Sunday, September 26, 2004

MONDAY, Sept 27, 2004

1) Bill & Ed Show
2) Historical Figures (Assign # 6)
3) Group Work: Read & Answer Questions on Group's Hist. Figure (Due at end of period)


All group members should be prepared to discuss their Historical Figure in class on Tuesday.

Group Members are expected to point out & explain to class:

1) Where are they from? (use class map)
2) Give at least 1 interesting / cool fact about the person?
3) Where do they fit on the Autocracy vs Democracy Spectrum? (use class wall)
4) What idea(s) have they given to Autocracy and Democracy?
5) According to your historical figure, what is the ideal form of government? Explain
6) Does your group agree or disgree with the historical figure? Explain.

TUESDAY, Sept 28, 2004

1) a) Study Unit Vocab b) organize packet c) Group Prep
2) Groups present Historical Figures. Class takes notes for Hist Figures (Assign #6)


a) QW: Whose ideas do you like the best? Why? (at least 2/3 page) (Assign #7)
b) Review Assigns to prepare for Auto vs Demo Quiz (Friday)

WEDNESDAY, Sept 29, 2004

NOTE: MR. P was sick on Monday and Tuesday was a half day. Here is the update.

1) Groups present Historical Figures. Class takes notes for Hist Figures (Assign #6)


a) QW: Whose ideas do you like the best? Why? (at least 2/3 page) (Assign #7)
b) Review Assigns to prepare for Auto vs Demo Quiz (Friday)
c) Auto & Demo Packet Due Monday before the tardy bell

THURSDAY, Sept 30, 2004

1) Essay Prompt:
Assess the validity of this statement: Autocracy is the best form of government.

2)Essay Bunch - Students take Video Notes to assist them with their essay assignment


a) Autocracy vs Democracy 5 paragraph TYPED essay
ii) On student desk when tardy bell rings.
iii) Put Student ID #, not student name
iv) Attach student outline (with NO name)

FRIDAY, Oct 1, 2004

1) Autocracy & Democracy Quick Quiz
2) Autocracy & Democracy Vocab Game


a) Final Draft Typed Essay & Unit Packet (Assigns #1 - 7) due before tardy bell on front table on Monday

MONDAY, Oct 4, 2004

1) Final Draft Typed Essay & Unit Packet (Assigns #1 - 7) due before tardy bell on front table on Monday

2) Peer Edit


a) None!

TUESDAY Oct 5, 2004

1) Autocracy & Democracy in P-ville -- making practical and real world use of what students have learned from the past unit. Make sure to participate in this in-class activity.

2) Mr. P TV --- Top 5 things
3) Nominating, Assigning, Electing, Appointing and Demanding Roles in P-ville.


a) None!

Monday, September 20, 2004

MONDAY Sept 20, 2004

1) Geo Review Game


a) Study for Geo Exam (Tomorrow)

TUESDAY Sept 21, 2004

1) Geo Exam


a) Click here and print out handouts to the next unit.

WEDNESDAY Sept 22, 2004

1) Nader's Island
2) Intro to Auto & Demo


a) Click here and print out handouts to the next unit. Start to work on Autocracy vs Democracy Terms

THURSDAY Sept 23, 2004

1) Autocracy vs Democracy Scenarios
2) Democracy Timeline


a) Autocracy vs Democracy Terms

FRIDAY Sept 24, 2004

1) Term Wall Spectrum
2) Read Historical Figures (Bill & Ed Show)


a) Complete Terms and know them
MONDAY Sept 20, 2004

1) Geo Review Game


a) Study for Geo Exam (Tomorrow)

TUESDAY Sept 21, 2004

1) Geo Exam


a) Click here and print out handouts to the next unit.

WEDNESDAY Sept 22, 2004


THURSDAY Sept 23, 2004


FRIDAY Sept 24, 2004


Tuesday, September 14, 2004

WEDNESDAY Sept 15th, 2004

1) Students work on Map Packet
2) Mr P Demonstrates Geo Transparency
3) Student Group Draft for Geo Transparency


a) Individual Students research cool & interesting Geo facts for their specific Geo Transparency location.
b) Map Packet (Due Friday)
c) Geo Exam (Monday)


Below are a few Legacy Projects created by Mr. P's legendary old students. Check them out:

A)Go to Sketch’s Website for location practice

B)Go to Double “C” for location help – Chau & Carter’s Website It was created to help students find some of the harder Random Geography Locations on Mr. P's Geo Packet

TUESDAY Sept 14th, 2004

1) Why study Geography?
2) Explain Map Packet
3) Students work on Map Packet

HW – Study Map Packet
- Go to Sketch’s Website for location practice
- Go to Double “C” for location help – Chau & Carter’s Website It was created to help students find some of the harder Random Geography Locations on Mr. P's Geo Packet.

Monday, September 13, 2004

WH Blogger Agenda 2004

TUESDAY, Sept. 14, 2004

1) Why study geography?
2) Geo Packet (Due Friday)

HW – Study Map Packet- Go to Sketch’s Website for location practice- Go to Double “C” for location help – Chau & Carter’s Website- On Mr. P’s Website got to Random Info, scroll down to and click on various Geo links for location practice or information on geo stats.

Geo Packet DUE - Friday

MONDAY, SEPT 13th, 2004

1) Official & New Seating Chart
2) “Stay or Go?”
3) Welcome to the class… Grape Time
4) Discipline
5) Only 2 Class Rules: A) Be on Task! B) Positive Attitude
6) Cheating Policy --- Cheating Video
7) Order and Stability
a) How to get into groups
b) Keep room clean = No Food or drinks = No trash. = No eating = Fix things Brandon/Bulletin. Visogoths beware. MR. P HATES VISOGOTHS.
c) Mi Casa es Tu Casa = Bring your supplies Book for Geo Tomorrow
d) Mr. P cannot do everything… Change date? Train blind people…
e) Oscar the overhead = Steve the stick = Scratch paper person
f) Seating Chart by Radio put on podium

HW: Start Geo Packet -- Due Friday

Sunday, September 05, 2004


1. Intro
2. 5x8 Cards
3. Toti Video
4. Walk Thru P’s Website
5. Majestic Video Clip
6. Ice Breaker Questions

HW: a) Parent Printout & Signature Sheet (Due Tomorrow)


1. Why study history?
A) 3 Rounds & Discussion
B) What do you believe?
C) What do you know (really know)?
D) Information is power

2) HW: Stay or Go Letter --- Write a letter to Mr P explaining if you want to stay or be another World History class. Make sure to explain your decision. Have this letter on your desk before the bell rings on Monday.