008
c) Obama Race Speech  2007
d) Bush "No new taxes" 1988
e) Goldwater 1964
f) Trump 2017

4) War Room - Behind the scenes of the people who run political campaigns.

5) Language - Comparing Slavic Languages (Russian and Croatian)

1) Imperialism - Crash Course - Yet another John Green's hyper fast-paced silly but basic and informative review of the subject of Imperialism. If a student misses several days of school, they should be sure to watch these videos along with reading the textbook. (13 minutes)

1) Chimamanda Adichie: The danger of a single story
Have your mind stretched and blown away by this Nigerian Woman who will not only stretch your understanding of Nigerians but of all humans. Brilliant speaker! Brilliant topic! Watch and in about 20 minutes your perception of the world will dissolve and become something newer and better. 

2) Jarreth Merz: Filming democracy in Ghana - a Swiss-Ghanaian filmmaker, came to Ghana in 2008 to film the national elections. What he saw there taught him new lessons about democracy -- and about himself.

3) BBC African Business Report - This is why BBC is good. A viewer actually gets some depth about a topic and learns about stuff that is all too often ignored in the American Media Cave. 

4) Dambisa Moyo (Zambian Economist) When Mr P hears about economic stuff happening in Africa, Dambisa Moyo is one person he likes to check in with. This Zambian Economist spits out all sort of interesting current stats about Africa and she usually shares some interesting viewpoints to economic ideas happening on the continent.  

Another Dambisa Moyo interesting short interview

5) Dambisa Moyo (Dead Aid) - Why financial aid has been a disaster for Africa? Bill Gates says she is wrong and evil? Wow! Who is right? You wont get the answer by merely watching these 2 short videos, but by watching, studying and considering this topic much much more.

1) Shashi Tharoor: Why nations should pursue "soft" power
Great overview of where India is, where it might be headed or where it should go.

2) Sugata Mitra's new experiments in self-teaching - You have to hand it to this guy with regards to trying to get creative with education and making learning magical. 


1) Eric X Li: A Tale of Two Political Systems - It's a standard assumption in the West: As a society progresses, it eventually becomes a capitalist, multi-party democracy. Right? Eric X. Li, a Chinese investor and political scientist, begs to differ. In this provocative, boundary-pushing talk, he asks his audience to consider that there's more than one way to run a successful modern nation.

2) Martin Jacques: Understanding the Rise of China - Speaking at a TED Salon in London, economist Martin Jacques asks: How do we in the West make sense of China and its phenomenal rise? The author of "When China Rules the World," he examines why the West often puzzles over the growing power of the Chinese economy, and offers three building blocks for understanding what China is and will become.

3) Dambisa Moyo: Is China the new idol for emerging economies? - The developed world holds up the ideals of capitalism, democracy and political rights for all. Those in emerging markets often don't have that luxury. In this powerful talk, economist Dambisa Moyo makes the case that the west can't afford to rest on its laurels and imagine others will blindly follow. Instead, a different model, embodied by China, is increasingly appealing. A call for open-minded political and economic cooperation in the name of transforming the world.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019





NATIONALISM BONDS CONTEST --- P2   P3    P4    P5     P6

BBQ 16 - Nationalism & Imperialism

1) Table of Contents (Get your worksheets here)
2) KWL
3) Vocab Worksheet (Vocab Power Pt)
4) Bonds that create a Nation State
5) Proclamation of 1860 - Italy's Garibaldi
6) Nationalist Speech - Germany's Bismarck
7) Languages Fuel Nationalism FRONT(Map) & BACK (Questions)
8) Nationalism & Disunity (Power Point) Write notes on your own paper
9) Cause & Effect (Power Point) Write notes on your own paper
10) Nationalist Wars - Franco-Prussian War (p.231 & p. 269 – 271) & Crimean War (Power Point
11) Imperialism 5 W’s (Ch 9 Section 1 p.286 - 289)(Power Point) Write notes on your own paper.
12) Imperial Motives (Front side & Back side) (Power Point)
13) QW - Imperial Cartoons
14) Imperial World Map  & Cool Extra Map References

Imperialism Group Work Instructions & Worksheets Assignments 15-17

15) Imperial Africa (Ch 9 Section 2 p.290 - 297) (Power point & Worksheet)
16) Imperial India (Ch 9 Section 4 p.303 - 308) (Power point & Worksheet)
17) Imperial China (Ch 9 Section 5 p.309 - 313)(Power point & (Worksheet) (QUICK & EASY NOTES) 


