Monday, March 16, 2020

REMOTE LEARNING - March 16th 2020 - June ?? 2020
Greetings! World History will carry on this week with the agenda and links below. Mr P will be checking his email throughout the day, if you have any questions or comments.

MONDAY June 1, 2020 (P3 & P5) / TUESDAY (June 2, 2020 (P2, P4 & P6)
Lots happening around the nation and world.
Let's take a look at Mass Protests during the Cold War & Today.
Look in your google classroom folder for the link to the doc.
This is a sample of what it looks like. It is titled: P? 2020 MASS PROTESTS 2.0
Use the recurring zoom link for your period. We will work on this assignment during Zoom.

Mr P thinks you should be able to finish this during the zoom session.  Hence, the Mass Protest Doc is due the evening your period is assigned.

WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY will begin the Final.
Be ready to review your Top 5 Things You Learned this year.
Watch this video
                             Top 5 Final Doc for student viewing

THURSDAY May 28, 2020 (P2, P4 & P6) / FRIDAY May 29, 2020 (P3 & P5)
OK today we will meet on zoom and work as a class to edit the shared doc for your period.
Look in your google classroom folder for the link to the doc.
This is a sample of what it looks like. It is titled:  P? 2020 CW Q & As

Use the recurring zoom link for your period. See you there. 

TUESDAY May 26, 2020 (P2, P4 & P6) / WEDNESDAY May 27, 2020 (P3 & P5)
Mr P will be available by email or on your period recurring zoom. Zoom is NOT mandatory for Tuesday and Wednesday. Instead, students should watch videos Mr P prepared and do the work explained below.
1) FINALS VIDEO - Want to know what is happening for the Finals? Watch this video
                             Top 5 Final Doc for student viewing

2) COLD WAR BASICS - Watch the videos below to understand the basics on the Cold War.
A) Cold War Summary - 7 Minutes
B) Cold War Oversimplified - Part 1 - 16 minutes & Part 2 - 17 minutes
C) Cold War Crash Course -  12 minutes - not as good as A & B but has a few gems

A) As you watch the videos, type up at least 10 questions you have about the Cold War using this doc shared with you in your google classroom folder
B) These questions will be discussed on your period zoom session on Thursday or Friday this week.
C) QUALITY QUESTIONS: You should NOT ask when was the Cold War, since all the videos mention the timeline of the Cold War being 1945-1991. Instead, you can ask timeline related questions for further clarity such as:
a) Why did the Cold War last for 45 years?
b) Was there a point where the Cold War seemed like or could have ended earlier? 

NOT REQUIRED but for hardcore students of history and political science. This video looks at the end of the Cold War & Soviet Dissolution or Breakup of the USSR. What is interesting is how ordinary people led mass movements to make change possible. This video contains a monotone voice but does a quality job pointing out many of the things Mr P would point out in class. The main point is that you can learn much from the relatively peaceful mass movements discussed in this video. That is, if you value and are interested in such things... which you should. Who knows what the future has in store for you and your generation? This video gives ideas on how to handle things when things to ugly for society. 

WEDNESDAY May 20th, 2020 (P3 & P5) / THURSDAY May 21st, 2020 (P2, P4 & P6)
1) Watch this 3 minute instruction video before joining the recurring zoom session today.
2) Open your period's Holocaust 8 Stages Doc that is shared in your google classroom folder.
3) Zoom Session will review the 8 Stages of the Holocaust. Determine basic definitions & correct order
4) If there is time, we will check if students can identify the 8 Stages of the Holocaust by examining pictures.

MONDAY May 18th, 2020 (P3 & P5) / TUESDAY May 19th, 2020 (P2, P4 & P6) 
This week will feature the Holocaust & Genocide. There is no mandatory zoom on Monday & Tuesday this week. Instead, check out the video link instructions on the Holocaust Doc that has been shared with your google classroom account.

