Sunday, November 22, 2009

1) Table of Contents
2) K.W.L.(have at least 22 points listed under L portion for full credit)
3) Vocabulary(p.107-126)
4) Pie Chart (p.108-110)
5) Revolution Threatens the French King (p.108-114)
6) Marie Antionette (ask Mr P for a copy if you cannot read the worksheet online. Also, answer the questions on your own sheet of paper.)
7) Marie Antoinette Video Notes
8) The Execution of Louis XVI (ask Mr P for a copy if you cannot read the worksheet online. Also, answer the questions on your own sheet of paper.)
9) Guided Notes
10) 6 Stages Chart &


Use Technical Thompson's Website and scroll down to the unit on French Revolution for help with Assignments 1-10.

Sketch's Website has French Revolution Vocab help. Thanks Sketch! Gee, thanks for making class for students that much more simple. Students should use Sketch's Vocab help but write down definitions using their own West High vernacular. Mr. P will NOT give students credit if they copy Sketch's definitions word for word. Also, Sketch was known for pulling off clever tricks like giving the wrong definition at times to make sure students are thinking and NOT just copying definitions. It is best to check Sketch's definitions against other sources.

C & C French Revolution Vocab help. Same rules mentioned above for Sketch's website applies here.

For students seeking additional reading on the French Revolution, Mr P's Random French Revolution Book Picks for Students are:

a) French Revolution for Beginners by Martin McCrory & Robert Moulder
b) A Short History of the French Revolution by Jeremy Popkin
c) The French Revolution & Napoleonic Era by Owen Connelly

MONDAY November 3, 2008

1) Post Halloween
2) MC Exam Results
3) School Year Thus Far
4) P-Ville Talk

a) Order & Stability Check
b) Daily Announcements
c) Glorious Race
d) Weekly Meetings

5) Start French Revolution

a) TOC
b) K.W.L.
c) Pie Chart
d) 6 Stages of FR
e) Vocabulary


a) Read p.107-113
b) Start Vocabulary (Assign #3) - Vocab help above
c) Complete Pie Chart (Assign #4)
d) Revolution Threatens the King (Assign #5)

Need help studying for the Geo Retake? Use Sketch's Geo Review. Let Mr P know if it is helpful so he could email Sketch.

TUESDAY November 4, 2008

1) Pie Chart (Assign #4) - Review
2) 6 Stages of French Revolution (Assign #10) - Review
3) Revolution Threatens the King (Assign #5) - Review


a) Read Section 2 & 3 from Textbook p. 114 - 125
b) Guided Reading Notes for Section 2 & 3 (Assign #9)
b) Complete Vocab (Assign #3) & Study for Vocab Game
c) Marie Antoinette (Assign #6) Read and Answer Questions
d) King Louis' Execution (Assign #8) Read and Answer Questions

Need help studying for the Geo Retake? Use Sketch's Geo Review. Let Mr P know if it is helpful so he could email Sketch.

WEDNESDAY November 5, 2008

1) Order & Stability or SSR for Assign 6-8
2) 6 Stages of French Revolution (Assign #10)- Review
3) Guided Notes (Assign #9) - Review
4) Political Spectrum (Assign #9) - Review
5) Short Video on Marie Antoinette (If time permits. Otherwise, omit assignment #7)


a) Organize & STAPLE French Revolution Packet (Assign 1-10)
b) Study for French Revolution Mini - Exam

Suggestions for Studying:
1) Review Vocab (Assign #3) - Use Sketch's French Revolution Vocab Review and C & C French Revolution Vocab help.
2) Review Pie Chart (Assign #4)
3) Review Revolution Threatens King (Assign #5)
4) Review Guided Notes (Assign #9)
5) Review 6 Stages (Assign #10)

6) Take P Alumni Peymaneh's Quizzes on the French Revolution. Peymaneh's created these quizzes based reading from the old World History textbook. Still, the questions are generally useful for any quiz on the French Revolution. Peymaneh created this legacy project only after living in the US for 8 months. Some of her quiz questions do contain grammar and spelling errors. Mr. P did NOT correct them on purpose. He wanted to also showcase this legacy project to demonstrate what a student can produce despite facing academic setbacks (i.e. Learning a new language and adapting to a new culture). Are you a student facing your own academic setbacks? Mr P challenges you to step it up like Paymaneh, overcome academic set backs and create a legacy project that can be used by students in the future!