Assign # ? = Analyzing Assumptions and Biases


1) Nationalism - Crash Course - John Green's hyper fast-paced silly but basic and informative review of the subject of Nationalism. (13 minutes)

2) Nationalism - Yale Lecture - Here is a basic college lecture on the subject of Nationalism. If you cannot understand or stay focused for at least 11 minutes of this, then you should think twice about going to college. (50 minutes)

3) Nationalistic Speeches - Short video clips to get students to practice listening and identifying nationalistic speech techniques.
a) Young Obama 2004
b) Obama Acceptance 2008
c) Obama Race Speech  2007
d) Bush "No new taxes" 1988
e) Goldwater 1964
f) Trump 2017

4) War Room - Behind the scenes of the people who run political campaigns.

5) Language - Comparing Slavic Languages (Russian and Croatian)

1) Imperialism - Crash Course - Yet another John Green's hyper fast-paced silly but basic and informative review of the subject of Imperialism. If a student misses several days of school, they should be sure to watch these videos along with reading the textbook. (13 minutes)

1) Chimamanda Adichie: The danger of a single story
Have your mind stretched and blown away by this Nigerian Woman who will not only stretch your understanding of Nigerians but of all humans. Brilliant speaker! Brilliant topic! Watch and in about 20 minutes your perception of the world will dissolve and become something newer and better. 

2) Jarreth Merz: Filming democracy in Ghana - a Swiss-Ghanaian filmmaker, came to Ghana in 2008 to film the national elections. What he saw there taught him new lessons about democracy -- and about himself.

3) BBC African Business Report - This is why BBC is good. A viewer actually gets some depth about a topic and learns about stuff that is all too often ignored in the American Media Cave. 

4) Dambisa Moyo (Zambian Economist) When Mr P hears about economic stuff happening in Africa, Dambisa Moyo is one person he likes to check in with. This Zambian Economist spits out all sort of interesting current stats about Africa and she usually shares some interesting viewpoints to economic ideas happening on the continent.  

Another Dambisa Moyo interesting short interview

5) Dambisa Moyo (Dead Aid) - Why financial aid has been a disaster for Africa? Bill Gates says she is wrong and evil? Wow! Who is right? You wont get the answer by merely watching these 2 short videos, but by watching, studying and considering this topic much much more.

1) Shashi Tharoor: Why nations should pursue "soft" power
Great overview of where India is, where it might be headed or where it should go.

2) Sugata Mitra's new experiments in self-teaching - You have to hand it to this guy with regards to trying to get creative with education and making learning magical. 


1) Eric X Li: A Tale of Two Political Systems - It's a standard assumption in the West: As a society progresses, it eventually becomes a capitalist, multi-party democracy. Right? Eric X. Li, a Chinese investor and political scientist, begs to differ. In this provocative, boundary-pushing talk, he asks his audience to consider that there's more than one way to run a successful modern nation.

2) Martin Jacques: Understanding the Rise of China - Speaking at a TED Salon in London, economist Martin Jacques asks: How do we in the West make sense of China and its phenomenal rise? The author of "When China Rules the World," he examines why the West often puzzles over the growing power of the Chinese economy, and offers three building blocks for understanding what China is and will become.

3) Dambisa Moyo: Is China the new idol for emerging economies? - The developed world holds up the ideals of capitalism, democracy and political rights for all. Those in emerging markets often don't have that luxury. In this powerful talk, economist Dambisa Moyo makes the case that the west can't afford to rest on its laurels and imagine others will blindly follow. Instead, a different model, embodied by China, is increasingly appealing. A call for open-minded political and economic cooperation in the name of transforming the world.

TUESDAY January 15, 2019
1) TOC (Assign #1)
2) KWL (Assign #2)
3) Vocab (Assign #3)

A) Vocab 1-7
B) Proclamation of 1860 (Assign #5)--- Underlining & Explaining Nationalism Talk
C) Nationalist Speech (Assign #6) --- Underlining & Explaining Nationalism Talk (Omit?)

