Monday, October 22, 2018

Unit 4 = 2018 Autocracy & Democracy
Unit 3 = World Myths, Religions & Philosophy
Unit 2 = Foundation Lessons
Unit 1 = Geography (Retake Exams still offered)

Greetings and welcome Mr P's Website for the 2018-2019 school year.


AUTOCRACY & DEMOCRACY is the next unit. Students will spend about 2 weeks on this unit. There will be a total of 7 assignments. At the conclusion of the unit, students will turn in their unit packet (assignments 1-7) for points. Each assignment should be completed as they are assigned during the unit. Below is the order of the assignments 1-7 so that students can keep their unit work organized.

1) Table of Contents (TOC)
2) Nader's Deserted Island (Omit) - This transformed into your BBQs questions for unit.
3) Scenarios / Spectrum 
4) Vocabulary Worksheet
.....a) Milie's 2008 Power Pt Vocab Game Email Milie and tell her thanks for helping you out
.....b) Vocab List and Vocab Game Point System
.....c) Watch Vocab Game Instructional Video - So you will know how to play in class
5) Timeline
6) Historical Figures - Front Page includes John Locke & Back Page includes King Louis XIV
.....a) Historical Figure Group Prep & Instructions
.....b) Biographical Briefing of Historical Figures - Forgot some info, want to read them again, absent, etc?
7) NO QuickWrite: Which historical figure's ideas do you like the most? Why are those ideas better than others? - Be prepared to speak on such matter.
7a) Discussion Notes (Worksheet) & Discussion Questions (Power Point)

Some BBQs for the Unit. These are the grand questions that are a sort of glue that sticks to all the various parts to the unit. Hence, it brings all the parts of the unit together and hopefully makes sense of it all. 
1) What makes a good society?
2) What is the good life?
3) What is the ideal form of government?

FRIDAY October 19, 2018
1) Nader's Island - For over a decade, students vote this one of World History's Top 5 lessons

Do the BEFORE part of your BBQ #3 questions for this unit. What did you think BEFORE studying or considering these questions.
1) What makes a good society?
2) What is the good life?
3) What is the ideal form of government?

MONDAY October 22, 2018
BBQ #2 - Myths, Religion & Philosophy - Time Writing in class

TUESDAY October 23, 2018
1) Do the BEFORE part of your BBQ questions for this unit. What did you think BEFORE studying or considering these questions.
A) What makes a good society?
B) What is the good life?
C) What is the ideal form of government?

2) Intro to Auto & Demo / TOC (Assign #1)
3) Scenarios / Spectrum (Assign #3)
4) Vocab 1-33 (Assign #4) – Complete by end of unit. Have in class each day as Mr P will demonstrate vocab words each day. Or refer to student legacy projects for help. Write your definitions in PENCIL in case you need to change them. Always, put your vocab in your own words. Do NOT copy a definition directly. That is plagiarism and also CHEATING.
5) Start - Timeline (Assign #5)


A) Work on and Study Vocab (Assign #4) –  Milie's 2008 Power Pt Vocab Game
B) Do the BEFORE part of your BBQ questions for this unit. What did you think BEFORE studying or considering these questions.
A) What makes a good society?
B) What is the good life?
C) What is the ideal form of government?

WEDNESDAY October 24, 2018
1) Timeline – Greeks and Romans
2) Vocab - work on

A) Work on and Study Vocab (Assign #4) –  Milie's 2008 Power Pt Vocab Game
B) Complete Timeline (Assign #5) – Due Friday

EXTRA GREEK STUFF --- This is NOT required work
e) Yale's Professor Kagan's Greek Lectures - This is for students who enjoy and want to learn more about Ancient Greece. This is NOT required work.
f) Read Plato’s - Allegory of the Cave… if you want. Just some extra reading. This is not required work.
g) Don't like reading? Watch an animated version of Allegory of the Cave.
h) BBC Documentary: What the Ancient Greeks did for us? (1 hour)
i)  BBC Documentary: Ancient Worlds - Who were the Greeks (1 hour)

THURSDAY October 25, 2018
1) Timeline – Greeks and Romans
2) Vocab - work on

A) Work on and Study Vocab (Assign #4) –   Milie's 2008 Power Pt Vocab Game
B) Read Plato’s - Allegory of the Cave… if you want. Just some extra reading. This is not required work.

