Sunday, April 15, 2012

Greetings Earthlings!

Here are the WWII Pacific Assignments. The lessons will take place the week of April 16 -20, 2012. If you have trouble with the links here, try Technical Thompson's Website.

WELCOME TO HOME OF P-VILLE by Haseeb Vaid - Check out this website by a 2012 Period 2 Student. Haseeb's plan is to have a more frequently (daily) updated site (unlike this one which is weekly at best). So if info at this site is outdated then check out Haseeb's Home of P-Ville website.

NEED HELP WITH WWII EUROPE? Scroll down passed the WWII Pacific to find reading, assignments, worksheets, power points, reviews on WWII Europe.
WWII Pacific Assignments

1) TOC

2) Vocab Worksheet & Nick Quan's WWII Vocab Game

3) Rise of Japan
4) Pre-War Pacific

4A) Reading For Notes -
"Jigsaw Document" & Worksheet
4B) NOTES - "Long Road to Pearl Harbor"

4C) READ - 1 Page Reading on Pearl Harbor to give you the basics
4D) PONDER - "Pearl Harbor Conflicting Evidence" Powerpoint - for class discussion

5) Pacific Battles

6) Atomic Bomb Video Notes (Classwork)

7) Atomic Bomb Essay Notes (Word Doc) & (Power Pt)

7a) Kevin Lee's Atomic Bomb Study Guide:
This summarizes some of the big opinions regarding use of the Atomic Bomb.


The links below will help students out side of class with their research, development and learning of regarding some of the atomic bomb details. Good essays will make use of the information found at these and other sites. However, be sure to check your sources and information. Try to make sure your information is accurate. If you check 10 sources and 8 sources say the bombing of Hiroshima was on August 6, 1945 and 2 sources say August 5, 1945. Then you can deduce that the bombing was on August 6, 1945. Yet, if you check 1 source and it says August 5, 1945 and you put that in your essay you are NOT going to get a good score. Get the picture? Be sure to check your facts thoroughly for the best accuracy.

1) Good starting point that will take you to other related links.
a) Who is who and what did they do? This link may be the most helpful for your essay?
b) Who was against dropping the bomb?
c) Voices of A-Bomb survivors

Good info but not as expansive as the website listed above.

Wikipedia General Overview


ESSAY BUNCH - Here is the online video that explains how to write a 5 paragraph essay. Be sure to follow the basic rules for writing a 5 paragraph essay and avoid having to write your essay over. Mr P is strict with following the essay rules. Good Luck!

ESSAY VIDEO NOTES - This note-taking worksheet will assist you hi-lite the main points of writing a 5 paragraph essay as you watch the Essay Bunch Instructional Video.

- Click here to see grading scale for how essays are graded

ESSAY SAMPLES - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - Samples of essays from the past.

MONDAY April 16, 2012

1) P Announcements - P Olympic Prep
2) Intro to WWII Pacific
Rise of Japan


4A) Reading For Notes -
"Jigsaw Document" & Worksheet
4B) NOTES - "Long Road to Pearl Harbor"

4C) READ - 1 Page Reading on Pearl Harbor to give you the basics
4D) PONDER - "Pearl Harbor Conflicting Evidence" Powerpoint - for class discussion

TUESDAY April 17, 2012

1) PRE WWII PACIFIC (History of US / Japanese Relations)
4A) Reading For Notes - "Jigsaw Document" & Worksheet
4B) NOTES - "Long Road to Pearl Harbor"

2) PEARL HARBOR (What happened & Historical Interpretations)
4C) READ - 1 Page Reading on Pearl Harbor to give you the basics
4D) PONDER - "Pearl Harbor Conflicting Evidence" Powerpoint - for class discussion


Pacific Battles ---will be reviewed in class tomorrow
B) Vocab Worksheet & Nick Quan's WWII Vocab Game

WEDNESDAY April 18, 2012

1) Recap Pearl Harbor
2) Assign 5)
Pacific Battles


A) Update your Vocab -
Vocab Worksheet & Nick Quan's WWII Vocab Game
B) Complete Assign 1-5

THURSDAY April 19, 2012

1) Assign 5)
Pacific Battles (Finish, if necessary)
2) Assign 6) Atomic Bomb Video Notes (Classwork)

3) Assign 7) Atomic Bomb Essay Notes (Word Doc) & (Power Pt)


Assign 7) Atomic Bomb Essay Notes (Word Doc) & (Power Pt)
B) Should be mostly complete = Assign 2) Vocab Worksheet & Nick Quan's WWII Vocab Game

FRIDAY April 20, 2012

Assign 6) Atomic Bomb Video Notes (Classwork)
2) Assign 7) Atomic Bomb Essay Notes (Word Doc) & (Power Pt)


A) Complete Assign 1-7
B) Complete Assign 2
Vocab Worksheet & Nick Quan's WWII Vocab Game

MONDAY April 23, 2012

1) WWII Vocab Game & Review


A) Study for WWII Exam
B) Organize WWII Europe and Pacific Packets DUE Tomorrow

TUESDAY April 24, 2012

1) WWII Packets (Europe & Pacific) Due before tardy bell
2) WWII Exam


A) None


WWII EUROPE ASSIGNMENTS are listed at Technical Thompson's Website or
HOME OF P-VILLE by Haseeb Vaid - At these student website, students can find assignment word documents, some power points and other supplementary information on the WWII unit from last year.


A) For a quick overview or recap:

Short Chapter Reading Summaries

B) More details read and review:


Chapter 13 Section 5 p.448-453 - Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany

Chapter 14 Section 1 p.460-465 – From Appeasement to War

Chapter 14 Section 2 p.466-474 - Axis Advances

Chapter 14 Section 3 p.475-483 – Allies Turn the Tide

Chapter 14 Section 4 p.484–487 - Victory in Europe

Chapter 14 Section 5 p.488-492 - End of WWII

1) ASSIGNMENTS (Word & Powerpoints)
  1. TOC
  2. Vocab – Class & HW --- Vocab Game List
  3. What is Fascism? – (Word) & (Power Pt.) - Class Notes
  4. Rise of Dictator (Word) & (Power Pt) - Class Notes
  5. Hitler’s Rise & Nazi Germany - (Word) & (Power Pt) - Book / HW
  6. Aggression vs Appeasement Class Simulation Notes
  7. Aggression Begins - (Power Pt - a) Part 1 b) Part 2 c) Part 3)
  8. Secret Weapons of T-Day (PACKET) & (Power Pt) – Class Notes / Book HW
  9. V-E Day & the Aftermath (WORD) and (POWER PT) –Book /HW
  10. How Hitler Lost the War? Video Notes - Extra Credit after School?


a) Vocab Game Power Points
1) Nick Quan's 2009
2) Jeff "Radiolab" Ho 2009

b) Multiple Choice

This is Mr P's Favorite WWII Movie Story... from a movie you might NOT expect. It is also Mr P's favorite part of the movie. This is super quality acting... Makes me forget Robert Shaw is an actor and NOT an old grumpy fisherman who was on the Indianapolis during WWII. Ask Mr P to show this scene in class, if there is time. It is super good stuff.