NOTICE: Geo Retake will be offered once again at 3:22pm. This will be the 6th offering of the Geo Retake. Come by, ace the Geo Retake and have your original Geo Exam score changed to a perfect score of 40/40. Wow! What an offer! Don't pass up it up, especially if your grade in class is low.

c) Need help studying for the Geo Retake?

Use Sketch's Geo Review. Let Mr P know if it is helpful so he could email Sketch. Not only is she a cool P Alumni but also a Geo Hall of Famer. Other cool stats about Sketch. She is about to graduate from college with a degree in English. Aside from being a college student, she works at Disneyland. She's traveled to Europe a few times. Mr. P and other teachers like Mrs Cerda will always positively remember Sketch as a silent-but-deadly student. She was one who was generally quiet, smart, did high quality work, cared about learning and obviously was a deep thinker. How will Mr P and other teachers remember you? Will they remember you at all?

THURSDAY November 6, 2008

1) Order & Stability Check
2) Vocab Game
3) Simple Quiz
4) MC French Revolution Review Quiz


a) Study for French Revolution Mini-Exam
b) Organize & STAPLE French Revolution Packet (Assign 1-10)

FRIDAY November 7, 2008

1) Turn in French Revolution Packet (Assign 1-10) before tardy bell
2) Review Simple Quiz
3) French Revolution Mini-Exam
4) Start Napoleon (Day 1)


a) Read The Age of Napoleon p. 128-136

b) Legacy Project approval deadline is Friday, November 14th

c) Semester Final is either the Final Exam or a Legacy Project. All students wishing to do a Legacy Project must get approval from Mr. P prior to November 15th.

d) All students not doing a Legacy Project will take a semester Final Exam. The Final Exam is multiple choice. Questions for the multiple choice exam will be cumulative. Thus, any content covered during the first semester can appear on the Semester Final Exam.

e) The Semester Final will be at the end of January. Students taking the Final Exam will take it at the end of January. Students doing a legacy project will turn it in the day the students (not doing a legacy project) take the Semester Final Exam.



Each semester students will have a choice of taking either the Final Exam or doing a Legacy Project as their ‘semester’ final. The semester final (exam or project) will equate to 20% - 25 % of the student’s semester grade. There is an application and qualification process that involves doing a legacy project. All students who do not apply or qualify to do a Legacy Project will partake in Final Exam process as a means of fulfilling their semester final obligation for the course. Written below are the specifics for both the Legacy Project and Final Exam.


There are several purposes for students to apply to do a legacy project.

1) Students want to create a project to assist & inspire future students’ learning.
2) Students actually want to make a difference and contribute to the betterment of Mr. P’s class.
3) Students prefer to create a project versus taking an Exam for a final.

All student interested in doing a Legacy Project for their semester final must apply and qualify to do a legacy project. To apply and qualify for the Legacy Project, students must submit at least 3 typed proposals to Mr. P. In addition, students are required to schedule a brief meeting with Mr P after school to explain their legacy project proposals. Basically, students are to ‘sell’ their legacy project idea to Mr. P. Students will “qualify” to do a legacy project, if students convince Mr. P of the usefulness of their Legacy Proposal(s). Students should bring their 3 typed legacy proposals and explain them to Mr. P. At the after school meeting, students MUST do the following:

A) Be prepared, articulate and brief (Mr. P is a busy guy and doesn’t like to waste time)
B) Quickly & clearly explain to Mr. P your Legacy ideas (Mr. P has to be able to understand what it is)
C) Explain how it will be beneficial to future students, Mr. P, etc.
D) A typed working schedule that explains how you will be completing the project
E) Samples that demonstrate your ability to do certain kinds of work (i.e. your artwork, video equipment, computer skills or previous projects your done).