1) Kindly use the Holocaust Doc that has been shared with you in your google classroom.  
Do NOT use this sample doc posted here. Your shared doc is due Friday May 22th, 2020 at 11:59pm

2) Click Here to learn more about the 8 Stages to be covered on Zoom (Wednesday & Thursday)

NOT REQUIRED - If you are interested in learning more about the Holocaust, check out below.
Shoah Foundation has an excellent archive of video testimony. Videos are both short and long. Take a look. Dive into this unique history. Again, share back with Mr P any videos, pictures, and other information you found interesting and think other students will as well. Thanks.

WEDNESDAY May 13th 2020 (P3 & P5) / THURSDAY May 14th, 2020 (P2, P4 & P6) 

1) Watch this video about the Talk-U-Ment
2) Watch this video about the CER Form  /   Click for CER Form

3) Post your 3 remarks on the Talk-U-Ment by 11:59pm of the day your period meets
4) Submit your CER Form by 11:59pm of the day your period meets

MONDAY May 11th 2020 (P3 & P5) / TUESDAY May 12th, 2020 (P2, P4 & P6) 
This week will feature WWII in the Pacific and focus on the use of the Atomic Bomb
Do this Quick Survey before starting the unit

NOT REQUIRED - Below is extra material on the A-Bomb.
If you are interested or bored but only have time for 1 of the following supplements below,  Mr P highly recommends watching documentary White Light, Black Rain. It will blow your mind.

A) Political Bomb Decision - Focuses more on WHY? - 60 minutes
B) Making of Bomb -  Focuses more on HOW? - 40 minutes

2) A-Bomb DEBATE Info

3) MORE A-Bomb Videos
1) BBC Hiroshima Bomb Documentary (excellent extra documentary)
2) BBC Hiroshima: The Day that Shock the World - Another hour long documentary. This one goes over the step by step, minute to minute lead up and aftermath of dropping the bomb. Lots of good little details.
3) Race for the World's 1st Atomic Bomb - 1,000 Days of Fear - This BBC documentary focuses more on the making of the bomb in Los Alamos, New Mexico and the scientists involved with development and dropping of the A-Bomb. 
4) The Bomb - This PBS documentary looks at the Atomic Bomb from WWII and beyond to the world of today. 
5) FOR THE BOMB vs AGAINST THE BOMB - Short Videos providing basics FOR & AGAINST the Bomb

6) White Light / Black Rain --- Entire documentary without subtitles
7) White Light / Black Rain --- First half with English Subtitles of an excellent documentary on the dropping on the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima, Japan August 6, 1945 Highly recommend watching the entire thing

8) Canadian Historian Ward Wilson in this book Myth of Hiroshima argues that the Atomic Bombs did NOT end WWII but Russia's entry into the Pacific War did.
9) NHK Documentary (Japanese TV) uses 'Big Data' to re-create the horrifying day on August 6th, 2019. 
10 Hiroshima Survivor's Story in Animation 

4) A-Bomb Essay Notes (& (Power Pt)
7a) Kevin Lee's Atomic Bomb Study Guide: 

This summarizes some of the big opinions regarding use of the Atomic Bomb.
7b) Amherst Project - HIROSHIMA: A Study in Science, Politics, and the Ethics of War 
Old McMurray more detailed book where most of the info comes from for the Kevin Lee Doc
 7b) Atomic Bomb Sample Essays 


The links below will help students outside of class with their research, development and learning of regarding some of the atomic bomb details. Good essays will make use of the information found at these and other sites. However, be sure to check your sources and information. Try to make sure your information is accurate. If you check 10 sources and 8 sources say the bombing of Hiroshima was on August 6, 1945 and 2 sources say August 5, 1945. Then you can deduce that the bombing was on August 6, 1945. Yet, if you check 1 source and it says August 5, 1945 and you put that in your essay you are NOT going to get a good score. Get the picture? Be sure to check your facts thoroughly for the best accuracy.