WEDNESDAY January 16, 2019
1) Vocab (Assign #3) -- Review 1-7
2) Bonds that create a Nation State (Assign #4)
3) Proclamation of 1860 (Assign #5) --- Underlining & Explaining Nationalism Talk

A) Vocab 8-16
B) HW Review / Quiz?: Proclamation of 1860 (Assign #5) (10)
C) Languages Fuel Nationalism (Assign #7) (10)

THURSDAY February 17, 2019
1) Vocab (Assign #3) -- Review 1-16
2) Bonds that create a Nation State (Assign #4)
3) Proclamation of 1860 (Assign #5) --- Underlining & Explaining Nationalism Talk

a) Complete Assign 1-7
b) Complete Vocab 1-16

FRIDAY February 18, 2019
1) Vocab (Assign #3) 8-16
2) HW Review / Quiz?: Proclamation of 1860 (Assign #5) (10)
3) Languages Fuel Nationalism (Assign #7) (10)

a) Complete Assign #1-7
b) Assign 2 = KWL - Students should continually add to the LEARNED portion of the assignment throughout the unit.
c) Assign 3 = Vocab 1-16 - Students are expected to continually work on and complete all vocab words by the end of the unit. Most vocab words will be defined in class more than once. However, students will be expected to define and know all words on the Vocab list, whether some of the words are defined in class or not.
d) Assign 10 = Read and understand: Franco Prussian War & Crimean War (p. 244, 247, 255 - use Index in textbook if this page is wrong. Also, use online sources to learn about the Crimean War)

MONDAY January 21, 2019 --- (MLK Jr. Holiday - No School)
1) Mr P listens to this speech each year on this holiday. It is his favorite Martin Luther King Jr speech. It isn't the "I had a dream..." speech, nor is it the Beyond Vietnam which was a darn good one, but it is a little speech (actually a sermon) called "But if not" from November 1967 (about a year before he was assassinated. Click here if you want to listen to it. It usually makes Mr P cry each year when he listens to it. Yet, Mr P is strange and cries at odd things like certain parts during the movie Jaws. Anyway, Happy Birthday MLK and I always remember: "But if not!"

1) Students should be working to:
Study for the Final Exam

TUESDAY January 22, 2019
1) Recap - Nationalism & Disunity (Assign #8)
2) Recap - Cause & Effect (Assign #9) (10)
3) Recap Nationalism (12) - Nationalism & Images

A) Complete Assign 1-10
B) Keep up with Unit Vocab

WEDNESDAY January 23, 2019
1) Review Assign 10 - Franco/Prussian War & Crimean War (Who, What, When, Where Why)
2) Intro - 5 W's of Imperialism (Assign #11) (12)
3) Intro - Imperial Africa, India & China Group Work (10)
-----------Start with Africa on FRIDAY All powers points are available online. Do the notes in advance so you can pay closer attention in class.

A) COMPLETE FOR FRIDAY (Assign #15) - Imperial Africa (Ch 9 Section 2 p.290 - 297)
--------i) Map of Africa / African Border Dilemma
--------ii)Letter from Menenik II/ British Contact with African King

B) COMPLETE FOR TUESDAY (Assign #16) - Imperial India (Ch 9 Section 4 p.303 - 308)
C) COMPLETE FOR WEDNESDAY (Assign #17) - Imperial China (Ch 9 Section 5 p.309 - 313)

D) Bring your book to class!

THURSDAY January 24, 2019
1) Recap - Nationalist Wars (Assign #10) / (Nationalism Quiz?)
2) Recap - (Assign #11) 5 W's of Imperialism
3) Review (Assign #12) - Imperial Motives
4) Review (Assign #14) - Imperial World Map
5) (Assign #13) - Imperial Cartoons

A) Assignments 1-14 covered in class
B) Students should be finalizing completion of Assign 1-17
C) Study Assign 1-17 for Exam on FRIDAY Feb 17th

FRIDAY January 25, 2019
1) Recap - Nationalist Wars (Assign #10) / (Nationalism Quiz?)
2) Recap - (Assign #11) 5 W's of Imperialism
3) Review (Assign #12) - Imperial Motives
4) Review (Assign #14) - Imperial World Map
5) (Assign #13) - Imperial Cartoons

A) Assignments 1-14 covered in class
B) Students should be finalizing completion of Assign 1-17
C) Study Assign 1-17 for Exam on FRIDAY Feb 17th

MONDAY January 28, 2019
1) Vocab Review Game --------(10)
2) Africa Review
3) Bring your book to class!
4) REVIEW by Groups (Assign #15) - Imperial Africa (Ch 9 Section 2 p.290 - 297)
--------i) Map of Africa / African Border Dilemma
--------ii)Letter from Menenik II/ British Contact with African King