The deadline to apply and qualify for doing a Legacy Project as a student’s “Final” for the semester will be October 31st (Halloween). If a student does not apply and qualify by this date, the student will then, by way of default, partake in the Final Exam process at the end of the semester. If a student qualifies and agrees to do a Legacy Project, then he/she is committed to doing a Legacy Project. They will not be allowed to change from doing a Legacy Project to taking the “Final Exam.”

GROUP or SOLO WORK: Mr. P highly recommends that students work solo on their legacy project. Once again, he advises students do NOT work with other students. However, students might be allowed to work with others if they can justify the need to have more than one person do the project. Yet, the group work limit is 3 students. Students may also work with students in Mr. P’s other World History classes. Most importantly, if students qualify to work in a group it is entirely their choice and responsibility to do so. Mr. P will NOT, once again, will NOT hear any grievances or feel any sympathy pertaining to group work problems. Group work is a choice of the students. Again, Mr. P suggests students do NOT work in groups. Yet, students are old enough to make their own decision on such matter.


A Grade:

Most likely any legacy project that will be or is actually used in Mr. P’s class achieves an “A” grade. If Mr. P will not use it in the future, it probably is NOT going to get an “A” grade. Legacy projects rarely take 1 day or 1 weekend to complete. Students with a desire to achieve an “A” should put in a fair amount of time and effort to complete their legacy project. However, time and effort does NOT necessarily equate to an “A” grade. Students can work very hard and still not achieve an “A” grade. The project should be of the utmost quality. It should also be ready for classroom use. Usually any needed adjustments that Mr. P has to do will deduct from the grade of the Legacy Project. All students witness how Mr. P runs the class on a daily basis. Students should become aware of what is “needed” and what “works” with regards to legacy projects. Also, “A” legacy projects are well labeled, packaged, easily stored or accessed. Presentation of the Legacy Project is memorable. It is NOT just another boring final presentation. Fellow students believe the project is useful and of quality.

B Grade:

Usually a good legacy project but does not do all the requirements listed for an “A” grade. Most likely, a “B” grade results because Mr. P will have to “adjust” the project so that it can be used in class. “B” rate Legacy Projects lack the originality, usefulness and quality in comparison to “A” rate Legacy Projects. Presentation of the project is above average and is somewhat memorable.

C Grade:

Results when the Legacy Project will NOT be used in the classroom. It does NOT fulfill the general standards of a “B” grade. Presentation of the project is average and is NOT memorable.

D Grade:

“D” stands for Disappointment. This project is obviously substandard to what is expected of Legacy Projects. It appears to be done quickly and with substandard care. It will NOT be used in the classroom. Presentation is unprepared, robotic and/or boring.

F Grade

Produces an overall gross Legacy Project. There is a sense of making a mockery out of doing the Legacy Project. Unorganized and poor presentation. If anything, this project serves as a sample of what NOT to do for a Legacy Project.


The Final Exam will take place the day of the scheduled final in late January for the fall semester and in June for the spring semester. The Final Exam will consist of approximately 200 multiple choice questions. The questions will be related to the unit topics covered during the semester. Students are welcome to pick the Final Exam as their semester final.

180 – 200 correct; 90% - 100% = A
160 – 179 correct; 80% - 89% = B
140 – 159 correct; 70% - 79% = C
120 – 139 correct; 60% - 69% = D
0 – 119 correct; 0 - 59% = F



1) Geography
2) Autocracy vs Democracy
3) Middle Ages – American Revolution
4) French Revolution & Napoleon
5) Industrial Revolution
6) Nationalism & Imperialism
7) WWI


1) Geography
8) 20th Century Revolution & Nationalism
10) Cold War
11) Current Issues

Jazz is original American music.

One thing Leads to Another

was a good 80s song by the Fixx

The Ways

French Revolution for Beginners is a a solid little book for those interested in knowing a little bit more about the French Revolution

Ask Mr P about it