1) Good starting point that will take you to other related links. 
a) Who is who and what did they do? This link may be the most helpful for your essay?
b) Who was against dropping the bomb? 
c) Voices of A-Bomb survivors 

2) Good info but not as expansive as the website listed above.
3) Amherst Project - HIROSHIMA: A Study in Science, Politics, and the Ethics of War 
Old McMurray more detailed book where most of the info comes from for the Kevin Lee Doc

4) Wikipedia General Overview

FRIDAY May 8th, 2020  (V-E Day)
Where WWII EXAM questions will come from?
1) Mr P's WWII Repository
2) Political Cartoons
3) Pre WWII / Rise of Fascism Notes & a) Video Part I  b) Video Part II c) Video Part III

MONDAY May 4th 2020  (P3 & P5)  / TUESDAY May 5th 2020 (P2, P4 & P6)

1) Zoom Meet to discuss Editor Historical Events at scheduled time for your period.
2) Editors will discuss with P their Historical Events using their Period WWII Repository.
3) Editors should also pose questions and make observations about their Historical Topic.
4) Other students can pose questions/comments once Editors & P finish discussing Historical Event
5) Purpose: is to review each of the WWII Historical Topics to provide clarity and understanding
6) Purpose: is to review and prep for the WWII EXAM at 11:30am - 12:30pm on Friday May 8th
Ha! Which is actually very fitting. V-E Day is May 8th... V= Victory E = Europe. That is when the war ended in Europe.)

7) Discussion continues WED May 6th 2020 (P3 & P5) / THURS May 7th 2020 (P2, P4 & P6)

8) Student who miss scheduled discussions should study for the WWII Exam by reviewing the WWII Repository on their own.

PHASE 1: MONDAY (P3 & P5) TUES (P4 & P6) - Watch WWII videos and take notes

PHASE 2:  WED (P3 & P5)  THURS (P4 & P6
a) Edit collectively to complete Period WWII Repository during ZOOM session (we wont finish but we should get lots done if we work hard)
b) After Zoom session, students be assigned to be chief editors of at least 2 topics - (ie Invasion of Poland, Fall of France) 
c) There will be hopefully at least 4 Editors per topic (an example of a topic is Invasion of Poland
d) Students will receive an email so they know which topics they will be editors for. 

PHASE 3: WHAT DO EDITORS DO? (ALL STUDENTS WILL EDIT at least 2 assigned historical events)
d) What do editors need to do? 
       1) Check the slides of their assigned historical topic
       2) Are the slides complete? If not, finish A-E for each topic
       3) Once complete, go back and edit... look for mistakes, change awkward answers and sentences, add links to words like Hitler wanted Lebensraum  so that students can get clarification of words or go deeper into the words and the subject if they want.
       4) Editors KNOW and APPLY Orwell's 4 Questions of writing and look at each sentence on their slide and ask themselves:
a) What are we trying to say?
b) What words will express it?
c) Does it make sense?
d) Can it be shorter?
       5) Adding Slide with  2 Images: P explains video Add a slide below your informational slide. This slide should contain 2 images with captions that encapsulate your historical topic. Some historical events have iconic images that can be used, other events do NOT but  you can still get useful images like related maps, photos, newspaper headlines, political cartoons, etc 
       6) Editors have an easy but difficult task: Summarize a very complex historical event (ie Invasion of Poland) onto 1 slide so that the busy or uninspired and perhaps struggling student can get the basics of that historical event in a quick and accessible manner. Yet, give that slide (thru links to more information) the ability for the inspired and historically hungry students to dive deeper into the subject matter. 
       7) Editors need to take serious and focus on their topics... editors need to collaborate, weigh in, question, discuss and debate with each other to create the best damn 1 slide summary of their topics. 

Editor Phase Due Date =  Sunday Night May 3rd  

Next phase is for students to start reading thru all the slides and studying for a WWII Exam. (Exam on Friday May 8th - Ha! Which is actually very fitting. V-E Day is May 8th... V= Victory E = Europe. That is when the war ended in Europe.)

We are creating the ultimate non-linear study guide for WWII. It is clear in P's head. Do you understand the vision behind this period project? We are NOT just doing an assignment and turning it in. If you do understand the vision, then perhaps it inspires you as it does Mr P. This project is never ending. It will be used next year and tweaked and addendum will be made as is always the case with history. But it will be the remote ones of 2020 who will go down in P-Ville history as the founding mothers and fathers of this project.  They will be forever known as the ones who made great use of their most awkward times of remote learning. 