A) Assign 1-15 covered in class
B) Completing 1-16
C) Continuing Vocab (Assign #3)
D) Work on Imperial World Map (Assign #14)
E) Possible HW Quiz Tuesday on: i) Imperial World Map ii) Vocab

TUESDAY January 29, 2019
1) Recap Imperial Africa
2) Possible HW Quiz based on Imperial World Map (Assign #14) & Vocab (Assign #3) BE READY!
3) REVIEW by Groups - (Assign #16) - Imperial India (Ch 9 Section 4 p.303 - 308)

A) Assignments 1-16 covered in class
B) Students should be finalizing completion of Assign 1-17
C) Study Assign 1-17 for Exam on FRIDAY Feb 16th

WEDNESDAY February 14, 2018
1) Possible HW Quiz on Imperial India (Ch 9 Section 4 p.303-308)
2) Recap Imperial India
3) Review Imperial China

A) Assignments 1-17 covered in class
B) Students should be finalizing completion of Assign 1-17
C) Study Assign 1-17 for Exam on FRIDAY Feb 16th

THURSDAY February 15, 2018
1) REVIEW by Groups - (Assign #17) - Imperial China (Ch 9)
2) Discussion of AFTER for BBQ 16 - Nationalism & Imperialism

A) Assignments 1-17 covered in class
B) Students should be finalizing completion of Assign 1-17
C) Study Assign 1-17 for Exam on FRIDAY Feb 16 2018

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Scroll down for more info & help with final exam


Need Info on P-Ville (Click Here)
The next 2 weeks will feature active learning of the Industrial Revolution. As students set sail into this journey here are a few classroom power points & documents students may find of use at home.

BBQ I.R. - Narrative History
1) Study Guide (Vocab Words) - Animated Terms - Crop Rotation , Enclosure

2) Chapter 5 & 6 Guided Reading Notes
Chapter 5
Section 1 Dawn of the Industrial Age p.170 -173
Section 2 Britain Leads the Way p.174-177
Section 3 Social Impact of IR p.178-183
Section 4 New Ways of Thinking p.184-189

Chapter 6 p.195-221
Section 1 IR Spreads p.196-202
Section 2 Rise of the Cities p.203-209
Section 3 Changing Attitudes & Values p.210-216
Section 4 Arts in the Industrial Age p.217-221

MONDAY January 7, 2019 
1) If Ch 6 Section 1 Quiz is NOT today, it will be the following day
2) "Isms" Intro
3) Industrial Revolution BBQ Notes for:
A) Rock, Scissors, Paper and Pennies
B) 100 Pennies 
C) Man out on Hawthorne
D) O'Leary & Perkins vs Pope & Hanauer
E) Federal Taxes and You
F) Sueta Plan

A) Read & Complete Ch 6 Section 1 (Open Note Quiz tomorrow) 

TUESDAY January 8, 2019 
1) Ch 6 Section 1 Quiz?
2) Recap "Isms"
3) Industrial Revolution BBQ Notes for:
A) Rock, Scissors, Paper and Pennies
B) 100 Pennies 
C) Man out on Hawthorne
D) O'Leary & Perkins vs Pope & Hanauer
E) Federal Taxes and You
F) Sueta Plan

A) Read Ch 6 section 2 (Quiz WEDNESDAY)
B) Get your P-ville gold finance sheets signed (collecting Friday)

WEDNESDAY January 9, 2019 
1) Quiz Ch6 Section 2

Industrial Revolution BBQ Notes for:
A) Rock, Scissors, Paper and Pennies
B) 100 Pennies 
C) Man out on Hawthorne

D) O'Leary & Perkins vs Pope & Hanauer
E) Federal Taxes and You
F) Sueta Plan

A) Read Ch 6 section 3 & 4 (Quiz FRIDAY)
B) Get your P-ville gold finance sheets signed (collecting Friday)
THURSDAY January 10, 2019
1) Industrial Revolution BBQ Notes for: 
A) Rock, Scissors, Paper and Pennies
B) 100 Pennies 
C) Man out on Hawthorne
D) O'Leary & Perkins vs Pope & Hanauer
E) Federal Taxes and You
F) Sueta Plan

