MONDAY, SEPT 13th, 2004
1) Official & New Seating Chart
2) “Stay or Go?”
3) Welcome to the class… Grape Time
4) Discipline
5) Only 2 Class Rules: A) Be on Task! B) Positive Attitude
6) Cheating Policy --- Cheating Video
7) Order and Stability
a) How to get into groups
b) Keep room clean = No Food or drinks = No trash. = No eating = Fix things Brandon/Bulletin. Visogoths beware. MR. P HATES VISOGOTHS.
c) Mi Casa es Tu Casa = Bring your supplies Book for Geo Tomorrow
d) Mr. P cannot do everything… Change date? Train blind people…
e) Oscar the overhead = Steve the stick = Scratch paper person
f) Seating Chart by Radio put on podium
HW: Start Geo Packet -- Due Friday