Damn! P was inspired just writing all that! Let's do this! 
Will all be inspired? Probably not, but if you are reading this right now...  and thinking, "Hell yeah! Let's do this... it will be fun! It is worth doing!" Then that is all that matters. 

Email back to P with your comments, thoughts and questions. 

Mucho Thanko!

Have a swell day in the universe!


MONDAY April 27, 2020 (P3 & P5) / TUESDAY April 28, 2020 (P2, P4 & P6) 
1) This week will cover the main events of WWII & its Aftermath

2) Watch Mr P's Instructional Videos
A) Info for watching WWII Videos
B) Info for Period Note Taking / Participation Pts
C) More Info for student with more questions? P4 Mo & Evalyn Video & P5 Bennett Q & A Doc

3) Copy of WWII Video Repository - Students in each period will be sent a copy of this slideshow. Students are to edit onto the copy for their period.

4) Mr P will be available via email, if you have further questions and ideas.

MONDAY April 20, 2020 (P3 & P5) / TUESDAY April 21 2020 (P2, P4 & P6)
1) This week will cover the causes & lead up to WWII.

2) Watch Mr P's Video Lectures below on WWII Rise of Dictators and take notes on worksheet shared thru google classroom. If you have tech problems with the google doc like your answers shift the entire doc when you type in your answers, then simply print out the google doc worksheets and write directly on them. If you cannot print, then just watch video and take notes on a piece of paper or type notes on a separate window. Bottom line: watch the videos and understand the content for later in the week.
a) Video Part I  b) Video Part II c) Video Part III

3) P Explains -- Later in week (WED/THURS), you will ZOOM with Mr P in groups and analyze political cartoons related to the Causes of WWII. Watching Mr P's Video Lecture above will help you analyze the political cartoons later in the week. Mr P will be posting & info about groups and zoom meeting times later today. 

4) Work to complete your "Let's Chat With Russia TALK" (DUE THIS FRIDAY) - Mr P is available in afternoons this week, if you need help. Contact him thru email at

FRIDAY April 17, 2020 (Period 4 & Period P6) 
Due to the doomed sound at Thursday's zoom meeting P has slapped together a video message for P4 and P6 regarding the information he wanted to chat about. Hope it is useful info.

DoomED Zoom Video Message by P

A) Let's Chat About Russia "TALKS" is Due - Friday April 24, 2020 (11:59pm)
B) Your outline (also script or notes) should be in your google class folder shared with you under the name STUDENT COPY - PUTTING TOGETHER A TALK - All students have been sent their own copy to edit on google classroom.   Also Due - Friday April 24, 2020 (11:59pm)

WEDNESDAY April 15, 2020 (Period 3 & 5)    /   THURSDAY April 16, 2020 (Period 2, 4 & 6) 
1) Class Meeting Online (Check school email for meeting info)
2) Fill Out Online Survey (Check school email to fill out form)
3) Discussion on "Let's Chat About Russia" 

DUE DATE for Mini-podcast for "Let's Chat About Russia" TBA at end of week

MONDAY April 13, 2020 (Period 3 & 5)    /   TUESDAY April 14, 2020 (Period 2, 4 & 6) 
Welcome back to learning remotely. This week we are going to try to get creative and do some talking. Mr P's put together a few videos to help you understand what he means:

1) Remote Talk Format - This is a video of P explaining the process and expectations.
2) Talking with P - This is a sample video by P recording a session of Let's Chat about Russia. Episode #1: Why Does Russia Matter Right Now?
3) Shared Student Slide Doc - All students have been sent their own copy to edit on google classroom.

MONDAY March 30, 2020 
This week will feature 3 assignments as the Russian Revolution Unit is wrapped up. The docs for 3 assignments are shared to student google classroom accounts. Students are to type their answers on the shared docs. The 3 assignments are due this FRIDAY at 11:59pm. Students should work at their own pace throughout the week. Mr. P has put a suggested date of completion next to each assignment in RED
1) What are the Causes of the Russian Revolution? Letter to Kerensky (Finish Monday/Tuesday)
2) Who was Lenin? What did he believe? (Finish Wednesday)
3) Who was Stalin? How did he rule? What is Totalitarianism? (Finish Friday)

Mr P will be available to answer questions, assist with the assignments via email or by google "meet" upon request.