A) Read & Complete Notes for Ch 6 section 3 & 4 (Quiz Friday)
B) Get your P-ville gold finance sheets signed (collecting Friday) 

FRIDAY January 11, 2019 
1) DOE Collects Karma Finance Sheets for DOE Report
2) Quiz Ch 6 Section 3 & 4 
3) Collect IR Packet  A) "Ism" Packet B) Ch 5 Section 1-4 C) Ch 5 Section 1-4  
4) Industrial Revolution BBQ Notes for:
A) Rock, Scissors, Paper and Pennies
B) 100 Pennies 
C) Man out on Hawthorne
D) O'Leary & Perkins vs Pope & Hanauer
E) Federal Taxes and You
F) Sueta Plan

A) Study for Final Exam

MONDAY January 14, 2019
1) Left over IR
2) Dania's Economic Spectrum Quiz
3) O'Leary & Perkins vs Pope & Hanauer
4) Start N.I. Unit 

TUESDAY January 15, 2019

1) Nationalism & Imperialism

WEDNESDAY January 16, 2019
1) Nationalism & Imperialism

THURSDAY January 17, 2019
1) Nationalism & Imperialism

FRIDAY January 18, 2019
1) Collect: a) Extra Credit IR Open Response / b) P-Ville Finance Sheets

MONDAY January 21, 2019 (MLK Jr Holiday - No School)  
1) Mr P listens to this speech each year on this holiday. It is his favorite Martin Luther King Jr speech. It isn't the "I had a dream..." speech, nor is it the Beyond Vietnam which was a darn good one, but it is a little speech (actually a sermon) called "But if not" from November 1967 (about a year before he was assassinated. Click here if you want to listen to it. It usually makes Mr P cry each year when he listens to it. Yet, Mr P is strange and cries at odd things like certain parts during the movie Jaws. Anyway, Happy Birthday MLK and I always remember: "But if not!"

1) Students should be working to:
Study for the Final Exam

Scroll down for more info & help with final exam

Schedule for Finals  
Wednesday, January 30 = Period 2
Thursday, January 31 = Period 3 & 4
Friday, February 1 = Period 5 & 6

1) Auto vs Demo / Foundations of Democracy

2) Middle Ages - American Revolution
a) Renaissance & Reformation
b) Exploration
c) Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment & American Revolution

3) French Revolution & Napoleon & Post Napoleonic

4) Industrial Revolution

5) Nationalism & Imperialism

1) Autocracy vs Democracy / Foundations of Democracy

2) Middle Ages - American Revolution
a) Renaissance & Reformation
b) Exploration
c) Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment & American Revolution

3) French Revolution & Napoleon & Post Napoleonic

4) Industrial Revolution

5) Nationalism & Imperialism Imperialism #2

Bored over Break? Want to watch some darn good movies and all related to the Industrial Revolution.

a) Modern Times - Check out this silent film classic with the legendary Charlie Chaplin. The first 3 or 4 minutes might be slow, but it is pretty much one laugh after another after that. This is NOT just pure comedy but Chaplin is also making some pretty awesome commentary about the modern industrial society and all its silliness. This movie should make you think about how silly people live their life today. Hmmm??? Who will make the Modern Times of today? Also, trip out on how darn amazing the music is throughout the film. It goes right along with the emotion and movement of the film. They don't make movies like this anymore.

b) On the Waterfront - This is an American movie classic. It is about the fight of dockworkers to take back their union from the corrupt and intimidating mob. Anytime a dockworker tries to testify in court against the mob, somehow that person "mysteriously dies." Father Barry is a priest who tries to continually encourage the dockworkers to take back their union from the corrupt mob. Totally one of Mr P favorites. Mr P's favorite scene is when the priest gives his stirring speech in the hole of the ship after KO Doogan gets "accidentally killed." It is one of the best movie acting scenes ever!

c) Matewan - This an underrated movie about West Virginia Coal Miners of the 1920s. The movie shows the social, economic and political dynamics of the time and place. It gets into issues like large companies, work rights, unions, scabs, racism, company police (thugs), oppression, propaganda, etc. This is a good one.  It makes the viewer think. (If you can find the movie online, forward the link to Mr P.) This link is just a clip of the screenwriter John Sayles talking about the film.