FRIDAY October 26, 2018
1) Model Milie's 2008 Power Pt Vocab Game
2) Allegory of the Cave
3) Timeline – Romans -US Constitution
a) Fall of Rome
b) Visigoths
c) Rome & US - Fall of Rome Annotation
d) Ask P is he is going to do the Roman Empire Radio Broadcast for Extra Credit
4) Vocab - work on


A) Complete Auto Demo Timeline (Due Friday)
B) Work on and Study Vocab (Assign #4) –  Milie's 2008 Power Pt Vocab Game

MONDAY October 29, 2018
3) Timeline – Romans -US Constitution
a) Fall of Rome
b) Visigoths
c) Rome & US - Fall of Rome Annotation
d) Ask P is he is going to do the Roman Empire Radio Broadcast for Extra Credit
4) Vocab - work on

TUESDAY October 30, 2018
1) Vocab Game Instructional Video?
2) Investigation: Rome & US
3) Complete Timeline
4) Groups become Experts on Historical Figures of Autocracy & Democracy


WEDNESDAY October 31, 2018
Due to "Modernization" of Building #3, there are no longer window blinds in Mr P's Room. This means the room can no longer be made dark. Unfortunately, this year there will be NO continuing of the long standing tradition of Mr P's Halloween Sub appearing in Room 3301 to teach the History of Halloween and provide a good spooky time.

1) Auto Demo Historical Figures (Assign #6)
2) Group Prep for Historical Figures Mini-Presentation
3) Vocab Game Instructional Video

A) Work on and Study Vocab (Assign #4) –  Milie's 2008 Power Pt Vocab Game
B) Watch Vocab Game Instructional Video - So you will know how to play in class

THURSDAY November 1, 2018
1) Auto Demo Historical Figures (Assign #6)
2) Historical Figures - Front Page includes John Locke & Back Page includes King Louis XIV
.....a) Historical Figure Group Prep & Instructions for Mini-Presentations
.....b) Biographical Briefing of Historical Figures - Forgot some info, want to read them again, absent, etc?
3) Vocab Game Instructional Video

A) Work on and Study Vocab (Assign #4) – Milie's 2008 Power Pt Vocab Game

FRIDAY November 2, 2018
1) Any Questions about How Vocab Game Works?
2) Expert Groups Present their Historical Figure

A) Work on and Study Vocab (Assign #4) – Milie's 2008 Power Pt Vocab Game
B) Be ready to present your Historical figure
C) Vocab Game Instructional Video

D) LEGACY PROJECT: Check out these Legacy Projects on the Auto vs Democracy Historical Figures done by students from the past:

1) Cory Gehr's 2010 Autocracy Democracy Time Travel
2) Bill & Ed Show 2000 Autocracy Democracy Historical Interviews
3) Who will make an even greater short film? Is it you? Would you rather do a cool meaningful final project than a final exam? Think about making a short youtube clip like this to show Mr P you have technical skill. Yet, before you start doing anything, scroll down to read over the Legacy Project Information.

MONDAY November 5, 2018
1) Conclude Group Presentations of their Historical Figure
2) Review Vocab
3) Start Vocab Game

A) Study for Vocab Game (Thurs) -- (Vocab List & Point System)
B) Auto v Demo Packet - Assigns 1-6 should be completed
C) Auto v Demo Discussion Day Questions & Worksheet (Assign 7)

TUESDAY November 6, 2018
1) Vocab Game (Vocab List & Point System)
2) Review Discussion Day Questions / Procedures & Worksheet

A) Auto v Demo Packet - Assigns 1-6 should be completed Auto v Demo Assignments 1-7 are due TBA
B) Prepare for the Discussion Day with PBS Legacy Video
C) Extra viewing: How Nepal's youth discuss if democracy is the best form of government

WEDNESDAY November 7, 2018
1) Auto v Demo Discussion Day (Assign 7) - Do well in the discussion and avoid having to do an essay. More details to follow in class. Pay Attention!

A) Auto v Demo Assignments 1-7 are due Thursday
B) Watch Alex & Mel's 2016 Legacy Essay Basics Video - for how to write your Auto & Demo BBQ
C) Prepare for the Discussion Day with PBS Legacy Video
D) Extra viewing: How Nepal's youth discuss if democracy is the best form of government

A) Essay Video Notes while watching Essay Bunch and to guide your essay writing.
B) Watch the Essay Bunch video for tips for how to write an essay in Mr P's Class.
C) Essay Intro and body paragraph samples

This videos below are extra support for writing an essay. Be sure to watch the Essay Bunch above before watching these videos below. Also, if there is any contradictions between the Essay Bunch and the videos posted below it is best to follow the Essay Notes for the Essay Bunch.

1) How to write a good essay?
2) Walking Through the 5 Paragraph Essay
3) 5 Paragraph Essay - Essay Basics
4) Short Video with Nice Mapping of Essay for Visual Learners

THURSDAY November 8, 2018
1) What shall we do with all that was learned from Auto & Demo / DOD selection
3) Nomination Process 
4) Begin Most Radical Nerds Unit


For everything that is P-Ville, check out this blog to get informed.

1) Instructional Video for Supreme Council / Committees / Debates
2) Bird's Tutorial for Supreme Council Website
3) Daily Announcements Instructional Video
4) P Stock Market Tutorial Video 
5) La Rue's DOD Advisory Video 

FRIDAY November 9, 2018
1) TBA

MONDAY November 12, 2018
Veteran Day Holiday - No School