FRIDAY March 27, 2020 (Happy Mexican Friday!) 
1) Image & Storytelling: The Russian Revolution (RR) video to help your understanding beyond the textbook. Watch this video & do notes via google classroom before Monday.
2) RR Basic Causes - Video designed to help you better understand the textbook reading.
3) Superb Brief Timeline of RR - 13 Minutes  - Watch if you are still confused after reading textbook
4) Your Random Remote Russia Video of the Day. No problem, you just drive down the river.

BEYOND BASICS - If you are seeking more about the Russian Revolution or Russian History, below is a list of links that P can suggest to check out. BELOW IS NOT REQUIRED!
1) Super Brief Cartoon of Russian History.
2) Superb Brief Timeline of RR - 13 Minutes
3) Russia From Rurik to Revolution - 45 minutes
4) Romanov Rule Parts 1-4 - 3 Hrs
5) Romanov Rule Parts 5-8 - 3 Hrs

THURSDAY March 26, 2020
1) Reading Revolution in Russia p.373-378 of your Textbook.
2) Watch this video to help explain basic causes of the Russian Revolution. It is designed to help you better understand the textbook reading.
3) Answer Describe Questions as you read and Assessment Questions 1-5 at end of section. Type your answers on the shared doc P has sent via google classroom. Complete by Thursday 11:59pm
4) Image & Storytelling: The Russian Revolution video to help your understanding beyond the textbook. Mr P will be happy if you watch this video before Monday.

5) Next week we will continue by examining the causes of the Russian Revolution through analyzing documents. More info to come.
6) Your Random Remote Video of the Day. In Russia, Fish Catches You

WEDNESDAY March 25, 2020
1) Complete your WWI Essay by this Wednesday 11:59pm (See details below)
2) Reading Revolution in Russia p.373-378 of your Textbook.
3) Answer Describe Questions as you read and Assessment Questions 1-5 at end of section. Type your answers on the shared doc P has sent via google classroom. Complete by Thursday 11:59pm
4) Your Random Remote Videos of the Day (Ambassador of Love & Hope) (Ambassador of Drums)
5) Happy Reading Wednesday - Here is what P will read today among other things.  

Mr P will be available throughout the work day. You can email him with questions or email to set up a "meet" session.

TUESDAY March 24, 2020
1) Reading Revolution in Russia p.373-378 of your Textbook.
2) Answer Describe Questions as you read and Assessment Questions 1-5 at end of section. Type your answers on the shared doc P has sent via google classroom. Complete by Thursday 11:59pm
3) Complete your WWI Essay by this Wednesday 11:59pm (See details below)
4) Your Random Remote Video of the Day (Shared by a P Alumni & Dancer EriKa Roos)

Mr P will be available throughout the work day. You can email him with questions or email to set up a "meet" session.

MONDAY March 23, 2020
1) P's Remote Update - Short video message from P on May 4th Return?, Grades, Some are MIA, Google Classroom, Class "Meets" for a) Essay Support? b) WWI Play or Packet Questions c) Discuss Life, Next Unit?,  P's Video Lectures a) Polo b) P w/ Guest Students c) Class?, P-Ville and more. 

2) WWI Essay Instructional Video - (Doc Version) Mr P sent out a 'google classroom assignment' for students to do a BBQ essay for WWI. Students will respond digitally on google classroom. The BBQ essay is Due Wednesday at 11:59pm. The basic info is below:

Write a solid response for 1 of the following 3 questions:
A) Why does war happen?
B) How did governments attempt to influence the attitudes and behaviors of their citizens during WWI?
C) How can mankind's cycle of nonsense be stopped?