D) Oliver Twist - This movie is based on the old Charles Dickens novel. It gives a good visual sense of what social and cultural misery the Industrial Revolution brought on to people of Britain. The story follows the rough adventures of an orphan boy with many of the problems and hardships of the Industrial Revolution shown throughout.

a) BBC's Industrial Revolution 

Videos to engage teenaging souls with their role within the 3rd Wave of the Industrial Revolution 
a) Story of Stuff
b) Surviving Progress
c) What is Progress? 
d) The Corporation 
e) 3rd Industrial Revolution
f) Rat Race - Happiness? 
g) Will You Lose Your Job to...?
h) Education & Automated Jobs
i) Automation & White Collar Jobs
j) Future Jobs & Automation
k) Big Debate about Future of Work
l) Future World 2030 - Michio Kaku's Predictions
m) Last Job on Earth
n) Humans Need Not Apply

What the heck happened after Napoleon? Lots of things. Big changes happened in Latin America. Also, there were big shifts from the political LEFT to the RIGHT and then back to the LEFT again. Why did this happen? Why does it matter to you? Some questions on the final exam will be on this information. FIND OUT by scrolling below.
POST NAPOLEONIC PACKET POWER Pt - Mr P used this power point in class to review the Post Napoleonic Era in Europe as it impacted World History

From Post Napoleonic to WWI - Despite a few errors, this is not a bad informative video. Quick paced and filled with relevant information that is accurate for the most part. P says: Watch and ponder! Then engage P and others in conversation on this subject matter.

LEVEL 1 = MUST WATCH - This is minimum viewing to understand the basics on Post Napoleonic Era in Latin America.

The short cartoons below were created by Legendary Student Katrin G as her Legacy Project. She wanted to create a quick way for students to get the Latin American Independent Movements. Check out the cartoons below:
A) Watch Short Cartoon on Haiti's Independence                                  (Haiti Indy Youtube version)
B) Watch Short Cartoon on Mexico's Independence                              (Mex Indy Youtube Version)
C) Watch Short Cartoon on Latin American Independence        (Latin American Indy Youtube Version)
LEVEL 2 = EXTRA (Not Mandatory) - MORE IN-DEPTH. These are fast-paced wacky quick video lectures. Might have to watch twice or hit pause as John Green is a hyper wacky guy. The videos below covers subject matter in more depth than Katrin's Short Legacy Cartoons above:

Watch Short Fast John Green Crash Lecture's on: 
A) Haitian Revolutions: Crash Course World History #30
B) Latin American Revolution: Crash Course World History #31

Watch & Listen to Mr Simpson's Power Point Lecture on:
C) Latin American Revolution by Mr Simpson - Slower & more blah but still covers the info well

LEVEL 3 = EXTRA EXTRA (Not Mandatory) -  MORE IN-DEPTH. This is for lovers of history and politics. This is the sort of stuff a course might cover in college. These documentary is filled with commentary and analysis from historians. Enjoy!

A) Great Black Emancipation: Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) Shorter but choppy at points
B) PBS Egalite For All: Toussaint Louverture and Haitian Revolution (2009) Entire Documentary
C) Chomsky: US Role in Haiti (2010)

A) Simon Bolivar: Biography by Extra Credits
B) Simon Bolivar: American Liberator by Marie Arana - Library of Congress

A) Symposium on Mexican Revolution (1810, 1910 & 2010) UC Events
B) Mexico, The Revolution and Beyond (1810, 1910 & 2010) by Dr Roberto Rodriquez

LEVEL 4 = SUPER EXTRA (Not Mandatory) - MOST IN-DEPTH. Get a hold of the books by professors in the documentary and read them. Now you are on your way to becoming an informed intellectual citizen of the world.

 4) Industrial Revolution GROUP PROJECT
A) Mr P's Class Power Point (features basics - schedule, group topics, footnotes, etc)
B) IR Group Topics & List of Documents 
C) Step for How to Analyze Documents 

D) IR Historical Documents - Readings 1-28 organized by group topics
E) IR Historical Documents - Readings 29-49 

F) What is Plagiarism & how to avoid it?

G) Group Project Samples 

Sample 2012 - G4 Inventions 
Sample 2012 - G6 Health 
Sample 2012 - G7 Changing Class Structures 
Sample 2012 - G9 The Arts

Once you learn about the IR...


documentaries like.......

the one  further down................

Words Nobody Wants to Hear

Surviving Progress (Condensed Version)

SURVIVING PROGRESS (A Mind Expanding Documentary)