Tuesday, February 10, 2009


All maps and geography study assistance can be found at Technical Thompson's website. If a student loses their map packet or wants an extra one, they are available at Technical Thompson's website. Mr. P will only have 1 copy available per student. Lose your copy, get another one at Technical Thompson's website.

MONDAY February 9th, 2009

1) Holiday

TUESDAY February 10th, 2009

1) Practice Exam
2) Geo Stats Review
3) Material World Stats Review


A)Middle East Map Packet with 3 Material World Generalizations DUE THURSDAY
C)Exam Help below

i) Mr P will be around after school, if students need help with Geo related stuff.
ii) Sketch's Website for reviewing 1st semester maps
iii) Technical Thompson's Website for ultimate map packet review. This is a power point file with over 600 slides. Put together by Mr P. It contains practice Geo Exams, Blank Geo Map Packets, Geo Statistical Info and more.

WEDNESDAY February 11th, 2009

1) Practice Geo Stats
2) Practice Geo Generalizations
3) Practice Exam


A)Middle East Map Packet with 3 Material World Generalizations DUE THURSDAY
C)Exam Help below

i) Mr P will be around after school, if students need help with Geo related stuff.
ii) Sketch's Website for reviewing 1st semester maps
iii) Technical Thompson's Website for ultimate map packet review. This is a power point file with over 600 slides. Put together by Mr P. It contains practice Geo Exams, Blank Geo Map Packets, Geo Statistical Info and more.

THURSDAY February 12th, 2009

1) 2nd Semester Geo Exam will include:

a) Locations from 1st Semester Map Packet
b) Locations from Middle East Map Packet
c) Geo Stats listed on Middle East Packet
d) Geo Generalizations using Material World Statistical (students will be allowed to use these statistics to do this part of the Exam).

Again, all this information is available on:
a) Technical Thompson's website. Click on the Ultimate Geo Packet Power Point.
b) Sketch's Website reviews locations from the 1st semester map packet



FRIDAY February 13th, 2009

1) Russian Revolution Introduction
2) Timeline of Leaders... Leaders within leaders


a) Russian Revolution Vocab due next week

Ask Mr P about Prokofiev 2nd Piano Concerto that he went to on Friday Feb 6, 2009 at the Disney Concert Hall... Listen to it on your own too on youtube. Wow!

Ask Mr P if you can read some of his short stories he wrote based on his trips across Russia. He wrote them for students to read. He wrote 54 of them. Some still need re-editing and others are complete. Some are short (1 page) and others are like 35 pages long. Check them out. You might like them.

Auburn Lull is good mellow late night music

Then the next part came along...