3) Space to Build - Heard from many of you about boredom and asking about continuing P-Ville. We can continue to do things. We just have to be creative, dedicate some time and energy to worthwhile things. So if you want to do things, let's do things. P has some ideas. Do you? Email P with your thoughts. We have the "space to build" during this remote time. Space to build is something that P created remotely with a friend recently. P wants to encourage you to also create a space to build whether it be for P-Ville or in some other way.

FRIDAY March 20, 2020 (Happy Spring Equinox)
1) Check-in with P - Check your google classroom folder. P has sent you a doc called Check-in with P. He wants to make sure you are receiving his google classroom assignments. If you have any problems email, your period Supreme Council or DOD. If they are NOT responding, then email Mr P.
He will be checking out email throughout the day.

2) Finalize Notes for Post WWI Peace Play. Your WWI Packet should be completed. Scroll down for links to Peace Play Notes & WWI Packet info. Packets will be turned in upon return to school.

3) Mr P is tentatively planning a online "meet" for students to ask him questions about the WWI Peace Play and WWI questions in general.  He is hoping to do it in the late morning on Friday and again in the afternoon. If you are interested in participating, email Mr P. He then will invite you to attend the 'meet' digitally. Each session will be for about 30 minutes. You do NOT need to participate in this.  It is just extra help for those who need it. P will also be recording the session and posting a link to the recording so those who want to watch, can watch it later.

4) Mr P will be sending out a 'google classroom assignment' for students to do a BBQ for WWI. Students will respond digitally on google classroom. The BBQ essay will be due next week. The basic info is below:

Write a solid response for 1 of the following 3 questions:)
A) Why does war happen?
B) How did governments attempt to influence the attitudes and behaviors of their citizens during WWI?
C) How can mankind's cycle of nonsense be stopped?

THURSDAY March 19, 2020 (Video Instructions)
BASICS - Below is the minimum requirement for learning today
1) WWI Paris Peace Conference. Students should read Chapter 7-8 which is pages 12-15 of the play
2) Students should also take notes while reading the play or two worksheets in their WWI packet
a) Flawed Peace Worksheet (WWI Assign #7) - Both sides completed by the end of the play
b) RePlay WWI Play Questions 1-11 (WWI Assign #8) Today answer 9-11 Basic & 9-11 Thinker

WEDNESDAY March 18, 2020 (Video Instructions)
BASICS - Below is the minimum requirement for learning today
1) WWI Paris Peace Conference. Students should read Chapter 5-6 which is pages 7-12 of the play
2) Students should also take notes while reading the play or two worksheets in their WWI packet
a) Flawed Peace Worksheet (WWI Assign #7) - Both sides completed by the end of the play 
b) RePlay WWI Play Questions 1-11 (WWI Assign #8) Today answer 5-8 Basic & 5-8 Thinker 

TUESDAY March 17, 2020 (Video Instructions)
BASICS - Below is the minimum requirement for learning today
1) Basic Video - WWI Paris Peace Conference 
2) WWI Paris Peace Conference. Students should read Chapter 1-4 which is pages 1-7 of the play
3) Students should also take notes while reading the play on two worksheets in their WWI packet   
a) Flawed Peace Worksheet (WWI Assign #7) - Both sides completed by the end of the play
b) RePlay WWI Questions 1-11 (WWI Assign #8) Today answer 1-4 Basic & 1-4 Thinker

NOT required: If you want to learn and do things beyond the basics, check out the info and links below. 
If you are interested in history, WWI or being a historian, the links below might be for you.

1) Paris 1919 - Drama based Margaret MacMillan's book Paris 1919 - 94 Minutes

2) BBC’s The Peacemakers - Documentary on Paris Peace Conference of 1919 - 50 Minutes

3) Interview with Historian Margaret MacMillan & Author of Paris: 1919 - 43 Minutes 

4) Lecture with Historian Margaret MacMillan - 100 Years After Paris Peace - 43 Minutes 

5) C-SPAN Book TV Interview Margaret MacMillan - Life of a Historian - 3 Hours

* Mr P’s Paris Peace Play is largely based on Margaret MacMillan’s book Paris: 1919

