Sunday, March 29, 2015

a) Ch 9 Section 5 - Imperialism & Sun's Republic
b) Ch 12 Section 4 - Revolution & Mao
c) Ch 15 Section 3 - Mao's Reign

1) Chinese Revolution Timeline &
2) 2004 CR Student Video Notes                  (What to study for Chinese Rev Exam?)
3) Mao Video Notes (Video On Mao)
4) Monitoring Mao Discussion Notes
5) Chinese Revolution Vocabulary

6) DBQ - Why students joined the Cultural Revolution? (Detailed Timeline version)

Help out Professor P assemble a vocab video library and send him any quality videos that explain the vocab words in a quality way. Thanks!

1) Beijing
2) Chiang Kai-Shek (Jiang Jieshi)
3) Cultural Revolution
4) Great Leap Forward
5) Kuomintang (Guomindang)
6) Little Red Book 
7) Long March
8) Qing Dynasty
9) Red Guard  (2:20)
11) Shanghai
12) Sun Yixian
13) Taiwain

How about instead of doing DBQ essays... creating DBQs for students to analyze and ponder? Just tossing out an idea to the intellectually geometrically odd student who feels they dont fit in the standard square that they are often shoved through. Is this you? Contact P if this sort of stuff interest you.

Wait! Did you miss class? Did you not understand class? Did you understand class but want more? Well, the following video lectures are for you. Some will find these boring, some will find them informative, some will find them confusing, some will find them useful and all will find them BELOW.
a) Overview of China 1900 to 1949 - Perhaps basic and boring for high school students but it covers the basics. P thinks animating such stuff may be useful and challenging legacy projects. check out this free animation website.
b) Overview of China 1949 to 2012 - What the heck? This much covered and in 7 minutes? What else could a high school student expect or want? There are limitations here. Yet, this is only 7 minutes and does give a decent overview to a high school student, there is much much more to this history. Do NOT be afraid to dig into more on your own. Stumble across good stuff, email P about it.   
c) Video Lecture on China's Cultural Revolution - Perhaps a little dry for some. Yet for those interested in topic, it will be interesting to listen to and consider.  

TED TALKS AND CHINA - Hey future historians, political scientists and economist, this is right up your way. Watch, listen, absorb, ponder, tell others and dare to understand the world you live in.
1) Eric X Li: A Tale of Two Political SystemsIt's a standard assumption in the West: As a society progresses, it eventually becomes a capitalist, multi-party democracy. Right? Eric X. Li, a Chinese investor and political scientist, begs to differ. In this provocative, boundary-pushing talk, he asks his audience to consider that there's more than one way to run a successful modern nation.

2) Martin Jacques: Understanding the Rise of ChinaSpeaking at a TED Salon in London, economist Martin Jacques asks: How do we in the West make sense of China and its phenomenal rise? The author of "When China Rules the World," he examines why the West often puzzles over the growing power of the Chinese economy, and offers three building blocks for understanding what China is and will become.

3) Dambisa Moyo: Is China the new idol for emerging economies? - The developed world holds up the ideals of capitalism, democracy and political rights for all. Those in emerging markets often don't have that luxury. In this powerful talk, economist Dambisa Moyo makes the case that the west can't afford to rest on its laurels and imagine others will blindly follow. Instead, a different model, embodied by China, is increasingly appealing. A call for open-minded political and economic cooperation in the name of transforming the world.


The following weekly agenda is a guide to what is intended to take place in class this week. However, due to many circumstances, the agenda can get changed. Usually, the agenda is pushed back a day. Thus, what is due on Friday might be pushed back to Monday. Thank you and I hope you appreciate this weekly guide.

THIS IS BBQ 18 for the Russian Revolution Unit
1) Students will create their own question to research and write about. 
They will put their ID number in the top right corner, NOT their name.

2) Type a 1-2 page paper SINGLE SPACE
Avoid useless words and sentences. Recall Orwell's 4 Rules for Writing
    1) What am I trying to say? 
    2) How can I say it? 
    3) Does it make sense?  
For more insight than any normal high school student might care about read
Orwell's essay: Politics and the English Language  

3) Students should pick a specific topic they are interested in.
(Suggestions include - Russian Revolution, Lenin, Stalin, Communism, Totalitarianism, Propaganda, Control Methods, Dystopian Books & Films: Animal Farm, 1984, Brave New World, Gatekeepers: people who write about RR, Stalin, Childhood of leaders, Family Life of Famous, Any Detail that interests you like the death of someone, the gulags, Etc.)

4) Students should avoid merely writing a descriptive essay that reads like wikipedia. See the student samples posted in Mr P's classroom wall. 
 (Mr P already knows when Stalin was born and other basics. Students will receive a "0" if they write a standard descriptive essay. Students should determine an interesting angle to write about. Mr. P’s essay rules apply. Purpose Evidence Development)   

5) All papers should include the following:
A) At least 1 quote. -Not at start or end. Always start and end with your own words
B) At least 1 document - This is evidence as Mr. P’s essay rules apply. Purpose Evidence  Development) 
       1) Dors for Evidence -Use Documents from power pt on Stalin's  Totalitarian Worksheet  
       2) Docs for Evidence:  PDF on Stalin's Russia 1924-1939
       3) Docs for Evidence: Stalin's personal world - Super insightful article from New Yorker Magazine about Svetlana (Stalin's Daughter) who died in 2011 at an old folks home in Wisconsin with something like... was it $60 in her bank account?
C) As much Vocab as possible - This is evidence as Mr. P’s essay rules apply. Purpose Evidence Development)   
D) Refer to Flow Chart Lesson or Stalin Video  or Textbook- This is evidence as Mr. P’s essay rules apply. Purpose Evidence Development) 
E) Development - Quality explanation in your own words which explain why you are using A-D to answer your BBQ question -DEVELOPMENT is huge as Mr. P’s essay rules apply. Purpose Evidence Development)       

6) The following topics are merely suggestions:
a) Why should 15 yr olds know about Stalin?
Explain & justify your opinion using vocab words.
b) Is Totalitarianism alive today or a thing of the past? Provide evidence to back your claim
c) What should a 15 year old in 2011 know & understand about Revolutions (Russian)? Write as if you are writing a warning essay to 15 yr olds in the future.
d) What is the ideal society?
e) Why do people revolt?
f) How do revolutionary ideals change over time? Explain.
g) What if Lenin would have lived to 74, would the world even have heard of Stalin?
h) Tracing mishaps in US and Russian relations during 1917-1945
i) How might Stalin's childhood have influenced his leadership and how he treated his own family?
Any suggestions for other possible student essay topics? 
Email Mr P with your essay topic idea.
1st place = 100 Karma Points     2nd place = 50 Karma Points    3rd Place = 25 Karma Points
Mr. P’s essay rules apply. Purpose Evidence Development

NO SCHOOL! If bored, watch this documentary video by a former P-Villian.