MONDAY March 16, 2020 
1) Student Free Day

1) Table of Contents (This powerpoint includes worksheets for assignments 1-10) (Ui's Quick Easy Notes)
2) Entangled Alliances / BBQ Notes
3) Map of Europe
4) Powderkeg & Dominoes
5) Weapons of WWI
5b) Quiz Prep Worksheet
6) War Affects the World
7) Flawed Peace - Basics - WWI Play (Power Pt) & (Word Doc)
8) RePlay Questions 1-11 Basics & Thinkers
9) Propaganda Notes (Get notes done before class discussion) Propaganda Docs
10 Vocabulary & Study Guide   --- (Ui's Quick & Easy Vocab)

Battle of the Somme DBQ -

WORD DOCUMENT FOR THE WWI PLAY - Read your lines here
P2           P3           P4            P5            P6     (Accents & Stuff)    (P Academy Awards for WWI Play)

Write a solid response for the BEFORE and once the unit is over an AFTER response for the following question: (Be sure to leave a page blank for your 27 year old response)

A) Why does war happen?
B) How did governments attempt to influence the attitudes and behaviors of their citizens during WWI?
C) How can mankind's cycle of nonsense be stopped?

The Almost Complete Vocab Jeopardy to help you study for the Vocab Game - Something is better than nothing. Posted by Mr P at 4:19am


1) Wacky John Green's WWI Video (Who started WWI?)
2) Wacky John Green's WWI Video (How WWI started?) 
3) Wacky John Green's WWI Video (Archdukes & Basics on WWI) 
4) Wacky John Green's WWI Video (America and WWI) 

WWI PROPAGANDA BOOKS - Links to entire online books below
1) How We Advertised America - By George Creel 
2) Public Opinion - By Walter Lippmann
3) Propaganda - Edward Bernay

4) VIDEO: Century of the Self - Adam Curtis Documentary that connects War Propaganda with modern advertisement, consumerism, psychology, sociology, how the masses are controlled and you.

1) Cool BBC Animated WWI Maps 
2) Terror from the Trenches  Short interviews with WWI Soldiers
3) Cool NPR Segment - WWI Germany Unleashed Terror Cells in US
4) How do you fix a face that has been blown off by shrapnel? - Excellent BBC work on the horrors of war. Dark and all too often overlooked side to war and its hell-ish aftermath.
5) Atlantic Magazine article on the Zimmermann Note
6) Conscientious Objectors - People who refused to fight
7) Various WWI Themes - Role of Women, Children, Soldiers from Different Nations, etc

1) Gustav Holst's - The Planets 1914 - Complete performance by Perm Philoharmonic
2) Igor Stravinsky's - Rite of Spring 1913 - Complete performance by LA Philharmonic
3) Igor Stravinsky's - Rite of Spring - Story behind the Premiere in Paris 1913. from once of Mr P's favorite science programs. Listen! Listen! Listen! Lots of cool stuff on their website.
4) Gustav Holst's - The Planets 1914 - Leonard Bernstein Explains

If you want to learn and do things beyond the basics, check out the info and links below
1) Paris 1919 - Drama based Margaret MacMillan's book Paris 1919 - 94 Minutes
2) BBC’s The Peacemakers - Documentary on Paris Peace Conference of 1919 - 50 Minutes
3) Interview with Historian Margaret MacMillan & Author of Paris: 1919 - 43 Minutes 
4) Lecture with Historian Margaret MacMillan - 100 Years After Paris Peace - 43 Minutes 
5) C-SPAN Book TV Interview Margaret MacMillan - Life of a Historian - 3 Hours

* Mr P’s Paris Peace Play is largely based on Margaret MacMillan’s book Paris: 1919

1) Notesheet - For students to fill out & prepare for Socratic Seminar  
2) Imperialism Inquiry - instructions & documents for Socratic Seminar
3) Socratic Grading Rubric - how students will be graded / can help students better prepare

This video gives a general idea of some of the organizational planning needed for the P Olympics. King P can envision an even more thorough, detailed and upbeat video than this one. Hmmmm...? Perhaps there are some qualified and inspired citizens out there who would want to undertake such a project? Did someone say Project? As in: Legacy Project? Hint! Hint!





